
  • 网络cricket match
  1. 我不准备去参加这次员工板球比赛—我不喜欢把工作和娱乐混为一谈。

    I won 't be coming to the staff cricket match – I prefer not to mix business with pleasure .

  2. 这次板球比赛是由一家烟草公司赞助的。

    The cricket match is being sponsored by a cigarette company .

  3. 板球比赛能激起观众热情的地方很少。

    There was precious little about the cricket to animate the crowd

  4. 完全没有证据表明观众想看时间更长的板球比赛。情况恰恰相反。

    There is absolutely no evidence at all that spectators want longer cricket matches . Quite the reverse

  5. 罗宾·史密斯得到167分,创下了英格兰击球手在这类板球比赛中的最高得分纪录。

    Robin Smith made 167 , the highest score by an England batsman in this form of cricket

  6. 每逢我们安排一场板球比赛,天就下雨。

    As sure as we arrange a cricket match , it rains .

  7. 得到板球比赛获胜所需要的分数

    Knock off the runs needed to win a cricket match

  8. 板球比赛因光线欠佳而停止。

    Play in the cricket match was stopped because of bad light .

  9. 应用上商店最引人注目的板球比赛!

    The most compelling cricket game on the app store !

  10. 他12岁就代表他所在的县参加了板球比赛。

    At the age of12 , he represented his county at cricket .

  11. 在棒球或板球比赛中担任外野员。

    Play as a fielder , in baseball or cricket .

  12. 女孩们邀请男孩子进行板球比赛。

    The girls challenged the boys to a cricket match .

  13. 我当过他们的板球比赛的裁判。

    I 've umpired a cricket match for them .

  14. 板球比赛的持续时间也比棒球赛来得长。

    Cricket matches also last longer than baseball games .

  15. 板球比赛因天雨而取消。

    The cricket match was washed out by rain .

  16. 他参加了对澳大利亚的第一场板球比赛。

    He played in the first test against australia .

  17. 他们在做板球比赛。

    They are playing a match at cricket .

  18. 正相反完全没有证据表明观众想看时间更长的板球比赛。

    There is absolutely no evidence at all that spectators want longer cricket matches .

  19. 在板球比赛中,击球手通常需要点运气才能打出不错的击球局。

    In cricket batsmen often need a slice of luck to build a decent innings .

  20. 办公室一边的长架子上摆满了板球比赛胜利品。

    A long shelf on one side of the office is filled with cricket trophies .

  21. 我看了一个下午的板球比赛。

    I spent the afternoon watching cricket .

  22. 他们开始进行板球比赛。

    They instituted a cricket competition .

  23. 澳大利亚队在板球比赛中击败了加拿大队。

    Australia beat Canada at cricket .

  24. 我把收音机带到办公室,这样我就能收听板球比赛。

    I 've brought my radio to the office so I can listen to the cricket .

  25. 板球比赛还在进行。

    The cricket is in play .

  26. 不过对于真正的板球迷来说,连续看板球比赛五天听起来再美妙不过了。

    For a true cricket fan , though , five days of watching cricket sounds heavenly .

  27. 板球比赛中每次跑动都很关键。

    Every run counts in cricket .

  28. 拉罗汤加的板球比赛,在艾图塔基岛的阿鲁坦加村举行。

    Game of cricket between Rarotonga , Aitutaki takes place at sports ground in small viallage of Arutanga .

  29. 冰上曲棍球比赛中,球员在冰上周旋,用球杆把球击入球门。板球比赛还在进行。

    In ice hockey the players skate around the ice and try to make a goal with the puck . The cricket is in play .

  30. 当我去观看一流的板球比赛时,我喜欢听老手们讲述几年来这项比赛的演变过程。

    When I go to a first-class cricket match , I like listening to the old timers saying how the game has changed over the years .