
  • 网络Service Gap
  1. 教授:而这就被称为服务缺口,也许那里的员工没有受到足够的培训,或者也许那一天就是卖完了派。

    Professor : That 's what 's called a service gap , maybe there wasn 't enough training for the employees or maybe they just ran out pie that day .

  2. 台湾会计师事务所服务品质缺口实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Service Quality Gaps of CPA Firms in Taiwan

  3. 对于每个国家,国民医疗服务覆盖缺口确定为整体医疗服务覆盖指数和选定的个别医疗服务指标。

    For each country , the national coverage gap was determined for an overall health service coverage index and select individual health service indicators .

  4. 针对性政策在国家内部与财富相关的不平等水平相对高的国家尤为适用,而全人群方法则对所有五分位组中医疗服务覆盖缺口高的国家都适用。

    Targeted policies are most appropriate where high within-country wealth-related inequality exists , and whole-population approaches , where the health-service coverage gap is high in all quintiles .

  5. 与财富相关的不平等现象对妇幼保健服务覆盖缺口的作用还受国家和医疗服务类型的影响,因而有必要根据具体情况采取特定干预措施。

    The contribution of wealth-related inequality to the child and maternal health service coverage gap differs by country and type of health service , warranting case-specific interventions .

  6. 通过建立一个农村金融服务三缺口的分析框架,重点剖析我国农村小额信贷相关缺口的形成机制和制约因素。

    By building an analysis framework for three kinds of absence of rural financial services . This paper is highlighted in analyzing the generating mechanism of relevant absence for small sum credit loan in China 's rural regions and the constraining factors for it .

  7. 其中,农村居民对排队时间的重要性认知大于其感知绩效,因此排队问题同样也是引发农村居民服务不满的缺口。

    Among them , rural residents have a higher expected performance for queuing time than their perceived performance , which is likely to cause service dissatisfaction .

  8. AT&T还预计,市政wi-fi将填补其移动电话服务用户的覆盖缺口。

    AT & T also expects muni wi-fi to fill any gaps in coverage for subscribers to its mobile phone service .

  9. 随着教育事业的蓬勃发展,高校单纯依靠国家教育投资已无法满足基础设施建设的需要,无法满足师生员工日益增长的服务需求,资金缺口成为制约高校发展的主要瓶颈。

    With the rapid development of educational cause , it is hard for colleges to meet the requests of infrastructural construction , relying merely on the national education investments . It can neither satisfy the ever-increasing demands of teachers and students . In essence , financing gap is the bottleneck .

  10. 最后,本文运用服务利润链理论建立了服务补救过程模型,阐明了酒店服务补救是对顾客价值的恢复和服务质量缺口的消除,应系统地进行内部和外部补救。

    In the end , with service profit chain theory , a model for service recovery is set up to illustrate that hotel service recovery helps restore customer 's value and eliminate service quality gaps and should be applied systematically .