
qiāng dàn
  • cartridge;bullet;gunshot;projectile;riflery
枪弹 [qiāng dàn]
  • [bullet] 又称子弹,供枪使用的弹药。由弹头、弹壳、发射药、底火等组成

枪弹[qiāng dàn]
  1. 犬颅脑枪弹伤后神经细胞凋亡及c-myc的表达

    Expression of c-myc and neuron apoptosis in canine brain after craniocerebral gunshot wound

  2. Fos蛋白和Jun蛋白在犬颅脑枪弹伤局部脑组织的表达

    Expression of c-fos and c-jun in local cerebral tissues of canines with craniocerebral gunshot wounds

  3. 战斗激烈进行时,枪弹密如雨点。

    While the battle raged , the bullets flew thick as hail .

  4. 枪弹穿入他的身体。

    A bullet entered his body .

  5. 枪弹打伤了他的肩膀。

    The bullet wounded him in the shoulder .

  6. 枪弹由激发时尖锐的枪声在远处也会变成低沉的轰响。

    The sharp crack of gunfire turns into a dull rumble at great distance .

  7. 我感到他的心就象一只被枪弹击中而濒于死亡的鸟的心脏一样在跳动着。

    I felt his heart beating like the heart of a dying bird , shot with someone 's rifle …

  8. 普通枪弹弹头CAD中的统一结构体法

    United Structure System Method of Normal Bullets CAD

  9. 线阵CCD枪弹姿态实时测试系统软件设计

    Software Design of Measurement System of Bullet Attitude Based on Linear CCD

  10. 线阵CCD测量水下枪弹速度的方法

    A Method of Underwater Gun 's Bullet Velocity Measuring with Linear Scan CCD

  11. 高速枪弹伤时内皮细胞内皮素释放及mRNA转录的变化

    Changes in Release and mRNA Transcription of ET 1 from Endothelium after High Velocity Bullet Wounds

  12. 高原颅脑枪弹伤肺部损伤远达效应CT及HRCT影像病理对照研究

    Lung Remote Effect of Craniocerebral Penetrating Wounds Caused at High Altitude : Comparative Study on HRCT and Pathology

  13. 人体皮肤枪弹创局部组织中5-HT的免疫组化研究

    Immunohistochemical Study of 5-HT on Gunshot Wound of Human Skin

  14. 高原肝脏枪弹伤致肺间接损伤的CT表现和病理对照研究结论颌面部爆炸伤与枪弹伤伤情均较重,损伤特点有所差异。

    Correlative study of CT and pathological findings in lungs following hepatic firearm injury at high altitude area Conclusion Neither blast injury nor firearm injury was seriously wounded in maxillofacial region .

  15. 目的探讨高原颅脑枪弹伤肺部远达效应的CT及HRCT表现及其病理基础。

    Objective To detect the HRCT imaging features and their pathological basis of lung 's remote effects induced by craniocerbral penetrating wounds at high altitude .

  16. 大黄提取物治疗犬肢体枪弹伤后脑神经元c-fos基因表达变化

    Alteration of c-fos gene expression in cerebral neuron with rhubarb extracts therapy following canine gunshot wounds in the limb

  17. 犬颅脑枪弹伤后血清TGF-α、NSE含量变化及意义

    Changes and significance of serum TGF - α and NSE levels after craniocerebral gunshot injury in dogs

  18. 【目的】研究犬枪弹伤后脑组织中热休克蛋白70(Heatshockprotein70,HSP70)和bcl-2的变化规律。

    【 Objective 】 To investigate the expression and changes of heat shock protein ( HSP70 ) and bcl2 in brain following craniocerebral gunshot wound in canine .

  19. 应用对称TVD格式模拟枪弹绕流

    Numerical simulation of cartridge flow with symmetric TVD

  20. 亚低温治疗犬颅脑枪弹伤后局部脑组织c-jun蛋白的表达

    Expression of c-jun protein in local cerebral tissue after mild hypothermia treatment of craniocerebral gunshot wounds in dogs

  21. 目的探讨中药大黄治疗犬肢体高能量枪弹伤后脑神经元CFos基因表达的变化。

    Objective To investigate the expression and change of regulation of c-fos gene on cerebral cortex after rhubarb extracts therapy following high-energy gunshot wounds in the extremity of dogs .

  22. 目的:探讨犬颅脑枪弹伤后细胞内Ca2+与c-Fos表达变化的规律。

    AIM : To study the changes of neuron intracellular Ca2 + and c Fos expression after craniocerebral gunshot wounds in canines .

  23. 上述实验结果提示高速枪弹伤GR缺陷可能是继发的心、肺损伤的分子病理学特征。

    The result suggested that GR disturbance might be the molecular patho-logical characteristic of the secondary injuries to heart and lung .

  24. 方法:用ELISA方法检测犬颌面枪弹伤后血中不同时间点TNF-α、IL-6的表达变化情况。

    Methods : Before and after gunshot wounds , concentration of TNF α and IL 6 in the plasma of dogs were assessed by ELISA method at different times .

  25. 大黄提取物对犬肢体枪弹伤后脑神经元c-Jun蛋白表达变化的影响

    Effect of rhubarb extract on changes of c-Jun expression in cerebral neurons of canines with gunshot wounds in the limbs

  26. 结论:中药大黄提取液能够抑制肢体枪弹伤后脑神经元c-Jun蛋白的表达。

    CONCLUSION Rhubarb extracts can inhibit expression of c-Jun protein in cerebral neurons of canines with gunshot wounds in the limbs .

  27. 结论颅脑枪弹伤后全身亚低温治疗能够抑制脑神经元c-jun蛋白的表达。

    Conclusion Overall mild hypothermia after craniocerebral gunshot wounds can restrain the expression of c-jun protein in brain neurons in dogs .

  28. 目的:探讨IL-6、IL-8和TNF-α的表达对枪弹伤伤口愈合的影响和意义。

    Objective : To study the relationship between interleukin ( IL ) 6 , IL 8 , tumor necrosis factor alpha ( TNF α) and wound healing .

  29. 目的:探讨高速枪弹伤时产生的强压力波对血管内皮细胞内皮素(ET-1)的释放及基因表达的影响。

    Aim : To investigate the changes in an release and gene expression of Endothelin ( ET 1 ) from endothelium affected by a stronger pressure wave after high velocity bullet wounds .

  30. 弹体底厚对PELE枪弹横向效应的影响

    The Influence of the Bottom Thickness of Bullet to Lateral Efficiency of Large-Caliber PELE Bullet