
méi jǔ fǎ
  • enumeration method
  1. 根据模型特点,采用隐枚举法求解该问题。

    An implicit enumeration method was used to solve the problem .

  2. 管网系统抗震优化设计的正交枚举法

    Orthogonal enumeration method for the optimum design of pipeline system

  3. N个工件在M台机器上加工最优排序方法研究&部分优势枚举法

    A study of optimal sorting method in machining n parts in M machines & partial enumerating method

  4. 结合AHP方法,采用正交枚举法作为优化工具,得到建设项目组合优化的决策方案,可大大减少计算工作量。

    Combining with AHP , the difficulty of solving combinational optimization of railway construction items is largely reduced by using orthogonal enumeration method .

  5. 基于隐枚举法的求解过程,本文编写了相应的C语言程序代码,结合实际的电网进行实验验证,在潮流计算的基础上可以得到有效的结果。

    Based on the solving process of implicit enumeration method , it writes the matching C language secure code , being tied with practical electric network to carry on experiment verification , based on the power flow calculation , it is able to get the valid result .

  6. Credal网络推理的一种不完全枚举法

    Inference in Credal networks through enumeration incompletely

  7. 文中将基于可靠性分析技术的枚举法和基于序列二次规划的最优潮流算法相结合,用于求解电力系统不同区域间的最大输电能力(TTC)及其概率分布。

    An optimal power flow ( OPF ) technique based on the sequential quadratic programming ( SQP ) and the enumeration method for power system reliability analysis are utilized to calculate total transfer capabilities ( TTCs ) of interconnected power systems and their probability distributions .

  8. 针对Benders分解法求解效率不高的问题,求解主问题时利用了机组检修连续性的特点,对Balas隐枚举法中的前向搜索部分和回溯部分进行了改进;

    Several methods are used to increase the efficiency of the Benders decomposition method . The continuity of generator maintenance is used to modify the forward detection part and the backup trace part of the implicit enumeration method to solve the master problem .

  9. 隐枚举法在矿山设备选型优化设计中的应用

    Optimal design of quantity and type of equipment with implicit enumeration

  10. 基于马尔可夫链和故障枚举法的可用输电能力计算

    Available Transfer Capability Calculation Based on Markov Chain and Enumeration Method

  11. 利用枚举法等离散优化方法,确定最优公路网规划方案。

    Through the enumeration method , the optimum plan can be found .

  12. 基于二进制转换的0-1规划隐枚举法

    Hide List Method for 0-1 Programming Based on Binary Conversion

  13. 枚举法与动态规划法结合优化田间管网

    Combining enumeration and dynamic programming to optimize the field pipe-net

  14. 枚举法只适用于离散变量的优化。

    Enumeration methods are only applicable to dispersed variable optimization .

  15. 例举了几种典型的良性隐式枚举法和近隐式枚举法。

    Several typical well-implied enumeration methods and near-implicit enumeration methods are illustrated .

  16. 采用二部图及其复盖建立数学模型,再用隐枚举法求解该模型。

    Secondly , the implicit enumeration method for solving the models is proposed .

  17. 基于正交枚举法的格构式构件设计方案优选

    The optimization of lattice structures ' project based on the orthogonal enumeration method

  18. 采用枚举法和计算机编程求解,得到效益最大化的调合方案;

    The most beneficial blending scheme is obtained through enumeration method and computer programming .

  19. 扫描算法中部份枚举法的效果

    Effects of Partial Enumeration in Sweep Algorithm

  20. 在求解算法上,提出隐枚举法与网络单纯形法相结合的求解方法。

    We also present an algorithm based on implicit enumeration and simplex method on network .

  21. 这里介绍一个本质上是属于枚举法的系统程序。

    Here we describe a systematic procedure which is basically " enumeration " in nature .

  22. 利用枚举法分析典型草原区退化群落的空间变化

    Analysis of the Spatial Change of Degraded Communities in Typical Steppe Using Statistical Enumeration Method

  23. 该模型是一个0-1整数规划,用枚举法可以容易地求解。

    The model is an integral programming and can be easily solved by enumerating method .

  24. 构造了台阶轴锻件形状优化的离散变量直接搜集算法,并与枚举法结果相比较,以实例验证了算法的可靠性。

    Compared with enumeration approach , the discrete variable direct searching algorithm seems efficient and reliable .

  25. 针对求解过程中的数学病态性,采用高斯函数约束枚举法进行正则化约束计算。

    Regarding the ill posed problems , a regulation method is given by enumerating gauss function .

  26. 用穷举法和隐枚举法解0-1型整数规划问题时,常常遇到组合爆炸问题。

    The combination explosion problem is common in solving 0-1 integer programming with enumeration and implicit enumeration ways .

  27. 已有的采样方法主要有四种:光线跟踪法、延拓法、枚举法和粒子方法。

    The existed sampling methods mainly include four kinds : ray-casting method , continuation , enumeration and particle method .

  28. 把模型的变量转化为二进制变量,并用隐枚举法求出最优解。

    All variables were translated into binary variables , and implicit enumeration method was developed to solve the model .

  29. 对放射形专用线非直达车流取送车问题进行了分析,提出了不利方案的判别条件和基于枚举法的中断时间方案筛选法。

    The problem of delivering and fetching non-through wagon flows for the dedicated industrial lines distributed in actinoid shape is studied .

  30. 与利用枚举法寻找最优解的方式相比,这两种次优算法大大降低了求解过程的计算复杂度。

    Two suboptimal solution algorithms are proposed , which greatly reduce the computational complexity of the optimal algorithm , i.e. , the enumeration method .