
pénɡ kè
  • punk
  1. 10年来,“X”乐队一直都是洛杉矶最杰出的朋克乐队。

    For a decade ' X ' was the pre-eminent punk band in Los Angeles .

  2. 摇滚乐自从朋克乐以后就已经过于商业化而缺乏新意了。

    Rock'n'roll has become so commercialised and safe since punk .

  3. 最初是朋克摇滚乐促使他正式加入了乐队。

    It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously

  4. “这全视乎你对朋克摇滚乐的定义,不是吗?”

    It all depends on your definition of punk , doesn 't it ?

  5. 我从未真正喜欢过朋克摇滚乐。

    I was never really into punk .

  6. 这首名为《TheBreakdown》的新歌时长4分钟,是朋克抒情曲风。

    It 's a 4-minute punk ballad called The Breakdown .

  7. 其他一些雇主,比如前卫的朋克/摇滚音乐及服饰零售商HotTopic,每月发放奖金、现金和奖品奖励。

    Others , like edgy , punk / rock music clothier Hot Topic ( HOTT-news-people ), give out monthly bonuses , cash and prize incentives .

  8. 为录制2001年的《发现》(Discovery),傻朋克推出了一副新的装扮:光滑?亮而又密不透风的机器人服装。

    For 2001 's Discovery , Daft Punk introduced a new look , in the form of impenetrably sleek robot getups .

  9. 在距上一张专辑《TheBestDamnThing》发行四年之久后,朋克小魔女艾薇儿确定了粉丝期待已久的第四张专辑发售日期。

    Nearly four years after the release of The Best Damn Thing , Avril Lavigne has finally set a date for her long-awaited fourth studio album .

  10. 加拿大朋克歌手艾薇儿•拉维妮周一晚上在上海为BlackStarTour举行的激情四射的演出博得满场喝彩。

    North American pop punk star Avril Lavigne brought the house down during a passionate performance in Shanghai on Monday night as part of her Black Star tour .

  11. 她以像Complicated和Sk8erBoi这样的受朋克摇滚启发的流行打击乐而名声大噪。

    She made a name for herself with her punk rock inspired pop hits such as Complicated and Sk8er Boi .

  12. 自从1997年发行第一张专辑《家庭作业》(Homework)以来,傻朋克一直走在电子音乐的前列,一首接一首地推出让同行抄袭、让听众或痛或喜的热门歌曲。

    Ever since their 1997 debut , Homework , Daft Punk 's been at the vanguard of electronic music , creating one sample-jacking , endorphin-morphing hit after another .

  13. 他在定制款夹克衫上运用了朋克风格的背带(punkharnessing)以及小巧优雅的设计理念,显得时尚味十足。

    It had a fashion attitude in its use of punk harnessing , and neat ideas in its tailored blousons .

  14. 这些面妆,这种朋克风,以及我们定义这个世界的方式,于是我们就做了这个MV。

    this new face paint , this punk , the way that we identify with the world , and we made this music video .

  15. 在接下来的年头和专辑里面,从2005年激愤的《毕竟还是人类》(HumanAfterAll)到2010年激情澎湃、有管弦乐辅助的《创:战记》(Tron:Legacy)配乐,傻朋克的音乐在继续变异。

    Daft Punk 's music would continue to mutate over the coming years and albums , from the aggro Human After All ( 2005 ) to the swelling , orchestra-aided Tron : Legacy soundtrack ( 2010 ) .

  16. AbbeyDawn品牌沿袭了艾薇儿一贯的朋克风格,皮革、怪异的配饰、提格布再配上粉红色。

    Abbey Dawn by Avril Lavigne features her usual punk look with plenty of hot pinks mixed with leather , quirky accessories and checks .

  17. 接着他又向东走了几个街区来到MarsBar酒吧。游客经常来这里寻找真正的朋克,而朋克们常在中午来这里喝酒。

    A few blocks east , he arrived at Mars Bar , the grimy dive where tourists go in search of authentic punks and authentic punks go to start drinking at midday .

  18. 年轻女孩常在网上张贴自己撅嘴和PS过的大眼睛卡通式照片。照片上他们戴着厚厚的眼镜,身着日韩系哥特或者朋克风格的性感衣服。

    Young women often post cartoon-like pictures of themselves with pursed lips , Photoshop-enlarged eyes while wearing chunky glasses , sexy Goth and punk styles borrowed from Japan and Korea .

  19. 现在,如果你想看到19岁的俄罗斯男生打扮成运动哥特风(想象一下恋物癖朋克与精品健身房SoulCycle的结合体)的日本女生,DenisSimachev大概就是你的最佳选择。

    Now , if you want to see 19-year-old Russian boys dressed up like health-goth ( think fetish punk meets Soul Cycle ) Japanese girls , Denis Simachev is probably your best bet .

  20. 新单《Here'sToNeverGrowingUp》由马丁约翰逊制作,他也是流行朋克乐队BoysLikeGirls的主唱,同时他也为泰勒斯威夫特、麦莉塞勒斯和狂野夏洛特制作过专辑。

    ' Here 's to Never Growing Up ' was produced by Martin Johnson , who is best known as the frontman of pop-punk band Boys Like Girls , and has previously produced tracks for Taylor Swift , Miley Cyrus and Good Charlotte .

  21. 朋克乐队AllTimeLow也登上了本周的专辑排行榜,凭借新发布的《FutureHearts》(Hopeless)位居第二,为有史以来的最好成绩。《FutureHearts》的销量和播放量分别为7.5万和260万。

    Also on the album chart this week , the pop-punk band All Time Low reaches an all-time high of No. 2 with its latest release , " Future Hearts " ( Hopeless ) , which had 75000 sales and 2.6 million streams .

  22. 它根据地理位置和共同的爱好,比如钟爱蠢朋克乐队(DaftPunk)或电影《指环王》(LordoftheRings),提醒人们注意附近的其他用户。

    One notifies people of other nearby users , called " matches , " based on location and shared interests , like an affinity for Daft Punk or Lord of the rings .

  23. 这种守口如瓶的营销策略也得到过法国电音组合傻瓜朋克(DaftPunk)的采纳,他们以机器人头盔隐藏自己的真容达20年之久。

    This tight-lipped marketing strategy has been recently championed by French electronic producers Daft Punk , who have hidden behind their robot helmets for two decades .

  24. A21对于国家现状、官方娱乐和沉闷的白俄罗斯朋克界等都持有强硬的社会态度。

    A21 have taken a hard social stance to state mode , official show-biz and the inactive Belorussian punk-scene .

  25. 表面上看来,朋克团体PussyRiot一案跟叙利亚没有关联。该案是一场政治审判秀,其中三名年轻女性实际上因亵渎上帝而遭到迫害。

    On the face of it the Pussy Riot case , a political show trial in which three young women are being effectively persecuted for blasphemy , is unconnected to Syria .

  26. 90年代,由媒体主导的反对声浪犹存,同时期也出现了被称为“RiotGrrrls”的争取女权运动的新思潮,这是自朋克运动孕育而生的。

    The nineties saw some of this media-driven backlash , as well as the appearance of a new strain of youth feminism , " Riot Grrrls , " who emerged from the punk movement .

  27. 在伊莎贝尔•玛兰(IsabelMarant)的发布会上,44位朋克摇滚乐手身穿红色闪亮皮装、特型粗花呢大衣以及印有大猫图案的时装走秀;

    At Isabel Marant , 44 early-1980s punk rockers walked out in shiny red leathers , oversized tweed coats and big cat prints ;

  28. 里面藏着一个蒸汽朋克风格的幻想世界,调酒师们会用陈年朗姆、柑橘和苦酒调出一杯杯的DesdeCubaConAmor(120比索),它们真的会冒烟。

    Inside is a steampunk fantasyland , with bartenders who mix drinks like the Desde Cuba Con Amor ( 120 pesos ) , a combination of aged rum , citrus and bitters that is literally smoking .

  29. 另一间以标杆自诩的俱乐部是DenisSimachev,店名沿用了老板自己的名字丹尼斯·西马切夫,他是一名设计师,拥有一个走华丽朋克路线的后现代露营品牌,令他驰名于俄罗斯时尚界。

    Another club that bucks the boilerplate is Denis Simachev , owned by the designer of the same name whose brand of punk-opulent postmodern camp has made him big in Russian fashion .

  30. 在柏林,凯夫初次开始了音乐之外的冒险,最终令他成为“后朋克”一代中的文艺复兴式全才:一本怪异、血腥的,带有福克纳色彩的小说,题为《而蠢人看见天使》(AndtheAssSawtheAngel)。

    It was in Berlin that Cave undertook the first of the extramusical forays that would eventually come to define him as the renaissance man of the " postpunk " generation : a grotesque , blood-spattered , Faulkner-saturated novel titled " And the Ass Saw the Angel . "