
  • 网络integrated utilization of wood;wood comprehensive utilization
  1. 大理市发展木材综合利用的调查与探讨

    Investigation and study of comprehensive utilization of wood in Dali City

  2. 放已成为近十年来木材综合利用新技术研究开发的新热点之一。

    So that the thermoplasticization of wood is becomes a new hot-point to research the applied technology of wood resources .

  3. 简述了森林工程的核心领域&人工林木材综合利用概况,阐述了人工林综合利用技术和人工林综合利用技术与装备情况。

    The core field of forestry engineering-comprehensive application situation of plantation is stated shortly and comprehensive utilization technology and equipment of plantation are stated .

  4. 合理的利用刨花板可以节约大量的原木资源,我国是一个缺林少木的国家,发展刨花板生产是实现木材综合利用,提高木材利用率和增加木材供应的一个重要途径。

    Reasonable use of Particleboard can save a lot of timber resources , our country lack of wood , to development Particleboard production is an important path for improve wood utilization and increased wood supply .

  5. 纤维板是我国木材综合利用的重要产品这一,调施胶系统的性能对产品质量及成本有着攸关重要的影响。

    Fibreboard is one of the important manufacture which can be synthetically used in our country ′ s lignum , the performance of mixed and used glue ′ s system has more effect on manufacture quality and cost .

  6. 它从根本途径上提高了木材的综合利用率和最大程度地减少了家具对环境造成的污染,是实木家具业可持续发展之路的必然选择。

    It improves the comprehensive utilization of wood in the fundamental way and maximum minimizes the pollution caused by the furniture .

  7. 发展轻质水泥刨花板,将为木材的综合利用注入新的活力,开拓速生材的工业化利用新途径,促进林产工业的持续发展和新型建筑墙体材料的生产和改革。

    Development of low-density cement-bonded particleboard will help improve the efficiency of wood utilization , offer a method of industry utilization of plantation wood , promote sustainable development of forestry industry , also further production and reform of new construction material in China .

  8. 随保护木材措施增加、木材使用寿命的延长,并且在木材加工中工艺不断改进,增加产品,提高木材综合利用率,从而促进木材工业的发展。

    Along with protective control on wood , prolongation of wood service life , improvement of wood processing technology , comprehensive utilization may be increased thus promoting development of wood industry .

  9. 在此基础上,研究了发展木材工业与林业可持续发展的关系。得出如下研究结论:发展木材工业,可以对木材进行合理利用、节约利用和综合利用,提高木材综合利用率。

    It is concluded that the development of the wood industry and use of advanced technology in the wood industry can help : improve the efficiency of wood utilization and save forest resources .