
  1. Weber定律提供了新的聚类有效性标准,并且该方法所得到的合理的聚类数可以依据Weber定律而得到。

    Secondly , the reasonable clustering number can be effectively determined by the new Weber-law-based clustering validity index .

  2. 结合数据的模糊划分得到的总变差,提出了二个新的聚类有效性标准。

    Two new clustering validity functions are proposed using partition coefficient combined with total variation in fuzzy-partition .

  3. 由体现合作原则的方式准则可以引出评估论证的方式有效性标准和简洁有效性标准。

    Criterion of manner from principle of cooperation can introduce manner validity and concise validity for evaluating argument .

  4. 新课程提出了建构性、生成性和多元性的教学有效性标准,建立了当前有效教学的理想模式。

    The new curriculum has presented standards of constructiveness , generativeness and multiplicity and hereby sets up an ideal teaching model .

  5. 该文考虑到数据集的几何结构信息,对可能性划分系数进行改进,提出了新的聚类有效性标准。

    To consider the geometry structure information of data fset , new clustering validity functions are defined by modify possibilistic partition coefficient .

  6. 康德和罗尔斯依据普遍同意标准和有效性标准来论证道德原则或正义原则。

    Kant and Rawls respectively justify their moral rules , or justice principles , according to the standard of unanimous agreement and that of validity .

  7. 因此上市公司会计信息的披露需要建立一个真实、及时、完整、准确的信息披露有效性标准体系来评价所披露会计信息的有效性。

    Thus accounting information disclosure of listed companies need to create a effectiveness of true , timely , complete and accurate to evaluate the effectiveness of accounting information .

  8. 第二部分利用财务手段规范公司治理结构的理论概述,包括公司治理结构的理论基础、内容、有效性标准;

    Part 2 : The theory summary about regulating corporate governance by financial means , including the concept of corporate governance and the relation between finance system and corporate governance .

  9. 结合我国与相关国家国际商事仲裁立法与实践和相关的国际公约,论述了目前世界上并不存在统一的认定仲裁协议有效性标准,而由各国法院依据应当适用的法律作出认定。

    This paper studies how national courts should determine the validity of international arbitration agreement and its applicable law . The author holds the position that at present there are no international standards for such determination .

  10. 由于含泥裂缝-孔洞型储层的有效性标准不易建立,因此本文主要研究含泥溶洞段的有效性,完全充填溶洞为无效储层,部分充填及未充填溶洞为有效储层。

    Effectiveness criteria on the mud fractured-vuggy reservoir is not easy to establish , this paper mainly studies the effectiveness of the mud cave , the reservoir filled completely is invalid , and that filled partly is valid .

  11. 我们仅通过考察符号的类别和顺序(句法规则)就可以确定意义关系问题,尤其是能够确定逻辑-数学语句的真值,这就是分析性定义所确立的有效性标准。

    We can define the relation of meanings and especially the truth of logic-mathematic statements by just examining the kinds and sequences of symbols ( i.e. , syntactic rules ) . This is the criteria of validity which analytical definition develops .

  12. 第五部分中小学课堂教学组织形式存在的问题,分析问题成因以及表现。第六部分有效性标准视角下审视当前的课堂教学组织形式。

    Part five discussed of the problems of primary and secondary classroom teaching organizational forms , analyzed the cause of the problem and performance , the sixth part is a overview of the current classroom teaching organizational form in effectiveness perspective .

  13. 在特征类中嵌入有效性标准使得特征具有可调整性,提供形状继承和形状组合机制,使复合特征及自定义特征能正确生成,从而提高了系统设计效率,增强了特征造型能力。

    Embedding validity criteria in each feature class makes feature adjustable , provide the mechanism of shape inheritance and shape composition in order to achieve the user-defined and compound feature . So it enhances the efficiency of designing process and improves the ability of modeling .

  14. 基于这个原因,ROI很难成为衡量组织成长或者改进有效性的标准。

    For this reason , ROI does not easily lend itself to being a measure of the effectiveness of organizational growth or improvement efforts .

  15. 本文以平均运行长度(APL)为衡量控制图有效性的标准,以抽样比例和最大可接受错误报警率为输入,通过建立模型的方法,确定最佳的样本容量和控制线参数。

    Average production length ( APL ) is introduced as the criterion for measuring control scheme performance . A model is developed with sampling rate and maximum false alarm rate as inputs to determine the optimum subgroup size and control limits as measured by APL .

  16. 再次,在第三部分进行ARIMA模型的评价标准上,运用了从不同基区间,不同预测区间的预测有效性评价标准,然后从不同角度选择时序模型,这点在国内研究中也比较少见。

    When we conclude the ARIMA model evaluation criteria , We use evaluation of the effectiveness of prediction criteria by the different base interval and different prediction interval , then we select the timing model from different points of view , this is relatively rare in the domestic research .

  17. 课堂提问有效性:标准、策略及观察

    The effectiveness of classroom inquiry : standard strategy and observation

  18. 塔里木盆地泥质气源岩有效性判别标准

    Distinguishing criteria of validity for argillaceous gas source rocks in Tarim Basin

  19. 其次,分析了金融监管有效性的标准。

    To analyze financial globalization on efficiency of financial supervision .

  20. 真的有效性证明标准

    The Validity Criterion of Truth

  21. 本文从主体限定、有效性判定标准和合法性要求三个方面进行了比较。

    In this paper , the main limitation , the effectiveness and legitimacy criteria required three aspects were compared .

  22. 利用已经建立的排污权交易制度有效性评价标准对美国SO2排污权交易效率进行评价。

    Part two : estimate the efficiency of American SO_2 Emissions Trading policy according to estimating rules that have been settled up .

  23. 宏观财政政策是一种公共物品,其有效性的标准是,在实现政府利益的同时,能够增进社会的福利。

    The macro fiscal policy is a kind of public goods , which should increase the social welfare while realize the government benefit .

  24. 教学目标既是教学的起点又是教学的终点,是判断教学有效性的标准和依据。

    Teaching objective is the teaching start point and also end point , which is the criterion and basis to estimate the education effectiveness .

  25. 将已构建的排污权交易制度有效性评价标准应用于我国排污权交易制度设计之中设计适合中国具体情况的排污许可证交易模式。

    Part three : design tradable emission permits system , which has considered china special realities , on the basis of estimating rules about Emissions Trading policy .

  26. 并使用昆明理工大学中型研究型驾驶模拟器进行模拟器速度有效性验证标准的应用研究。

    The research driving simulator of Kunming University of Science and Technology was used to carry out application researches about validation standards of speed of driving simulator .

  27. 这种有效性认定标准不是将共同犯罪看成共犯行为的简单相加体现了共同犯罪内部各个共犯行为的相互利用、相互依赖的关系。

    This standard does not regard complicity as the simple adding of joint offenses but reveals that there is mutual influence and dependence on each joint offensive action .

  28. 排污权交易制度有效性评价标准体系是开放的标准,本文对其所作的初步探讨只是一个开始,具体细则的制定及其修正将随着排污权交易制度在我国的实施展开。

    The research about it in this paper is just a commencement . Material rules will be established along with Emissions Trading policy being put into practice in our country .

  29. 欠发达地区农村的金融需求能否得到实现,是衡量欠发达地区农村金融服务有效性的标准,也是农村金融体制改革成败的关键。

    Realizing the peasant household financial demand in less-developed areas is the standard evaluating the less-developed areas finance service efficiency , and the key of the less-developed areas finance reform .

  30. 构建并遵从道德的普遍准则是道德建设的核心内容,而检验道德建设的有效性的标准则是道德准则的具体实践效果。

    Establishment of and conformity to the universal maxims of morality is the central content of moral construction while the criterion for testing the validity of moral construction is just the result of particular practice .