
  • 网络conservation of mechanical energy;conservation law of mechanical energy;the law of conservation of mechanical energy
  1. 大声点。,LEWIN:,So,speak,up。,我们可以尝试用,机械能守恒定律吗?,这样用有什么问题吗?

    LEWIN Shall we try the conservation of mechanical energy Is there anything wrong with that ?

  2. 机械能守恒定律服从力学相对性原理

    Law of conservation of mechanical energy obeys the relativity principle of mechanics

  3. 在不同惯性系中的机械能守恒定律

    The Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy in Various Frame of Reference

  4. 相对性原理及其对自然界定律的协变性要求&机械能守恒定律协变性疑难的解答

    Principle of relativity and its requirement for co-variance of laws of nature

  5. 用间歇摆验证机械能守恒定律

    Testing the law of mechanical energy conservation by interrupted pendulum

  6. 两体问题中的功能原理及机械能守恒定律

    Work-energy theorem and law of conservation of mechanical energy in two-body problem

  7. 满足协变性的机械能守恒定律的条件

    Condition of the Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy Under Satisfying Covariance

  8. 机械能守恒定律在转动参照系中的应用

    Conservation Law of Mechanical Energy As Applied in the Reference Frame of Rotation System

  9. 对机械能守恒定律的两种理解

    Two Understandings of Conservation of Mechanical Energy

  10. 机械能守恒定律是自然界的基本定律之一。

    The law of conservation of mechanical energy is one of the basic natural laws .

  11. 机械能守恒定律的局限性

    The limitation of mechanical energy conservation law

  12. 再论机械能守恒定律

    On Conservation of Mechanical Energy Law

  13. 系统地阐明机械能守恒定律无条件服从力学相对性原理。

    It is explained that the law of conservation of mechanical energy obeys relativity principle of mechanics .

  14. 机械能守恒定律是否遵从相对性原理辨

    An argue on is the mechanical relativity principle satisfied by the law of conservation of mechanical energy

  15. 我们知道,机械能守恒定律-,动能和,势能的总和。

    Then we have the conservation-of mechanical energy & the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy .

  16. 从两个层次上的相对性原理出发,对机械能守恒定律是否遵从相对性原理进行了剖析;并对究竟把什么称作机械能守恒定律更为合理,提出了一些看法。

    The problem in the title is analyzed with two levels of understanding of the mechanical relativity principle .

  17. 对大学物理《力学》中“机械能守恒定律”使用条件的几种说法进行了分析和讨论。

    Several viewpoints concerned the conditions of " the conservation law of mechanical energy " in college physics were discussed .

  18. 要求角速度一定为常矢量吗?&非惯性系机械能守恒定律的一个特例

    Is it Necessary to Demand a Constant Angular Velocity ?── A special instance of the conservation of mechanical energy in non ─ inertial system

  19. 本文就不同惯性系中的机械能守恒定律这一问题阐述了自己的观点,并就其守恒条件展开了讨论。

    The article expounds the author 's own opinion on it in various frame reference , and expresses the conditions of the conservation of energy .

  20. 本文深入分析了机械能守恒定律的物理内涵,利用具体事例讨论并纠正了对该定律的两种常见错误认识,并指出了教学中应注意的问题。

    This paper deeply analyzes the physical connotation of the Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy , and points out the attention-worthy matters in the teaching process .

  21. 讨论了在非惯性参照系中如何应用功能原理和机械能守恒定律。

    The paper discusses how to use the principle of conversion between work and potential energy and the law of conservation of mechanical energy in the frame of non-initial reference .

  22. 在应用机械能守恒定律时,如何巧选弹簧弹性势能零点问题进行了探讨,并结合实例进行了分析。

    This paper deals with the problem of how to skilfully select spring elastic potential energy zero in applying law of conservation of mechanical energy , and makes some analyses combined with examples .

  23. 若选择弹簧振子的平衡位置为坐标原点,无论弹簧振子处于何种均匀的保守力场中,其机械能守恒定律的最终表达式将完全相同。

    If we choose the coordinate origin at the balance position of the spring oscillator , in any uniform conservation field of force , the formulation of mechanical energy conservation law of the spring oscillator will be the same form .

  24. 在普通物理学的力学部分中,几个常用的定律和定理是:牛顿定律、动量定理、动量守恒定律、功能原理、机械能守恒定律等。

    In the mechanics part of University Physics several laws and theorems are used such as the laws of Newton , the theorem of Momentum , the principal of Conservation of Momentum , the Work-Energy theorem , the law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy etc .

  25. 让我们试着用机械能,守恒定律解答一下。

    Let 's try the conservation of mechanical energy .

  26. 用方程式,也就是机械能,守恒定律。

    I turn to equation number five , which is the conservation of mechanical energy .

  27. 所以你也可以用,功能定理,或者是机械能,守恒定律。

    And so you could have used the work-energy theorem or you can use the conservation of mechanical energy .

  28. 所以功能定理,在某种程度上和机械,能守恒定律是一样的。

    So the work-energy theorem is , of course , in a way the same as the conservation of mechanical energy .

  29. 首先,我用了机械能,守恒定律-,这里没有摩擦力-,我会向你们展示,这,和功能定理完全一致,现在你会怎么做呢?

    I used first the conservation-of mechanical energy there was no friction and then I showed you that it 's completely consistent with the work-energy theorem , so what would you do now ?

  30. 功能原理和机械能守恒及转换定律

    Function Principle Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy Transfer