
  • 网络mechanical treatment
  1. ZrO2-CeO2固溶体的共沉淀与机械处理

    Coprecipitation and mechanical treatment of solid solution based on zro_2-ceo_2

  2. 石棉纤维湿法机械处理性能研究

    Study on Mechanical Treatment of Asbestos Fibres Under Wet Condition

  3. 方法支气管肺泡灌洗获取肺泡巨噬细胞,肺组织机械处理结合酶消化法(DNA酶、胶原酶)分离间质巨噬细胞;

    Methods AMs were collected by lung lavage and IMs by treatment of the lung tissue with DNAse and collagenase .

  4. B组:单纯的机械处理+65%的硝酸(100℃,1h)处理;

    Group B : treated by machinery and 65 % of nitric acid at 100 ℃ for one hour .

  5. 灌肠加工工艺中对腌制时的pH值、机械处理条件以及熟制时的温度等对制品的持水性、结着性都有影响。

    During making sausages certain machine processing , such as stirring , cutting and the temperature could affect the property of holding water and capacity of combination .

  6. 热机械处理对Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr合金再结晶的影响

    The influence of thermomechanical treatment on the recrystallization behavior of al-li-cu-mg-zr alloys

  7. 首先,采用快速包套锻热机械处理和非晶晶化法两种工艺制备了细晶TiAl基合金,为超塑性变形提供条件;

    First , a fine-grained TiAl-based alloy is obtained by a quickly canned-forging thermo-mechanical processing or by crystallization of mechanically alloyed amorphous Ti-50at % Al .

  8. 通过复合热机械处理新工艺,得到了细小均匀的TiAl基合金的显微组织,并研究了这些显微组织的断裂韧性。

    The microstructures of TiAl based alloy were refined and homogenized by multi step thermomechanical treatment ( MSTMT ) process , and the fracture toughness of the materials with these fine microstructures were investigated .

  9. 磨光是许多基本机械处理过程中最精确的一项。

    Grinding is the most accurate of all the Basic machining processes .

  10. 机械处理畜禽粪便条件控制研究

    Condition Control of Machine Treated Livestock / Poultry Feces

  11. 世界废弃印刷电路板的机械处理技术现状

    The status of technology and research of mechanical recycling of printed circuit board scrap

  12. 树脂表面机械处理方式对硅橡胶与丙烯酸树脂粘结强度的影响

    Effect of surface treatment on the bonding of an silicone elastomer to acrylic resin

  13. 机械处理废弃印刷线路板

    Mechanical Recycling of Printed Circuit Board Scrap

  14. 热轧后经自然冷却的合金经热机械处理后,析出相粒子较大,分布也不均匀;

    After thermomechanical treatment , the natural quenched alloy has coarser precipitates and its distribution is inhomogeneous .

  15. 本文综述机械处理在低温肉制品生产中的应用现状。

    This paper reviews the current applications of mechanical treatments in the processing of low-temperature meat products .

  16. 高强高韧损伤容限钛合金热机械处理工艺研究

    The Study of Thermal-Mechanical Processing Technique of High Strength , High Toughness and Damage Tolerant Titanium Alloy

  17. 研究了经过化学-机械处理后的制革含铬废革屑与植物纤维混合抄片的性能。

    Characteristics of the sheet blending plant fiber and chrome-containing leather waste dealt with chemo-mechanical disposal were investigated .

  18. 粗炼的和精炼的未锻铜生产工艺:湿法、火法冶炼回收、机械处理回收。

    Blister and refined unwrought copper Technologies : Zinc process , electrolysis process , mechanical process and metallurgy process .

  19. 粉煤灰机械处理之后热学活性的增加,机械热效应在研磨中起重要作用。

    The increasing of thermal activities of fly ash treated by mechanical grinding largely attributes to the thermal results of grinding .

  20. 冶金法制备太阳能级多晶硅工艺研究生产工艺:湿法、火法冶炼回收、机械处理回收。

    Physical Metallurgical Method to Produce Solar-grade Silicon ; Technologies : Zinc process , electrolysis process , mechanical process and metallurgy process .

  21. 同时采用具有自主知识产权的深过冷热机械处理获得梯度细晶显微组织,认为通过轧制形变前的深过冷进一步降低形变温度是获得超细晶粒的关键。

    It is found that by a thermo-mechanical treatment under severe undercooling , an ultra-fine and gradient grain structure can be obtained .

  22. 住宅小区安装分质供水工程主要应用的净水技术包括机械处理技术、活性碳处理技术、膜处理技术、消毒技术等。

    The technologies using in dual water supplying system of housing area include mechanical technology , technology of activated carbon , membrane technol-ogy and disinfection .

  23. 关于表面机械处理、环境温度等相关因素对硅烷偶联剂作用效果的影响,还缺乏系统研究。

    There are not so many studies that systematically evaluated the effect of relevant factors , such as mechanical treatments and temperature , on the performance of silanization .

  24. 文章认为:改善国产汽车缸套的表面光洁度并进行适当的表面机械处理将有助于提高该零件的寿命。

    It is considered that an improvement of the finish plus a proper mechanical treatment of the cylinder lining surface may increase the life time of this component .

  25. 结果表明,硫酸预处理与机械处理协同作用制备胶原纤维,其效果优于乙醇预处理和丙酮预处理与机械处理协同作用;

    The treated collagen fibre was analyzed by SEM . The results showed the prepared collagen fibre by cooperation of sulfuric acid and mechanical treatment that of ethanol or acetone .

  26. 常用的降低或消除焊接残余应力的方法是在焊后采用热处理或机械处理,但这些方法在没有前期测量分析的情况下实施,消除效果的不确定性较大。

    Commonly used method to reduce or eliminate the residual stress of welding is to have heat treatment or mechanical treatment after the welding . However , without predictive analysis , there is great uncertainty of the elimination effect .

  27. 4组样品分别采用100目、280目、400目、800目水砂纸进行打磨,然后采用如下方法对钛片进行处理:A组:单纯的机械处理;

    Samples in four groups were polished by waterproof abrasive paper of 100 meshes , 280 meshes , 400 meshes and 800 meshes respectively , and then treated respectively as the following . Group A : treated simply by machinery .

  28. 分析表明,常规热变形工艺下试样中仍存在粗大层片状晶团,且不能由随后热处理消除,而复合热机械处理新工艺能在整个试样上得到细小、均匀的显微组织。

    The coarse lamellar grains were retained in samples which experienced normal hot deformation and could not be removed by following heat treatment , while homogeneous and refined microstructure could be obtained throughout the whole samples under a new process of multi-thermal-mechanical treatment .

  29. 结果表明:野生黄花苜蓿种子具有较高的硬实特性,其硬实率高达83%:机械处理能够较好的破除硬实,处理后种子发芽率可提高81.45%。

    The results showed that the seed of wild Medicago falcata were much stronger in hard seed character , its hard seed rate was 83 % . Mechanical damage can break hard seed and hasten germination , after manipulation of seeds the germination percent was increased to 81.45 % .

  30. 种子处理和灌水方式对出苗率、成苗率均无显著影响,但从生产的经济实用性及容器苗质量方面综合评价,种子机械处理和漫灌+喷灌灌水方式更符合生产推广要求。

    Seed treatment and irrigation pattern have no effect on germination ratio and survival ratio , but viewed from synthetically evaluating on economical practicability and seedling quality , the compound measure of treating seeds with machine and applying flood irrigation combined with sprinkling irrigation is the most suitable for extending .