
  1. 基于GIS技术的区域林地生产力估测与分区

    Calculation and Division of Regional Forestry Land Productivity Based on GIS

  2. 因此建议在树体增大后,在行间、株间中线上布设井字形地下滴管,以扩大地下滴灌(SDI)区根系分布和吸收范围,进一步提高林地生产力。

    So it is suggested that droppers having the shape of " # " should be collocated in the middle of two rows and two individual trees in order to increase the distributing and absorbing range of root under SDI , and further increase the plantation productivity .

  3. 森林采伐更新作业与林地生产力的维护

    Regeneration of forest cutting and maintenance of forest soil production

  4. 加强森林资源管理提高林地生产力

    Intensifying the Management of Forest Resources and Raising the Productivity of Forest Lands

  5. 黄土高原森林水文效应及林地生产力研究

    Researches of forest hydrological effect and forest land productivity in the Loess Plateau

  6. 紫花苜蓿覆盖培肥了地力并提高了林地生产力。

    The alfalfa mulching ( T1 ) had improved the fertility and stand productivity .

  7. 林地生产力和经济效益显著提高。

    The woodland productivity was enhanced .

  8. 农林间作是提高林地生产力水平的重要措施。

    Combination of forestry and agricultural crops is an important measure to increase productive capacity on area .

  9. 其配套措施的实施,有利于林地生产力的提高,也将提高森林经理工作水平。

    So the matched measures were put in practice in favor of enhancement of forest productivity and forest management level .

  10. 2全面推进以提高竹林质量和林地生产力为主,外延扩大生产为辅的资源增长方式;

    To push on the economy increasing mode of promotion bamboo forest quality and productivity principally , epitaxy for the enlargement of production ;

  11. 第八,加强科技发展,促进林业科技进步,提高林地生产力,改善森林质量。

    Eighth , to enhance forest productivity and improve forest quality , scientific and technological development should strengthened , the promotion of forestry scientific and technological progress should be improved .

  12. 人工林经营是培育森林资源的重要组成部分,对巩固造林绿化成果,提高森林质量和林地生产力有极为重要的意义。

    Man-made forest management is an important component of forest resources cultivation and has important significance to the consolidation of greening achievements , the promotion of the forest quality and productive force of forestland .

  13. 根据森林资源可持续发展的要求.分析了采运作业可能引起林地生产力下降的因素。

    According to the requests of forest sustainable development , the author analyzes the factors of harvesting causing the production dropped down and presents the ways to slower the dropped process of production of forest soil .

  14. 通过杨树与豆科乔、灌木树种混交以及轮作等生物措施,定量研究不同处理对土壤营养元素和林地生产力的影响。

    Through the intercropping of poplar with legume , arbors and shrubs and the rotational cropping of poplar , the effects of different treatments on the soil nutrient elements and the forest land productivity were studied quantitatively .

  15. 缺少资金投入等问题。为此提出重视生态建设,科学经营,提高林地生产力,搞好六大林业工程建设,带动林业跨越式发展等对策。

    Aiming at those problems , some strategies including paying more attention on eco-construction , using scientific management approach , increasing the capacity of forestland , focusing on important forest engineering , and promoting great-leap-forward development were proposed .

  16. 树木生长改善和林地生产力提高的生理机制是地下滴灌可促进树木光合作用和水分利用效率。

    The physiological mechanism of improving the growth of trees and increasing the productivity of forest land was the subterranean drip irrigation , by which the photosynthesis and water use efficiency of trees grown in the plantation would be promoted .

  17. 其次从灌木树种遗传改良、灌木树种的育苗及栽培经营技术、灌木林的高效利用技术、灌木林地生产力和生态系统维护技术等4个方面阐述了灌木林资源培育技术的研究现状与趋势;

    And secondly , the progress of research on the technologies of shrub resources cultivation and utilization are discussed in four aspects , such as shrub genetic improvement , breeding and planting technologies , high efficient utilization technologies , shrubland productivity and ecosystem maintenance technologies .

  18. 随着市场经济的进展与国民经济发展的角度来看尚存在不足,林地生产力偏低,加工企业小而分散,新产品开发滞后,企业效益下降。

    But with the development of market oriented economy , seeing from the angle of national economic development , it still exists drawbacks , for example , low forest land productivity , small and scattered processing enterprise , lagging behind of new product exploitation , enterprise profits down .

  19. 人工诱导的异龄复层阔叶红松林,通过适时上层抚育间伐,能使林分垂直结构合理,针阔比例适宜,促进各层林木生长,提高林地生产力。

    Tending and thinning timely in upper layers in man-made inducing unevenaged multilayered broadleaved Pinus koraiensis forests could make perpendicular structures of stands rational , proportion of coniferous and broadleaved tree species suitable , and improve growth of trees in each layers and raise productivity of forest land .

  20. 但是,云南松林中80%为同龄纯林,组成简单、生物多样性低,林分稳定性较差,林木分化严重、密度不合理,不能充分利用林地生产力。

    But 80 % yunnan pine forests are pure forests with same age , its structure is simple and biodiversity is low , its stability is not good , its differentiation is serious and its density is irrational , so the forest land productivity cannot be used fully .

  21. 基于RS和GIS林地植被生产力估测研究

    Study on the Technology of Forest Vegetation Productivity Monitoring Based on RS and GIS

  22. 经营措施对林地长期生产力影响的研究策略

    Research Strategies for Determining the Effects of Management Practices on Long-term Productivity

  23. 并研制出云杉多因素数量化生境质量评定表和云杉多因素数量化生境质量等级评定表,可直接预测无林地生境生产力及更新后林木生长效果。

    And the site quality evaluation table and site quality grade evaluation table are made , which are capable to directly predict the non-woodland productivity capacity and the growth impression .

  24. GIS支持下的福建省林地气候潜在生产力空间分异与分区

    Variance and division of climate potential productivity of forestry land in Fujian by GIS

  25. 青海大通退耕还林地林分水分生产力研究

    Water productivity of plantations in removal land from cultivation to afforestation in Datong of Qinghai

  26. 全树利用及其短轮伐期经营制度是导致林地养分衰竭和生产力下降的主要原因。

    It is believed that all tree utilization and short rotation system were main factors responsible for nutrient depletion and productivity decline of the stand sites .

  27. 杉木的化感作用已经得到国内外学者的证实,其自身化感物质的积累可以导致杉木林地地力衰退,生产力下降。

    Allelopathy of Chinese fir ( Cunninghamia lamcealata ( lamb . ) Hook ) has been confirmed by the domestic scholars . The accumulation of autoxins can result in land degradation and productivity decline in Chinese fir plantations .

  28. 根据海拔、坡度、坡向、土壤厚度和土壤肥力等因子把林地划分为若干个生产力类型,运用线性规划模型求解出各林种树种与林地生产力类型的最佳匹配方案,以获得最大的生态经济效益。

    This paper classified the forest land several types of productive forces and made out a solution by which the tree species and forest category matched optimally the types of productive forces of forest land according to model of linear programming .

  29. 作为混交树种,在混交林中发挥着改善林地养分及水分状况,维持地力,提高林地生产力,很好地促进主要树种生长的重要作用。

    As a species of mixed forests , nitrogen fixation trees play an important role in improving forest land nutrient and moisture status , maintaining soil productivity , enhancing forest land productivity , and accelerating main species growth .

  30. 林地价格评估以地位级指数为主要依据,采用林地生产力评估法、比较法和比例法。

    The evaluation of forest land price is based on the index of site class , and adopts evaluation , comparison and proportion methods on productive forces of forest land .