- 名polar head

Because amphiphilic molecules have a polar head , the electrostatic interaction plays an important role on ions and film .
Thus , the secretory PLD is a promising catalyst for synthesizing new phospholipids possessing various polar head groups that show versatile physiological functions and may be utilized in food , cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries .
The inclusion complex carries a polar head group of OP and its solubility greatly increases in aqueous solution .
While the pH value is upon 9.50 , the E is decreased with the pH increasing because more and more OH-compete with hyperoside for combining to CTAB polar terminal .
This is due to the strong electrostatic interactions between the oppositely charged headgroups . ( 2 ) The system of C16MPB / SDBS forms ATPS within a narrow range near equimolar ratio .
The optimum sampling conditions were investigated , including the polarity of fiber coating , sample amount , equilibrium temperature and time etc.
According to the total sampling effects , 65 μ m CW-DVB fiber is more desirable for the analysis of aroma constituents from cut tobacco of cigarettes .