
jī xiè shè jì
  • machine design;mechanical layout
  1. VISUALBASIC数据库技术在机械设计中的应用

    The Application of Database Technology of Visual Basic in Machine Design

  2. 基于Internet的机械设计辅助教学系统初步研究

    The Preliminary Study in Internet-based Machine Design Course Computer Aided Instruction

  3. 就基于Web环境的机械设计的协同设计做了深入的研究;

    A deep study was made upon the cooperative design of mechanical design based on web environment .

  4. 烟草系统中剪带装置的机械设计及其PLC控制系统

    Mechanical Design and PLC Control System of Strip Cutting Device in Tobacco System

  5. 三维CAD技术对机械设计的影响

    Influence of CAD Technology to Machinery Design

  6. 爬壁机器人(ClimbingRobot)集机械设计、电路设计、通信于一体。

    Design of climbing robot includes mechanical design , circuit design and communication .

  7. 机械设计课程设计CAI系统的设计与实现

    Development of CAI about course design of mechanical project

  8. 机械设计多媒体CAI与创新设计教学

    Machine Design Multimedia CAI and Creative Design Teaching

  9. 在机械设计中,用AutoCAD来绘制V带轮的图形是烦琐的。

    When using AutoCAD , we find that drawing of V-belt pulley in mechanical design is rather complicated .

  10. 为了提高叶轮机械设计工作的效率,将CAD技术与三元流计算结合起来,开发适合叶轮机械的CAD软件。

    In order to greatly improve the efficiency of designing turbomachines , combining the CAD technology with 3D flow calculation , A CAD software for turbomachines is developed .

  11. 将CAI思想引入机械设计的教学中,有助于机械设计课程取得很好的教学效果。

    Leading CAI thought into the teaching of mechanical design , is helpful for the course of mechanical design to get very good teaching effect .

  12. MDT是三维机械设计软件。

    MDT is 3D mechanical designing soft-ware .

  13. 在机械设计中CAD已是重要的设计工具,特别是零件三维造型、运动仿真及分析等方面,已为优化设计奠定了坚实的基础。

    In mechanical design , CAD has become an important tool for design , especially the three dimentional modelling , motion simulation and analysis , which have laid the solid foundation for optimun design .

  14. 这种方式已经不适应现代化机械设计制造的要求,发展CAD/CAPP/CAM集成技术是机械行业的迫切要求。

    These methods are not suitable the modern mechanical design and manufacture yet , so developing CAD / CAPP / CAM integrated technique is the imperious need of the mechanical industry .

  15. 在讨论了网络化设计的基本原理以及当前的主要服务方式的基础上,提出了面向制造业ASP平台的远程机械设计服务模式。

    On the basis of researching on the concept and main methods of network-based design , a kind of remote service model of mechanical design based on ASP model is proposed .

  16. 以机械设计过程中形成的平面图形文件及运动分析数据为基础,提出了综合利用CAD软件和3DSTUDIO软件的功能进行机器的实体运动仿真的新方法。

    Based on the 2D drawings and the results of kinematic analysis generated during the process of machine design , a method for kinematic simulation of machines is presented by comprehensively combining CAD software with 3D Studio .

  17. 本文在机械设计软件系统I-DEAS的环境中,建立了传动滚筒的有限元实体模型。

    In this paper , a finite element analysis model of the driving drum is created with the mechanic design software I-DEAS .

  18. 运用MATLAB语言强大的计算及图形可视化功能,编制了渐开线圆柱齿轮传动的MATLAB可视化设计应用软件,介绍了可视化界面及机械设计图表的MATLAB编程技术。

    The applied software of visual design on involute-gear transmission is programmed by making use of the strong computation ability and visual function of MATLAB . The MATLAB programming technology of mechanical design diagrams and visual interface is discussed .

  19. 热力系统换热设备CAD系统(简称HECAD系统)实现了新型高效纵流壳程换热设备研究开发与工艺设计、机械设计、零部件设计的一体化和集成化。

    Heat-exchanger CAD system ( HECAD ) realizes the integration of Technological design , Mechanical design and Components design for heat-exchange equipment with longitudinal flow of shell-side fluid .

  20. 随着AutoCAD绘图软件在机械设计及制造中的广泛应用,结合AutoCAD的图形数据,本文针对复杂曲线加工要求,对扩展数控机床的曲线加工功能进行了分析和研究。

    AutoCAD has been widely applied in the field of mechanical design and making . Integrating the drawing data of AutoCAD , this dissertation studies and discusses the development of curve machining function of NC machine tool .

  21. IKO针状轴承以其特殊的内部构造实现机械设计的小型、轻量化。

    IKO acicular bearing by its special internal structure realization machine design small , lightweight .

  22. 浙江大学开发的搅拌设备选型设计的专家系统(MIXiCAD)的原型系统,内容包括:搅拌桨选型、化工设计、详细机械设计、经济分析优化及机械绘图等。

    Intelligence Computer-Aid Design of mixing equipments system ( MIXiCAD ) is developed by Zhejiang University includes bellow : selection of agitated vessel , chemical engineering design , detailed machine design , economy analysis and machine painting etc.

  23. 生态产品评价系统在水产养殖机械设计中的应用

    The application of ecological product assessment system in aquaculture mechanism design

  24. 《机械设计基础》课程定位的论证

    The Evaluation of the Course of " Basic Mechanical Design "

  25. 改进《机械设计基础》课程设计之探讨

    Improves " Machine design Foundation " the curriculum design to discuss

  26. 《机械设计》课程改革的探讨

    Talking about the Reform of the Curricular Design of Machine Design

  27. 农业机械设计中的安全系数与可靠度

    Factor of safety and reliability in the design of farm machine

  28. 公差原则在粮食机械设计中的应用

    Application of Tolerance Principle in the Design of Grain Machinery

  29. 机械设计全局优化的对策探讨

    A countermeasure approach to the overall optimization of machinery design

  30. 在《机械设计基础》课程教改中加强学生实践能力的培养

    Reinforcing the Students ' Practical Ability by Reforming Machinery Design Base Course