
  • 网络wood modification
  1. 中国木材改性研究最近十年进展

    Advances in the Domestic Study on Wood Modification in the Latest Decade

  2. 同时本文还指出了今后木材改性的研究方向和发展趋势。

    As the same time , the study and development directions of wood modification were indicated in this paper .

  3. 采用一种新型木材改性处理剂,分别以改性异氰酸酯浓度5%、10%、15%、20%,对美国人工林火炬松(Pinustaeda)进行表面密实化处理。

    The plantation wood of Pinus taeda was compressed on the surface with a new improved treatment technology .

  4. 21世纪木材改性技术展望

    Prospects of Wood Property Improvement For the 21st Century

  5. 气体放电对木材改性的研究

    Study on the nature-change of wood by gas-discharge

  6. 苹果树木材改性研究

    Improving the Properties of Apple Tree Wood

  7. 纳米技术应用于木材改性的实验研究

    Experimental Studies on Wood-modification through Nano-techonology

  8. 确定了木材改性处理的浸渍温度、浸渍时间、改性剂浓度和操作压力等工艺参数;

    The impregnation temperature and time , the concentration of modifying agent and the pressure of operation were determined .

  9. 利用木材改性技术对马尾松进行处理,使之达到制作家具的要求。

    In order to match the demand of making furniture , the wood of Pinus massoniana was treated with the modification technology .

  10. 并从其微观结构上的变化,对木材改性的处理机理做出了解释。

    And by the aid of this change in the microstructure , we have got the explanation in the treating mechanism of modified wood .

  11. 该研究的目的就是结合国内外木材改性处理的方法和工艺,通过对铅笔板蒸汽处理对铅笔板进行改性,从根本上解决目前存在的问题。

    The study aims to solve these problems eventually by treating the pencil boards with vapor according to the technology of wood improvement in the world .

  12. 为促进传统木材改性技术产生新的发展,将生物矿化概念导入到木材科学与技术的研究领域中。

    In order to promote tradition wood modified produce new development , the biomineralization was introduced into wood science and technology . The basic connotation of biomineralization in biological system were reviewed in this paper .

  13. 这种木塑复合材的力学强度、体积稳定性均较素材有显著改善,是木材改性和提高速生树种材质的一种好方法。

    The mechanical properties and dimensional stability of PWC are significantly improved in comparison with that of plain timber . It is indeed a good method for timber modification and improvement of wood quality for fast-growing species .

  14. 达到表面改性的效果以提高木质材料的性能,利用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对木材表面改性前后的表面化学结构进行分析;

    The performances of wood surface and woody materials can be improved . X_ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to analyze the chemical structure on the surface of untreated and treated wood samples .

  15. 电子束辐射用于木材增强改性的研究

    The Application of Electron Beam Irradiation to Reinforcement Modification of Wood

  16. 马尾松木材的改性处理羊毛拉伸改性研究


  17. 落叶松木材的改性处理是木材保护学领域中的技术难题,而落叶松木材的脱脂处理,又是其中的前沿问题。

    The modified treatment of larch wood is a difficult problem in the study range of wood protection , moreover , in which the degreasing of larch wood is foreland .

  18. 木材阻燃防腐改性的研究

    Study on Fire Retardant and Decay Resistance Modification of Wood

  19. 木材乙基化改性及其溶液化研究

    Study on ethylated modification of wood and its resolution

  20. 本研究是一种将木材防腐和改性结合起来的处理方法,简单实用,提高了木材的使用价值。

    The treatment method that combined wood preservation with wood modification was simple and practical .

  21. 木材经过化学改性可制备成易于加工且可生物降解的热塑性木材;

    Woodiness materials is prepared to thermoplastic through chemical modification , which can easy machining and has biodegradability ;

  22. 近年来研究发现通过适当的化学改性反应特别是经典的纤维素酯化和醚化反应对木材进行化学改性,可使木材转化为可溶可熔的新型热塑性高分子材料。

    Recent research discovered that the wood can be converted into meltable and soluble new thermoplastic polymeric materials by means of suitable chemical modifications especially traditional cellulosic chemical modifications such as esterifications or etherifications .

  23. 木材辐射接枝MMA改性研究

    Modification studies by irradiation grafting MMA into timber

  24. 木材氰乙基化改性研究(Ⅱ)

    Modification of wood by cyanoethylation (ⅱ)

  25. 木材热处理是目前木材物理改性领域的一个研究热点,通过在隔绝氧气的条件下将木材加热到200℃左右进行处理,可以显著地提高木材的尺寸稳定性与生物耐久性。

    Research on wood heat treatment is currently active in the field of wood physical modification . By means of heating wood up to around 200 ℃ in inert atmosphere , significant improvement on dimensional stability and biological durability can be obtained .

  26. 提出了改善木材渗透性能、提高木材硬度等纳米改性方案。

    This paper provided wood modification method to improve the properties of the wood such as penetrability and rigidity .

  27. 硬质纳米多层膜的微结构与超硬效应提出了改善木材渗透性能、提高木材硬度等纳米改性方案。

    Microstructure and Superhardness Effect of the Hard Nano-multilayer Films ; This paper provided wood modification method to improve the properties of the wood such as penetrability and rigidity .

  28. 随着建筑装饰业的发展,木材用量的不断提高,木质材料的改性处理显得十分必要和紧迫,木材改性技术也越来越受到国内外有关科研人员的重视。

    With the development of construction and decorating industry and the increasing consuming of wood , the technologies of wood modification are more and more regarded by domestic and foreign researchers .

  29. 改善木材体积稳定性的研究&马尾松、落叶松等六种木材的改性处理

    Study on improving dimensional stabilization of wood

  30. 根据木材发生蠕变的原因,提出了几点减小木材蠕变的木材改性的方法。

    Based on the causes of wood creep , wood modification was put forward to decrease creep deformation of wood .