
  1. 难怪在中国开展研究项目的美国自然资源保护委员会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)的气候与能源高级顾问杨富强表示,围绕碳排放何时见顶的辩论一直问题重重。

    Small wonder that Fuqiang Yang , senior climate and energy adviser at the Natural Resources Defense Council , a US group that operates in China , says the emissions-peaking debate has been fraught .

  2. 自然资源保护协会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)顾问、前中国能源官员杨富强说,新的数据表明,减少中国的煤炭依赖、在最后期限前达成目标的难度和紧迫性是超出预期的。

    The new data suggest that the task of meeting that deadline by reducing China 's dependence on coal will be more daunting and urgent than expected , said Yang Fuqiang , a former energy official in China who now advises the Natural Resources Defense Council .

  3. 自然资源保护协会能源、环境与气候变化高级顾问杨富强表示,在煤炭使用的外部成本方面,中国缺乏量化数据,这篇报告对此做了回应。

    Yang Fuqiang , senior adviser on energy , environment and climate change at the council , said that the report was a response to China 's lack of clear quantitative data on the external costs of coal use . "