- 网络Woodstorage

We should speed up the areas of the forest resources to increase and quicken the forest storing up in order to make its'speed rise again .
The correlation regression showed that they had notable linear correlation relationship between the sand-wind Weather indexes ( strong wind days per year , the elevating sand days and the dust storm days ) and protection forest indexes ( protection forest area , protection forest volume ) .
The paper has done researches on forensic methods in measuring the forest area and timber volume . It also advocates specific identification methods should be taken based on different cases as to improve identification accuracy , uniform appraisal standards and provisions and set them in the law .
The yield from felling less than the increment of stand and the volume decreased 27 . 03 % .
Although present annual amount of growing stock is increasing , annual amount of growing stock in whole region changes in a big margin , which is effected by some factors .
Application of Data Warehouse Technology in Forest Resources Statistic Analysis
Taking the establishment of forest resources area and cumulative statistics analysis as an example , the paper also discusses data warehouse design of forest resources and data warehouse 's application in forest resources statistic analysis .