
  • 网络intentional memory
  1. 本研究通过设置不同他人在场的情境探讨了4~6岁儿童有意记忆情况,以现:不同的他人在场是影响4~6岁JL童有意记忆的重要因素;

    This essay deals with the conscious memory of children at age 4-6 from the offered context-in the presence of other people .

  2. 不同他人在场对4~6岁儿童有意记忆影响的研究

    Research about the influence of other people presence on the conscious memory of children at age 4 ~ 6

  3. 本文中“梦溪笔谈”是代表有意记忆的曲径分岔的游历体系、代表记忆片断的天井体系、代表居住功能的房间体系两两叠合的建构体系。

    In this paper " Dream Stream " means the path system symbolizing conscious memory , courtyard system symbolizing memory part and room system symbolizing living function penetrate each other .

  4. 不同形式的网络广告在有意注意下记忆效果不论在广告知名度的水平高低,差异都不显著;

    No matter the popularity of the ad , under the intentionally attention , the memory effect of various form of the web ad appears unapparent difference ;

  5. 词汇伴随学习与有意学习对词汇记忆的影响

    Effects of the Incidental and Intentional Learning on Vocabulary Retention

  6. 有意遗忘中工作记忆容量所起的作用

    The variation of working memory capacity on directed forgetting