
wù wàng cǎo
  • forget-me-not
勿忘草[wù wàng cǎo]
  1. 它右下方的很小的班点是一粒勿忘草花粉。

    The tiny speck at its lower right is a grain of forget-me-not pollen .

  2. 在特殊的日子里,人们常常用玫瑰或勿忘草来表达爱意。

    On special days , people often use roses or forget-me-nots to express love .

  3. 勿忘草任一种勿忘草属草本植物,有一簇簇的小蓝花烈日当空照,勿忘晒干草。

    Any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Myosotis , having clusters of small blue flowers . Make hay while the sun shines .