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  1. 发展了一条制备CuO纳米粒子和多孔微米球的水热合成新路线。

    A new hydrothermal synthetic route was developed to fabricate CuO nanoparticles and porous CuO microspheres .

  2. 本文介绍了质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)的工作原理,并通过分析气体扩散层材料的性能要求,设计了一条制备高性能碳纤维纸的技术路线。

    The principle and structure of proton exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) were discussed . A processing flow of preparing high-performance carbon fiber paper was designed by analyzing the performance requirements of gas diffusion layer for PEMFC electrodes .

  3. 第三章,省试条制考。

    In the third chapter , the province examination system .

  4. 在本文中,我们探索了一条制备氮化硼空心颗粒的温和制备路线。

    Here , we develop a mild route to prepare boron nitride hollow particles .

  5. 第四章,殿试条制考。

    The fourth chapter , national examination system .

  6. 酚氧化酶试纸条制备与应用

    The development and application of phenoloxidase test strip

  7. 结论该反向点杂交检测体系膜条制备简单快速;

    Conclusions The preparation of membrane strips used in this RDB detection system is simple and quick .

  8. β-地中海贫血基因检测膜条制备及其临床评价

    Preparation and Clinical Evaluation of a New Reverse Dot Blot Membrane for Detection of β - Thalassemia Gene

  9. 结论胶体金免疫层析试纸条制备质量不但与抗原抗体的质量、层析材料的选择、胶体金的制备与标记等因素密切相关,而且缓冲系统、辅助添加剂的选择与优化也非常重要。

    Conclusion The quality of gold immunochromatography assay test kit is associated with such factors as the quality and quantity of antigen or antibody , colloid gold particles , buffers , etc.

  10. 掺锡As2S8薄膜光折变效应及其在条波导制备中的应用研究

    Photoinduced refractive index change effect of amorphous Sn-doped As_2S_8 film and its application in stripe waveguide fabrication

  11. 一种气管条的制备及其主动张力定量记录法

    A Method of Making Tracheal Strips and Quantitative Recording Its Active Tension

  12. 高温压力传感器的力敏电阻条的制备

    Fabrication of force-sensitive resistor strip for high temperature pressure sensor

  13. 新城疫病毒胶体金免疫层析试纸条的制备

    The Research of Gold Immunochromatographic Strip for Newcastle Disease Virus

  14. 免疫层析快速诊断试纸条的制备及在动物疫病诊断上的应用

    Establishment of Immunochromatographic Strip and its Application in Diagnosis of Animal Disease

  15. 塑料帽,非条带制的

    Hat of plastics not made up from strips

  16. 新城疫病毒和禽流感病毒复合型胶体金免疫层析试纸条的制备

    Development of a complex gold-immunochromatography test strip for newcastle disease virus and avian influenza virus

  17. 配对结果显示,有5对抗体可用于试纸条的制备。

    The matching results showed that 5 pairs of antibodies could be used for strip preparation .

  18. 人支气管平滑肌螺旋条的制备

    Preparation of human bronchiolar spiral strip

  19. 小麦不同水氮运筹对面条煮制品质的影响

    Effects of Different Irrigation and Nitrogen Application Regimes in Winter Wheat on Cooking Qualities of Chinese Noodle

  20. 避免对堆顶端、一条金属制的乐团伤害或者一顶无边帽可能被用。

    To avoid damage to the pile top , a metal band or a cap may be used .

  21. 日本古代都城的条坊制效仿自中国古代的里坊制。

    Tiaofang planning ( block planning ) of Japanese historical capital cities imitated Lifang planning of Chinese historical cities .

  22. 第32条公司制证券交易所应于每年税后盈馀项下,提列百分之三十至八十特别盈馀公积。

    Article32a company type stock exchange shall set aside thirty to eighty percent of the after tax profit as the special reserve .

  23. 雅拉河小路包括很多个部分,其中有一条梦想制通道,可供行人和自行车手使用。

    The Yarra Trail includes some sections where a wooden walkway has been built to allow walkers and bicycle riders an easy trip .

  24. 为了促进杉木加工剩余物的工业化利用,分析了杉木边皮劈条及制板生产的可行性。

    To promote the industrialized utilization of processing remains of Chinese fir , the feasibility of manufacturing board in cleaved bark slat of Chinese fir is analyzed .

  25. 主要讨论了钼-铌合金原料品质,包括烧结条的制备、原料的化学成分、原料棒的尺寸规格等对单晶制备的影响。

    Influence of feedstock qualities of Mo-Nb alloy , including its preparation of sintering billet , chemical composition and specifications , on processing single crystal is discussed in detail .

  26. 第8条会员制证券交易所收到本会发给许可之核准通知后,应于三十日内持凭核准通知向地方法院依照有关之规定,申请办理法人登记手续。

    Article8a membership stock exchange shall file with the district court for the juristic person registration within thirty days after receiving the notice of permission issued by the commission .

  27. 第11条产制厂商应依规定设置并保存足以正确计算菸酒税之帐簿、凭证及会计纪录。

    Article 11 The manufacturer shall , according to regulation , set up and keep account books , evidential documents and relevant records sufficient for the accurate calculation of tobacco and alcohol tax .

  28. 选用5705条鼠cDNA制备成表达谱芯片。

    For the microarray analyses 5705 cDNA were selected to made microarray .

  29. 侧链型聚合物DANS-PMMA脊形条波导的制备

    Fabrication of Ridge Channel Waveguide for DANS-PMMA Side-chain Polymer

  30. 第三十二条全民所有制企业的管理委员会应当有工会代表参加。

    Article 32 Trade union representatives shall participate in the management committee of an enterprise owned by the whole people .