
dù bāng
  • DuPont;du pont;DuPont Co.;Dupon
  1. 杜邦分析法和EVA的结合为传统的经营决策提供了必要的补充。

    The combination of Du Pont System and EVA can also provide the traditional operation decision with the necessary supplements .

  2. 导演贝尼特·米勒(BennettMiller)认为卡瑞尔是饰演杜邦的合适人选,但不想让观众一眼就认出他来。

    The director Bennett Miller saw Mr. Carell as a good choice to play du Pont but didn 't want him to be too recognizable .

  3. 杜邦公司强烈建议太阳模拟器的批发商和油漆店

    Dupont strongly recommends Solar Simulator to its jobbers and paint shops .

  4. 为了帮助纺织品加工中各企业在激烈的市场竞争中生产出与众不同的弹性产品,杜邦公司启动了“莱卡R伙伴计划”。

    DuPont starts its " Lycra R Assured " campaign to help enterprises to manufacture unique elastic products in today 's fiercely competitive market .

  5. 关键路线法(CriticalPathMethod,简称CPM)是美国杜邦公司开发出来的一种网络计划技术。

    CPM ( Critical Path Method ) is a kind of PERT ( Program Evaluation and Review Technique ), which was developed by American DuPont Company .

  6. 中纯度TPA在杜邦3釜流程聚合装置上的应用

    Application of medium purity TPA on DuPont three autoclaves process polymerization plant

  7. 杜邦和3m也都对成本日益上升的影响提出了警告。

    Both DuPont and 3M also warned of the impact of rising costs .

  8. 然而,杜邦和3m的业绩好于分析师的预期。

    However , the results of DuPont and 3M were better than expected by analysts .

  9. 杜邦CEO柯爱伦表示,更多地聆听客户的声音有利于推动能源领域的创新。

    DuPont ( DD ) CEO Ellen Kullman said that innovation in the energy sector can be spurred by listening more to your customers .

  10. 看看杜邦(Dupont)在大萧条期间的所作所为吧。

    Look at what DuPont ( DD ) did during the great depression .

  11. 钱德勒在其具有开创性的经典著作《战略与结构》(StrategyandStructure)中重点谈到了四家公司:杜邦(DuPont)、通用汽车、西尔斯(Sears)和标准石油(StandardOil)。

    He focused on four companies : DuPont ( DD ) , general motors , Sears ( shld ) , and standard oil in his seminal classic strategy and structure .

  12. 通用电气(GeneralElectric)CEO杰夫•伊梅尔特、杜邦(Dupont)CEO柯爱伦和中国石化CEO傅成玉均赞成这样一点,那就是,中国需要更严格的环保标准,同时制实施。

    General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt , DuPont CEO Ellen Kullman , and Fu all agreed that China needs tougher environmental standards and ones that are enforced .

  13. 杜邦公司(DuPontCo.)就是一个例子,该基金从2006年起就持有该股票,但在2月份将其卖出。

    Take , for example , DuPont Co. , a stock the fund held since 2006 but sold in February .

  14. 这种增长与人口变化的趋势有很大的关系,而人口方面的趋势也有助于它的大型竞争对手,例如孟山都、杜邦以及拜耳作物科学(BayerCropScience)。

    This growth has had much to do with the demographic trends that have also assisted big rivals , such as Monsanto , DuPont and Bayer Crop Science .

  15. 根据预期,杜邦(DuPont)和陶氏(Dow)等工业集团可能也会出售一些业务部门。

    Big industrial groups like DuPont and Dow are also expected to sell off business units .

  16. 1998年,杜邦(Dupont)高层要求我在公司内创设安全业务。

    In 1998 , I was asked to start a safety business at DuPont .

  17. 数额第二大的拨款900万美元给了杜邦公司(DuPontCo.),用于生产一种从海藻中提取的生物燃料。

    The next biggest , at $ 9 million , went to DuPont Co. for the production of a biofuel derived from seaweed .

  18. 简要介绍了美国的道化学公司、杜邦公司,德国的巴斯夫公司开发的PVC清洁生产工艺技术,同时也介绍了我国开展PVC清洁生产的情况。

    Clean production processes developed by Dow Chemical Company , DuPont Company and BASF Company are introduced briefly . The situation of domestic clean production of PVC is also introduced .

  19. 美环境保护署(environmentalprotectionagency,epa)周四称,它正准备对杜邦公司(dupont)开出有史以来的数亿美元的最高罚款。

    The Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday that it is preparing to levy what could be its largest fine ever - potentially hundreds of millions of dollars - against the DuPont company .

  20. 例如,杜邦公司(dupont)正在开发的一种牛仔面料比普通牛仔面料轻15%。

    DuPont , for instance , is developing a denim that is 15 per cent lighter than normal .

  21. 杜邦公司(DUPONT)第二次出价,欲收购丹麦食物配料公司丹尼斯科公司(Danisco)。

    DuPont makes a second bid for Danish food ingredients company Danisco .

  22. 第三,本文进一步运用SWOT战略分析法以及杜邦分析法对企业财务管理的问题及财务战略选择进行了探讨。

    Third , this article further used the DuPont analysis method and the SWOT strategy analysis method to discuss the enterprise financial control problems and the financial strategy choices .

  23. 基于商业银行三性、杜邦模型和CAMEL体系的业绩评价&来自2004年我国商业银行财务数据的实证分析

    Assessment of Operation Performance on the Basis of Dupont Model and CAMEL System & An Empirical Analysis of China Commercial Banks Financial Performance of 2004

  24. 该组织的企业成员包括英国石油(BP)、Lafarge、杜邦(DuPont)等。它们相信,解决气候变化是项战略性问题。

    Its business members , which include BP , Lafarge and DuPont , believe that tackling climate change is a strategic issue .

  25. 化工产品制造商杜邦(dupont)成为最新一家因巨额海外销售而公布强劲利润增幅和美好前景的公司。

    Chemical maker DuPont became the latest company with big overseas sales to report strong profit growth and a bullish outlook .

  26. SG(B)10是采用杜邦NOMEX纸为基础的绝缘系统,在变压器的整个使用寿命期都保持极佳的电气性能和机械性能。

    Dupont NOMEX paper is used as base of SG ( B ) 10 insulating system , it keeps excellent electrical and mechanical performance during service lifetime of transformer .

  27. 根据一个简单的杜邦(DuPont)方法,美银去年第四季度3%的平均普通股本收益率,可以通过三种方法得到提升。

    Its fourth-quarter return on average common equity of 3 per cent could be improved in three ways , according to a simple Du Pont approach .

  28. 国际上许多安全业绩卓越的石油、化工企业,如:BP、壳牌、杜邦等,从技术上,将安全管理系统划分为行为安全和工艺安全两个方面。

    In many excellent safety performance of oil and chemical international companies , such as , BP , Shell , DuPont , the safety management system is technically divided into two aspects , the behavior safety and the process safety .

  29. 过去几周中,包括化工集团杜邦(dupont)和综合集团3m在内的数家跨国企业纷纷裁员节省开支。

    Over the past few weeks , several multinationals , including the chemical group DuPont and the conglomerate 3M , have slashed jobs and cut costs .

  30. 在根据真实罪案改编的电影《狐狸猎手》(Foxcatcher)中,以出演喜剧闻名的演员史蒂夫·卡瑞尔(SteveCarell)饰演大富翁约翰·E·杜邦(JohnE.duPont)时隐藏在假面具后面。

    In the true-crime drama " Foxcatcher , " the actor Steve Carell , best known for comedy , loses himself behind a prosthetic facade in portraying the multimillionaire John E. du Pont .