
mù ɡōnɡ ɡōnɡ jù
  • Woodworking tools;carpentry tools
  1. 他把木工工具存放在车库。

    He kept his woodworking gear in the garage .

  2. 超出建造方标准的额外的水手长和木工工具。

    Boatswain 's and carpenter 's tools over and above the builder 's standard .

  3. 你知道你想要摆脱一个木工工具。

    You have to know what you want out of a wood working tool .

  4. 根据基本的板材形状,它可以用传统木工工具加工成几乎任何的形状。

    Supplied in sheets and shapes , it can be fabricated with conventional Carpenter woodworking tools into virtually any design .

  5. 木工的工具包括锯子、锤子和旋凿

    A carpenter 's tools include saws , hammers , and screw-drivers .

  6. 刨子是木工的工具。

    Planes are carpenters ' tools .

  7. 耐用、直纹的枪木树木料,用于建筑和细木工及制工具。

    Durable straight-grained wood of the lacewood tree ; used for building and cabinetwork and tools .

  8. 意大利木工机械和工具制造商协会解释说国内的订单在过去的三个月内下降了17个百分点,同时海外需求也下滑了10.7个百分点。

    The Italian woodworking machinery and tools'manufacturers'association said domestic orders declined by17 % over the three months , with overseas demand down by10.7 % .

  9. 刀锯是我国(建筑)木工使用的工具之一,一直长期使用,但它不能用来解木。

    Knife saw was used as one of Chinese carpenter 's tools for a long period in the early days , but it could not be used for timber-making .