
  • 网络airport system
  1. 分析单个机场系统的功能、组成及其规划内容。

    The function , component , planning and layout of a single airport system is analyzed .

  2. 机场系统分为陆侧和空侧两部分,分别对其容量进行研究评估是必要的。

    The airport system involves two parts : landside and airside . It is essential evaluate their capacity .

  3. 属于NPC类算法的飞机着陆调度问题对机场系统的容量和运行效率起一个至关重要的作用。

    Aircraft landing scheduling problem , which is categorized in NPC , plays an important role in airport capacity and operational efficiency .

  4. 研究发现,海港和机场系统对吸引外国直接投资有明显的积极影响。

    The study proves that the systems of seaports and airports have significantly positive impact on attracting FDI .

  5. 以上述理论为基础,本文重点对在珠三角地区构建协调运营的区域多机场系统进行了实证研究。

    On the basis of above theory , the paper put emphasis on positive research on forming harmonized operation regional multi-airport system of ZhuJiang River Delta .

  6. 探讨改善机场系统,增加机场容量的措施,并结合实例进行具体分析,提出了有关建议。

    The ways to improve the airport system , and increase the airport capacity are discussed . Suggestions are presented with the analysis of a real case .

  7. 随着航空运输业的发展,区域单一枢纽格局被打破,区域性枢纽和次枢纽逐渐形成,进而产生区域多机场系统。

    With the development of air transportation , the regional hub and sub-hub are coming into being , which is gradually forming the multi-airport system in one regional area .

  8. 道路、机场CAD系统三维工程设计模型研究

    Study of 3 & Dimentional Core Model for Road and Airport CAD System

  9. PLC在机场行李系统自动控制中的应用

    The Application of PLC in Automatic Control of Baggage Handling System in Airport

  10. 基于VoIP的机场调度系统的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of the Airport Scheduling System Based on VoIP

  11. 为提高国内民用机场供油系统的自动化水平,采用DCS(DIstributedControlSystem)的原理和方法设计并实现机场供油自动化系统。

    In order to enhance the automatic level of civil airport refueling system , the principle and method of DCS ( distributed control system ) was applied to design and realize airport refueling automatic systems .

  12. 本文以机场CAD系统的核心模型中设计面Coons曲面模型为基础,尝试将这一模型应用于道路平面交叉口立面设计。

    Based on coons model in the core model of airport CAD system , the authors try to apply this model for the vertical design of at-grade intersections .

  13. 介绍了在机场行李系统自动控制过程中,PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)的控制方法、PLC与安检系统的联动控制、PLC梯形图的编程以及PLC与监视中心计算机的数据交换。

    It introduced the PLC control way , the linkage control of PLC and security control system , programme of PLC ladder diagram , and data exchange between PLC and monitor center computer in the automatic control of airport baggage handling system .

  14. 本文首先对J2EE体系架构作了简单介绍。之后解释了什么是应用程序框架以及为什么要采用应用程序框架,同时介绍了机场软件系统开发中采用的Spring应用程序框架。

    The thesis introduces J2EE architecture firstly , and then , I explains what is the application framework and why we need the framework , with following , I introduces the Spring framework which is adopted by the software system mentioned in the thesis .

  15. 介绍了深圳机场EAM系统的基本功能,并对实施EAM系统过程中涉及的几个关键问题进行研究分析。

    In this paper we described the basic functions of the Shenzhen Airport EAM system , and studied and analyzed several key issues involved in the implementation of the EAM system .

  16. 深圳机场EAM系统的实施,不但规范了深圳机场设备管理作业流程,还使深圳机场资产设备管理由静态向动态发展,并为2011年深圳机场第三候机楼及第二条跑道的启用作好了准备。

    The application of EAM system not only standardized operation flow but also made Shenzhen airport asset and facility management developed from static state to dynamic state , and got ready for the enabling of Shenzhen airport terminal NO. 3 and the second runway in 2011 .

  17. 民航机场信息系统及其发展

    Information System and the Development in the Airport of Civil Aviation

  18. 机场供油系统是一种典型的排队服务系统。

    Fueling system in airport is a typical queue service one .

  19. 机场信息系统消息中间件通信控制策略

    Communication control strategy of message oriented middleware in airport information system

  20. 机场行李系统对于整个机场系统的正常运行具有重要的作用。

    Application of PLC in baggage handling system for Shanghai Pudong Airport ;

  21. 水击分析在机场供油系统中的应用

    The Application of Water Hammer Analysis in Airport Refueling System

  22. 上海浦东国际机场汽电共生系统浅析

    Analysis of co-generation system in Pudong International Airport Shanghai

  23. 重庆江北国际机场空调系统水力平衡技术的应用

    Application of Hydronic Balancing Technology in the Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport HVAC System

  24. 新系统提高了机场物流系统的整体效率,应用该系统,可以极大增加机场的竞争力。

    The new system can increase the overall efficiency of the airport logistics system ;

  25. 首都机场行李系统跨平台网络文件传输的实现

    Implementation of File Transmission on Network Crossing Platforms in Beijing Capital International Airport Luggage System

  26. 在机场安检系统里,检测一些异常的行为可以有助于避免恐怖袭击。

    In the airport security system , detection of some abnormal behaviors may prevent terrorist attacks .

  27. 计算机控制机场照明系统

    Computerized aerodrome lighting control syste

  28. 建立起一个统一的机场信息系统故障监控平台,简化故障处理过程是非常有必要的。

    Set up a unified airport information system fault monitoring platform , simplify the troubleshooting process are very necessary .

  29. 受工期超时影响的建设工程包括机场交通系统,、快速公交车道,、以及至少三个场馆项目。

    Time overruns have affected airport transportation systems , fast bus lanes , and no less than three stadium projects .

  30. 从战略流量管理的观点出发,研究了预期交通需求超过机场跑道系统容量情况下,跑道容量的运行优化问题。

    From the viewpoint of strategic flow management , this paper studies the operational optimization of runway capacity system when the expecting demands approach or exceeding the capacity .