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A Talk on the Early Activities of the American Missionary Gilbert Reid in China
American missionary , whose name is Gilbert Reid , is a strange and significant person in the modern history of China .
Influenced by his family when he was young , Gilbert took great interest in China .
Gilbert Reid and the International Institute of China & A Case Study of Foreign Missionary Activities in Late Qing and Early Republic China
Chapter One introduces the educational background of Gilbert Reid and his activities as a missionary in Shandong provinces in his early years in China .
We should point out that Gilbert Reid was a missionary with strong Chinese perplex and at the same time , a westerners who identified Chinese culture .
The relation between Gilbert Reid and Yuan Shikai refracts the change of Chinese and foreign relationship , and reflectes Missionary 's attitute to Yuan Shikai and 1911 Revolution .
There is relatively few case study on the missionary in China of late Qing and the early Republic of China period , and researches on Gilbert Reid are even less .
However , he was neither a politician nor social revolutionist ; he , as a missionary , transformed to and was merely a reformist and social activist who sympathized and supported Chinese reform and progress .
Establishing and taking charge of the daily activities of The International Institute of China , which reflected his religious thought of the union of different religion , consisted of the most important activities of Gilbert Reid in China .
Reid came to China as a missionary , but his activities had gone beyond the religious one . He participated in the political , cultural and foreign affairs of China , therefore he was a multi-sided figure and his impact on Chinese society was multiple .
However , his preference of reform rather than radical revolution proved to be unacceptable in Chinese people . This thesis holds that Gilbert Reid was such a historical figure that he took the characteristics of a missionary , a social activist and a pacifist in one .