
ɡuó jì shōu zhī pínɡ hénɡ biǎo
  • balance of payments statement
  1. 中国国际收支平衡表中净误差与遗漏项目一直处于非正常状况,而近几年又由很高的负值转为很高的正值,对其分析和研究已成必然。NET实现Web服务的方式。

    The net errors and omissions item in China 's balance of payments statement is in an abnormal state all along and has turned into high plus from minus in recent years , so it is necessary to research in this field .

  2. 接着通过对洗钱行为、国际收支平衡表、边境贸易等的详细分析找出国际资本出入中国的主要途径。

    Then the paper points out the main approach of international capitals ' flowing into or out from China by analyzing money laundering , balance of payments statement and frontier trade in detail .

  3. 国际收支平衡表中的数据有许多用途。

    Balance of payments data are useful in a number of ways .

  4. 国际收支平衡表摘要记录所有的经济交易。

    The balance of payments is a summary of all economic transactions .

  5. 国际收支平衡表的这一定义是相当明确的。

    This definition of the balance of payments account is straightforward enough .

  6. 为了深入探讨这个问题,本文首先运用国际收支平衡表和国际资本流动的基本理论,对我国的国际收支及国际资本流动的状况进行了分析;

    International capital movement has affected the balance of payments of China profoundly .

  7. 中国国际收支平衡表历年对比分析(1982-2007年)

    The Contrastive Analysis on China 's International Balance of Payment ( 1982-2007 )

  8. 解读2005年中国国际收支平衡表

    Tables 11 . To Explain the Chinese Balance Form of International Payments in 2005

  9. 在国际收支平衡表中我们如何将这些交易归类?

    How do we group the international transactions in the balance of international payments statements ?

  10. 国际收支平衡表只收录本国和外国居民之间的经济往来。

    Only economic transactions between domestic and foreign residents are ~ ed in the balance of payments .

  11. 国际收支平衡表中设有“错误与遗漏”项目。

    There is one account called " Errors and Omissions " in the balance of payments statements .

  12. 在国际收支平衡表中,顺差项目如果用具体数字来表示,就用“+”号。

    The surplus item is identified by a plus in the balance-of-payment account when actual numbers , are considered .

  13. 通常国际收支平衡表有三项主要账目,即经常项目、资本项目和平衡项目。

    Statements of balance of international payments usually present three kinds of transactions : Current Account , Capital Account and Balancing Account .

  14. 基本核算表包括国内生产总值表、投入产出表、资金流量表、国际收支平衡表和资产负债表;

    Basic accounting tables consist of GDP table , input-output table , flows-of-funds table , balance of payments , and balance sheet .

  15. 中国的国际收支平衡表数据显示,2季度和3季度金融账户赤字总计近250亿美元。

    China posted a combined $ 25bn deficit on the financial account in the second and third quarters , balance of payments data show .

  16. 第二章是理论分析部分,基于国际收支平衡表进行定量的数据分析。

    In the third chapter , there is the analysis theory , carrying on the quantitative data analysis on the basis of international balance of payments .

  17. 它突出地反映在我国国际收支平衡表中误差与遗漏项数额的不断扩大上。

    Evidence of this phenomenon can be found in the table of balance which shows an increasing amount of errors and omissions in China 's international payments .

  18. 因纽元汇率的降低,我们的出口部门将因此获益而改善我们的国际收支平衡表,我们将比其它国家更好地度过此次金融风暴。

    With a lower dollar , a more diversified export sector and a solid Crown balance sheet * we will weather this storm better than many nations .

  19. 国际收支平衡表的簿记原理和一系列簿记惯例(尤其是后者中的借、贷记簿记惯例)常常会使那些对于会计学知识一知半解的初学者感到十分困惑和难以把握。

    The accounting principles in the balance sheet of international payment and a series of the accounting customs ( especially the " debit-credit customs ") frequently bewilder the beginners .

  20. 迄今为止,中国内地国际收支平衡表上的资本项目仍未对外公布,利率仍受到政策目标的控制,人民币汇率也得到谨慎管理。

    To this day , the capital account on the balance of payments remains closed , interest rates remain mandated by policy objectives and the currency is carefully managed .

  21. 同样值得关注的是,当以借款人的国籍而不是居住地来衡量时,外汇风险敞口要大得多。目前编制国际收支平衡表时使用的是居住地。

    It is also worth noting that foreign-currency exposure is much higher when measured by nationality of the borrower than residence – which is how balance-of-payments figures are compiled .

  22. 本文通过对48个国家(地区)国际收支平衡表两个账户顺差、逆差年份的均值检验发现:普通法系和大陆法系国家在国际收支表现上存在显著的差异。

    By comparisons of48 countries ( regions ), we find that there is great difference between common law and civil law countries in the statement for balance of payments .

  23. 服务作为国际收支平衡表中经常账户下的重要项目,已经成为推动世界经济发展的重要动力之一。

    Abstr act As an important current account item in the balance of payment , service trade is playing a more and more important role in the development of world economy .

  24. 我国国际收支平衡表的资本和金融账户尚未完全开放,使得我国资本市场与世界主要发达国家资本市场存在分割。

    The capital and finance account of Balance of Payment in China is not completely open , and there is a gap between the domestic capital market and advanced ones in the world .

  25. 透过国际收支平衡表,可以发现中国国际收支的结构特征、问题所在,进而提出改进措施和政策建议。

    From the balance form of international payments , will find the structure feature and issue of the balance of international payments of China , then put forward the improved measure and policy proposal .

  26. 国际收支平衡表中的净误差与遗漏项是根据复式记账法人为设置的一个项目,本意是用来使得国际收支平衡表满足会计记账原则。

    The errors & omissions in the balance of payment ( BOP ) statement is set according to the double entry , its original aim is to make the BOP statement satisfy the accounting rules .

  27. 文章分析了1982~2002年我国国际收支平衡表的结构特征,并对利率平价理论在我国的变形进行了解释。

    This article analyses the structural characteristics of China 's statements of the balance of international payment between 1982 to 2002 , and interprets the deformation , in China , of the theory of interest rate parity .

  28. 文章对2005年国际收支平衡表中的经常项目进行了细致的分析,从中发现了新的变化,并提出了应该重视的新问题。

    This article carries out a careful analysis to the current account in the international balance of payments of 2005 and finds out the new change and points out the new problems that should be paid attention to .

  29. 总结出FDI对国际收支结构的影响机制,主要是通过贸易流动和资本流动渠道影响国际收支平衡表中经常项目和资本与金融项目。

    Then the author concluded that FDI affected the current account and the capital and financial account of balance of payments statement mainly by trade flow and capital flow .