
  • 网络Li Kui;Requa
  1. 浅析李奎报对中国古代诗歌创作的审美风格论

    A Study of Yi Kyu-bo 's Criticism on the Aesthetic Styles of Ancient Chinese Poetry

  2. 李奎报与白居易是高丽和唐朝的著名诗人,他们创作的诗歌作品给后世留下深远的影响。

    Li Kuibao and Bai Juyi are the famous poets of Gaoli dynasty and Tang dynasty respectively .

  3. 杜牧诗文在朝鲜半岛的流传及其影响&以李奎报为例

    The Spreading and Influence of Du Mu 's Poems on Korean Peninsula & A Case Study of Lee Gyu-Bo

  4. “体”这个概念在李奎报诗论中有两种含义:一者,指“诗作法”;

    Yi 's concept of " style " has double meanings , that is ," poetry writing method " and " artistic style " .

  5. 随着高丽与中国交往的频繁,以李奎报、李仁老等为代表的高丽文人一时掀起了慕陶、论陶的热潮。

    As the contact between China and Koryo became closer , some representative figures such as Yi Kyu-bao and Yi Il-lo started an upsurge of studying Tao Yuanming with great admiration among Koryo scholars .