
  • 网络Jay;John Jay;Jay-Z;Jaye
  1. 我起初认为杰伊一直在挑起事端。

    I thought at first that Jay had been stirring things up .

  2. 杰伊一贯和他的女朋友们保持距离。

    Jay had always tended to keep his girlfriends at a distance .

  3. 杰伊点点头,笑容慢慢隐去了。

    Jay nodded , his smile fading .

  4. 她本该在和沃克联手进入这一行之前先征得杰伊的同意。

    She should have squared things with Jay before she went into this business with Walker .

  5. 杰伊朗读诗歌很动听。

    Jay reads poetry so beautifully

  6. 杰伊想要写作。

    Jay wanted to write

  7. 现如今,不论哪位雇员的背部或肩膀疼,都可以直接去找杰伊先生,费用由公司承担。

    Today any employee with back or shoulder pain can go straight to Mr Jay and the company will pick up the tab .

  8. 杰伊一直在挑起事端。

    Jay has been stirring things up .

  9. 赫伯特将在半决赛中和杰伊较量。

    Herbert will be matched against Jay in the semifinal .

  10. 乔治·w杰伊·B·博茨福德

    By George W. Jay B. Botsford

  11. NPR新闻,杰伊·汉考克亚特兰大报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm John Lawrence in Atlanta .

  12. 管理员杰伊•伍德(JayWood)说:“有些小孩的行为极其糟糕。不断地骚扰小公鸡以致小公鸡到处躲藏。”

    Manager Jay Wood said : " Some kids were behaving incredibly badly and harassed the cockerel so much that he ran into hiding .

  13. 哈佛大学本科教育教务主任杰伊哈里斯(JayHarris)表示,此次事件涉及范围之广,影响之大,前所未有。

    This is unprecedented in its scope and magnitude , said Jay Harris , the dean of undergraduate education .

  14. 正如佛罗里达大学(UniversityofFlorida)的杰伊?里特(JayRitter)及其他经济学家所指出的,GDP与股市表现之间并不存在一种稳定的关系。

    As Jay Ritter of the University of Florida and other economists have documented , there is no stable relationship between GDP and stock performance .

  15. 正如佛罗里达大学(UniversityofFlorida)的杰伊•里特(JayRitter)很久以前所指出的那样,IPO的好时光往往是糟糕的投资时机。

    As Jay Ritter of the University of Florida pointed out long ago , good times for IPOs tend to be a bad time to invest .

  16. 2007年,他在此开建了一处远离尘世的度假地——拐子角农场酒店(TheFarmatCapeKidnappers),酒店由他儿子杰伊(Jay)负责打理。

    In 2007 he opened an isolated lodge there called The Farm at Cape Kidnappers , run by his son Jay .

  17. 当然,雷德福曾经扮演过杰伊?盖茨比(JayGatsby),那是在1974年版本的改编自F?斯科特?菲茨杰拉德(F?ScottFitzgerald)小说的影片中。

    Redford was once the movie world 's Jay Gatsby , of course ( in the 1974 film of F ? Scott Fitzgerald 's novel ) .

  18. 他们是坎耶·维斯特,杰伊,弗兰克·欧森,丹·奥尔巴赫和他的乐队TheBlackKeys,Mumford&Sons乐队,并且他们分别有许多粉丝支持。

    Kanye West , Jay-Z , Frank Ocean , Dan Auerbach and his band The Black Keys , Mumford & Sons and fun . earned six nods each .

  19. 麦格劳•希尔高等教育集团(McGrawHillHigherEducation)的前任数码产品总经理杰伊•查克拉帕尼于2月跳槽至CK-12,担任这家非盈利开源教育技术公司的总裁。

    Former McGraw Hill higher education general manager of digital products Jay chakrapani jumped to ck-12 in February to serve as president at the nonprofit open-education tech venture .

  20. 心理学家梅格o杰伊在其非常有启发性的TED演讲《20岁光阴不再来》中,给所有二十多岁的年轻人敲响了警钟。

    In her insightful TED talk , " Why 30 is not the new 20 , " psychologist Meg Jaygives an important wake-up call to twenty-somethings .

  21. 在自己的起居室里,杰伊费恩用香、摄影机以及Photoshop创造出了这些与众不同的图片。

    Jay Payne makes the extraordinary pictures using incense sticks , his camera and Photoshop-all in the comfort of his own living room .

  22. 斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)心智、脑和计算中心(CenterforMind,BrainandComputation)主任杰伊•麦克利兰(JayMcClelland)称,DeepMind的这篇论文是“人工智能研究中非常有意思的重要里程碑”。

    Jay McClelland , director of Stanford University 's Centre for Mind , Brain and Computation , called the DeepMind paper " a very interesting and important milestone in AI research . "

  23. 在这些努力中,他与其他反伪科学斗士联合了起来,这包括科学家卡尔•萨根(CarlSagan)、斯蒂芬•杰伊•古尔德(StephenJayGould)以及魔术师詹姆斯•兰迪(JamesRandi)。

    In these endeavours he joined other campaigners against pseudoscience , including scientists Carl Sagan and Stephen Jay Gould and the magician James Randi .

  24. 诸多科学作家中,只有斯蒂芬•杰伊•古尔德(StephenJayGould)一人观察到人类头脑不适合处理概率问题。

    Stephen Jay Gould is only one of many science writers to have observed that human minds are not well adapted to dealing with issues of probability .

  25. 信息技术研究公司451Research的企业软件高级研究员杰伊o莱曼表示,Hadoop代表了一种开源软件技术的主要推动者的转折点。

    Hadoop represents somewhat of a turning point in the primary drivers of open source software technology , said Jay Lyman , a senior analyst for enterprise software with 451 Research .

  26. 然而,据佛罗里达大学金融学教授杰伊•里特(JayRitter)称,联合健康集团的案例突出表明,一种不同的现象正在显现。

    But the case of UnitedHealth highlights a different phenomenon at work , according to Jay Ritter , a professor of finance at the University of Florida .

  27. 1999年,我代表多个奢侈品牌,在纽约的一间没有窗户的律师办公室里,与eBay副总法律顾问杰伊•莫纳汉(JayMonahan)会面。

    In 1999 , I faced the company 's deputy general counsel , Jay Monahan , in a windowless law office in New York on behalf of a number of luxury brands .

  28. 初创的网络安全企业Synack首席执行官杰伊愠湓灦(JayKaplan)说,人们应该着重监测他们的信息是如何被使用的,因为他们不得不假定自己的信息已经被别人窃取了。

    Jay Kaplan , chief executive of Synack , a security start-up , says people should prioritise monitoring how their information is being used , because they have to assume it has been stolen by someone .

  29. 美国的钢铁产业和其它产业一道,对美国西弗吉尼亚参议员杰伊•洛克菲勒(JayRockefeller)上月提出的一项法案表示支持。这项法案将使美国的产业更容易摆脱中国进口商品的围困。

    The steel industry joined other US industries in supporting a bill introduced last month by Jay Rockefeller , senator for West Virginia , that would make it easier to win relief against Chinese imports .

  30. 创作这件作品使用的原材料成本共计为1200万英镑,由赫斯特和他的代理商杰伊•乔普林(JayJopling)两人分摊。

    The cost of the raw materials to create the work amounted to 12m , which was split between Mr Hirst and his dealer , Jay Jopling .