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  1. 本文对板采用四结点分层板弯曲单元,对柱采用八结点六面体等参单元,建立了钢筋混凝土板柱节点有限元非线性计算模型,编制了反复荷载下钢筋混凝土非线性有限元计算程序。

    By the use of four-node layered finite elements for slab and three-dimensional isoparametric finite elements for column a nonlinear reinforced concrete finite element analysis model is established .

  2. 用滑框倒模工艺施工煤矿井塔,进行了组合钢模板在塔壁、壁柱、内八形角等部位的设计。

    This article is about how to construct coal mining shaft tower with sliding frame reversing mould construction , which includes combined steel mould design for tower wall , pilaster , and inner octagonal location .