
  1. 飞碟仍然是未解之谜。

    The flying saucer is yet an unsolved mystery .

  2. 对灵力和超感知觉(简称ESP)的信仰流布甚广,就凭这一点,这两样东西也应该进入十大未解之谜的行列。

    Psychic powers and extra-sensory perception ( ESP ) rank among the top ten unexplained phenomena if for no other reason than that belief in them is so widespread .

  3. 这一直是未解之谜,直到NASA偶然发现有两颗卫星实时捕获了海啸的情况,谜团才有了合理的解答。

    The mystery persisted until NASA remembered it had two serendipitously aligned satellites that captured the tsunami in real-time . The chance of such a satellite being pointed in the right direction was one in 10 million .

  4. 美国中央情报局(CIA)日前公布了数千份有关飞碟、外星人及其他未解之谜的解密文件。中央情报局在官网上发表声明说:‘我们决定公开几份文件,它们将会引起怀疑者和信奉者的兴趣。’

    The CIA has released thousands of declassified documents on flying saucers , aliens and other unexplained phenomena . ' We 've decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting , ' the agency said on its website .

  5. 尽管CTSB参与介导细胞凋亡过程已被一系列研究证实,其相关调控机制仍有许多未解之谜。

    Despite the fact that CTSB had been identified to be involved in many cells ' apoptosis , the detailed mechanism of CTSB-mediated apoptosis is still undefined .

  6. 美剧《迷失》主题的爱心盒饭,是不是想起电视剧里那些个未解之谜了呢?

    LOST themed bentos remind fans of all the unanswered questions .

  7. 最后要讲的是笑,这是一个真正的未解之谜。

    Final topic is laughter and this is a true mystery .

  8. 你可以下载任何图片,使之成为一个未解之谜。

    You can download any picture and make it into a puzzle .

  9. 在我们的宇宙中有很多的未解之谜。

    There are many mysteries that are not discovered in our universe .

  10. 互联网会帮助解开这些未解之谜吗?

    Will the Internet help explain these unsolved mysteries ?

  11. 但是,到底什麽机制能够持续不断产生甲烷,仍然是个未解之谜。

    But what generated the continuous supply of the gas was still uncertain .

  12. 我相信未解之谜的力量。

    I believe in the power of the unknown .

  13. 失踪是最酷的一些未解之谜。

    Disappearances are some of the coolest unsolved mysteries .

  14. 实际上,到现在为止,月球的起源还是个未解之谜。

    The origin of the room is virtually an open question at this time .

  15. 第二个是至今仍毫无头绪的未解之谜。

    The second one is a total mystery .

  16. 一个未解之谜是该病毒的起源。

    One mystery is the virus 's origins .

  17. 齐默说,为了揭开生物进化机制的未解之谜,科学家仍进行着不懈努力。

    Zimmer said scientists are still figuring out the mysterious ways that evolution works .

  18. 至少你从纸条转移到了…别的未解之谜

    At least you 've moved on from the note to ... other unsolvable riddles .

  19. 我们的地球有着诸多未解之谜。

    Our Earth boasts many hidden powers .

  20. 我们知道这一原理,而脑震荡至今仍是未解之谜。

    We know how it works . Concussion has been much more of a mystery .

  21. 迄今仍是《水浒》研究中一个未解之谜。

    This is still riddle in the study of " The Outlaws of the Marsh " .

  22. 但在脑部血流量如何与行为产生联系的问题上,仍有许多未解之谜。

    There are still many unknowns about how blood flow in the brain corresponds to behavior .

  23. 然而,他们是否会将猫带在左右仍是未解之谜。

    Whether they carried the cats around on their wrists , however , remains a mystery .

  24. 既然人类如此,那么其他哺乳动物是否也会在endocannabinoids的内在驱动下而进行锻炼呢?这仍是个未解之谜。

    Yet whether other mammals are also driven to exercise by endocannabinoids has remained a mystery .

  25. 我的女佣想解释来着但她口音太重了所以这还是未解之谜

    And my maid tries to , but she 's a very thick accent.So remains a mystery .

  26. 可转换债券折价的原因是金融学的一个未解之谜。政府债务探讨

    The underpricing of convertible bonds has been a puzzle in the finance literature . STUDY ON CHINA GOVERNMENTAL DEBT

  27. 数学是一门解决问题的学科,正是数学中那些未解之谜让数学焕发了勃勃生机。

    Mathematics is about solving problems , and it 's the great unsolved problems that make maths really alive .

  28. 1886年,某药用化学家研发出了可口可乐配方,直至今日,详细配方依然是未解之谜。

    The exact ingredients of Coca-cola invented by a medicinal chemist in1886 , have always been shrouded in mystery .

  29. 尽管如此,世上的未知领域、未解之谜和未完成的任务的范围之广,仍远远超出了我们所有人的理解能力。

    the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still far outstrip our collective comprehension .

  30. 上季留下了许多未解之谜,粉丝们急于知晓最后的结局到底是怎样。

    A shroud of secrecy surrounds the last season , with fans desperate to know how the epic saga ends .