
  • 网络fire-retarding of wood
  1. 微波技术在木材阻燃处理过程中的应用

    Application of Microwave Technology to Fire-retarding of Wood

  2. 用CONE法研究木材阻燃剂FRW的抑烟性能

    Study on the smoke inhibition of wood fire retardant FRW by cone calorimeter

  3. 用热分析法研究木材阻燃剂FRW的阻燃机理

    Study on fire-retardation mechanism of fire retardant FRW by thermoanalysis

  4. 木材阻燃剂FRW的阻燃机理

    The Fire-Retardant Mechanism of Fire-Retardant FRW for Wood

  5. 木材阻燃剂SLB处理木材的阻燃性能研究

    Study on the Fire-Retardant Properties of the Treated Wood with SLB Fire-Retardant

  6. 新型木材阻燃剂FRW

    FRW Fire Retardant for Wood

  7. 新型木材阻燃剂FRW的阻燃性能FRDL-112阻燃剂在落叶松材上的应用

    Fire-retardancy of A Novel Fire Retardant FRW Application of FRDL-112 Fire Retardant on Larix Timber

  8. 研究结果表明:DPB是一种性能较好的木材阻燃剂、但处理木材的DPB易流失、且化学稳定性很低。

    The experiments showed that DPB is a well wood fire retardant , but it 's leachable and chemistry stability is low .

  9. 实验表明:DPB是一种性能较好的木材阻燃剂,但DPB处理木材的抗胀缩率和阻湿率值均很低。

    The experiments showed that DPB is a well wood fire retardant . but ASE and MEE of modified wood are low .

  10. KY-Fw木材阻燃剂对木材吸湿性和尺寸稳定性的影响

    Effects of KY-Fw wood fire-retardant on wood hygroscopicity and dimensional stability

  11. FR-1、FR-2及PF树脂对木材阻燃、防腐、尺寸稳定等效果的研究

    Study on the fire and rot resistance as well as dimensional stability of wood treated with fr-1 , fr-2 and PF resin

  12. 选用新型木材阻燃剂FRW处理杨木单板,研制阻燃性能优异的FRW阻燃杨木胶合板,并对其各项物理力学性能和阻燃性能进行了测试。

    The veneer used for manufacturing the excellent FRW fire-retardant plywood of Populus was treated by the patented product of FRW fire retardant .

  13. 在综合分析热分析法、锥形量热仪法和FTIR法获得的FRW阻燃机理研究结果并吸收木材阻燃机理研究现有成果的基础上,推导进而提出了木材阻燃剂FRW的阻燃机理。

    On the basis of comprehensive study of the result of the thermal analysis , the cone calorimetry and the FTIR for wood treated with fire-retardant FRW , by combining the current theory for fire-retardant wood , the fire-retardant mechanism of FRW was proposed .

  14. 抗流失性木材阻燃剂的研究(Ⅰ)

    Studies on fire retardants to impart leach resistant for wood (ⅱ)

  15. 木材阻燃过程中的渗透性及阻燃机理

    Wood Permeability During Wood Fire-retarding Treatment and Fire Retardant Mechanism of Wood

  16. 膨胀型木材阻燃涂料的研制

    Development of the Flame Retardant Paint for Surface Expanded Wood

  17. 木材阻燃防腐改性的研究

    Study on Fire Retardant and Decay Resistance Modification of Wood

  18. 磷氮系木材阻燃剂的研究

    Studies on phosphorus - nitrogen system fire retardants for wood

  19. 六甲基磷酰三胺木材阻燃剂的研究

    A Study on Hexamethyl Phosphoramide as a Flame - retardant for Wood

  20. LFP&86型木材阻燃剂性能的研究

    A Study on Properties of the LFP-86 Fire Retardant

  21. 磷酸胍木材阻燃剂研究

    Study of flame retardant of guanidine phosphate to wood

  22. 木材阻燃耐久性研究

    The Durability of Fire - retardant for Wood

  23. 三种木材阻燃剂对木材吸湿性及尺寸稳定性影响的比较研究

    Comparison of the Effects of Three Wood Fire-retardants on Wood Hygroscopicity and Dimensional Stability

  24. 银钎剂的改性处理木材阻燃处理工艺

    THE RESEARCH OF MODIFICATIONS FOR SILVER BRAZING FLUXES Fire retardant treatment process of wood materials

  25. 木材阻燃处理工艺

    Fire retardant treatment process of wood materials

  26. 木材阻燃的热动力学研究

    Thermokinetic Study on the Fire Retardant Wood

  27. 木材阻燃的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of Wood Fire-retardant

  28. 木材阻燃剂技术进展

    Progress in Fire Retardant for Wood

  29. 硼酸锌和聚磷酸铵在木材阻燃中的成炭作用和抑烟作用

    Char Forming and Smoke Suppression Function of Zinc Borate and Ammonium Polyphosphate on Wood during Combustion

  30. 中聚合度磷酸铵的合成及其对木材阻燃处理的研究

    Synthesis of mid degree polymerization of ammonium polyphosphates and studies on their flame-retardancy treatment for wood