
  1. 中国加入WTO服务贸易自由化的评估与分析

    An Evaluation and Analysis of China 's Service Trade Liberalization after WTO Accession

  2. 文章结论认为,WTO下的成员国金融服务贸易自由化不会引致本国经济的不安全。

    Therefore , the liberalization of trade in financial services in the WTO framework will not lead to national economy crises .

  3. 而市场准入限制也是凌驾于WTO成员政府干预服务贸易自由化的国内监管之上。

    And the market access limitation also overrides domestic regulation which intervenes the liberalization of service trade by the government of WTO members .

  4. 按照我国加入WTO后的承诺,在服务贸易自由化中应遵循两大原则,即市场准入承诺和国民待遇的承诺。

    In accordance with the commitment , as the World Trade Organization in the service is to be followed in the two major principles .

  5. 因此,WTO体制下的金融服务贸易自由化并不必然影响一国维护本国资本流动的能力。

    Therefore , liberalization of trade in financial services under WTO system does not necessarily affect a country 's ability to maintain its capital movement .

  6. 论GATS框架下服务贸易自由化与环境保护的冲突与协调

    Conflicts and Coordination between Service Trade Liberalization and Environmental Protection under the Framework of GATS

  7. 欧盟的这一成果,预示着法律服务贸易自由化在WTO等国际经济组织的推动下,在全球范围内发展的趋势。

    The achievement of the EU prefigures the trend of development of the liberalization of trade in legal services in global areas with the facilitation of the WTO and other international economic organizations .

  8. 为了进一步推动服务贸易自由化的发展,减少WTO成员方、特别是发展中国家成员的后顾之忧,制定紧急保障措施制度是很有必要的。

    To further promote the development of the liberalization of trade in services , and to reduce WTO members , especially developing members , of the worries , the formulation of ESM system is necessary .

  9. 在CAFTA内,实现律师服务贸易自由化存在法律壁垒等多重障碍。

    In CAFTA , there are many obstacles in realizing the trade liberalization of legal service , like the law barriers .

  10. 海运服务贸易自由化是WTO多边贸易谈判的重要议题之一,加入WTO意味着海运服务市场的进一步开放,将给国内海运企业带来巨大挑战。

    The liberalization of maritime transport service is one of the substantial topics in the multilateral trade negotiation of WTO . Entry into WTO means the further opening of maritime service market and will bring great challenges to domestic maritime enterprises .

  11. 我国加入WTO为旅游企业跨国经营提供了操作平台,具备条件的旅游企业应充分利用服务贸易自由化提供的机遇和条件,主动实施跨国经营战略。

    Entering to the WTO has offered the operating platform for transnational operation of tourist enterprises , our country 's tourist enterprises satisfying the condition should fully utilize the opportunity and condition offered by the liberalization of service trade and implement transnational operating strategy .

  12. 对于金融服务贸易自由化中的监管问题,金融服务附录有原则规定,概括起来就是审慎监管措施不受服务贸易总协定(GATS)其他条款的限制。

    Financial service appendices give a principle specification on regulation in trade liberalization of financial service , namely , prudent supervising measures are not subject to other provisions of GATS .

  13. 在这座妥协的天平上,一端是GATS成员方所要追求的多边服务贸易自由化的目标,另一端是各个主权国家要竭力维护的特定国内公共政策目标及其背后的国家利益。

    On the scale of this compromise , one side is the target of liberalization of multilateral trade in service chasing by all GATS members , on the other side is the definite national public policies and hidden national interests endeavoring to persist by all sovereignties .

  14. CEPA就有关货物贸易的关税与非关税措施、服务贸易自由化和贸易投资便利化等内容进行了规范。

    As a kind of regional economic and trade arrangement under the frame of WTO , CEPA has standardized the relevant contents such as the tariff and non-tariff measures of trade in goods , the liberalization of trade in service , and the convenience of trade investment .

  15. 通过解读CEPA协议,论述其对两地经贸关系的推动作用,着重分析有关货物贸易和服务贸易自由化的具体承诺对内地石油石化业的影响。

    Based on the understanding of CEPA agreement , the paper expounds on its driving force in promoting the relationship of mutual economic trade , giving priority to analyzing the impact upon the Mainlands petroleum petrochemical industries by the specific undertaking of goods and service trade liberalization .

  16. 论金融服务贸易自由化的国际收支效应

    On the Balance of Payment Effect of Financial Service Trade Liberalization

  17. 论欧盟律师服务贸易自由化

    The Liberalization of Trade in Legal Services in the European Union

  18. 服务贸易自由化进程中的市场准入

    The Market Access during the Process of the Service Liberalization

  19. 服务贸易自由化的利益及其溢出

    The Theoretical Analysis on Gains from Free Trade in Service and its Spillover

  20. 服务贸易自由化与中国的对策

    The Liberalization of Service Trade and China 's Countermeasures

  21. 金融服务贸易自由化与主权意志的协调&基于对国家金融管理权的考察

    The Coordination of the Liberalization of Trade in Financial Service and Sovereign Wills

  22. 北美自由贸易区服务贸易自由化的贸易效应研究

    The Trade Effect of Service Trade Liberalization in North American Free Trade Area

  23. 经济全球化背景下的会计服务贸易自由化

    Under the background of economic globalization : the liberalization of trade in accounting services

  24. 金融服务贸易自由化与中资银行面临的机遇与挑战

    The Liberalization of Financial Services & the Opportunities and Challenges the China-funded Banks Facing

  25. 银行业跨国并购的协同效应与金融服务贸易自由化

    Synergy of Cross-border M & A of Banking and Liberalization of Financial Service Trade

  26. 论服务贸易自由化与环境保护

    On Trade Liberalization in Service and Environmental Protection

  27. 电信服务贸易自由化与电信服务业的政府规制研究

    The Research on Telecommunication Service Trade Liberalization and the Government Regulations of Telecommunication Service Industry

  28. 教育服务贸易自由化之发展浅析

    Development of the liberalization of education service

  29. 论金融服务贸易自由化与经济增长

    Financial Service Trade Liberalization and Economic Growth

  30. 国际电信服务贸易自由化下的中国电信改革

    The Chinese Telecom Industry Reform under the Impact of Liberalization of International Telecom Service Trade