
  1. 高校未就业毕业生社会保障问题研究

    Study on Social Security of Unemployed Graduates

  2. 大约20%的未就业毕业生说他们不打算找工作或者进一步深造。

    Some 20 percent of the jobless graduates said they did not intend finding a job or pursuing further studies .

  3. “为在毕业生中建立信心,我们将为他们提供求职咨询,并建立未就业毕业生库”,孟说。

    " To build confidence among university graduates , we will provide them counseling on job-hunting and set up a database of unemployed graduates ," Meng said .

  4. 据了解,此次招聘会是我省首次省市联合举办、为在择业期内未就业的毕业生提供见习岗位的公益性招聘活动。

    It is reported that the provincial and municipal governments jointly held this public job fair for the first time to provide intern opportunities for students failed to get jobs .

  5. 未就业大学毕业生是一个有知识、有素养、充满活力和梦想的群体,但由于其自身经验不足、实践能力欠缺,使得其在就业的道路上步履维艰。

    Not obtain employment university graduates is a knowledge , accomplishment , energetic and dreams of community , but due to their own lack of experience , the practical ability , make its lack of roads in employment steps further .

  6. 据统计,2009年云南省大中专毕业生人数约24万人,还有历年未就业的毕业生近4万人,毕业生就业形势严峻。

    According to statistics , in 2009 the number of college graduates , Yunnan Province , about 24 million people , add to unemployment of the graduates over the years nearly 4 million people , graduate employment situation is rigorous .

  7. 2010年大学毕业生达到630万人,而金融危机引起的周期性失业和结构性失业问题日益突出,再加上未实现就业的往届毕业生,解决大学生就业难的问题迫在眉睫。

    The number of University graduates reached 630 million in 2010.Because of cyclical unemployment and structural unemployment caused by the financial crisis , along with the previous graduates not in employment , have become increasingly prominent matter . Solving the difficult problem of graduate employment become the most urgent thing .

  8. 在目前严峻的就业形势下,大学毕业生未就业人数逐年增加,致力于提高未就业大学毕业生就业竞争力的就业前培训逐渐兴起。

    In the current severe employment situation , the number of unemployed college graduates increase every year while the college graduates'pre-employment training appears gradually .