
  1. 本文介绍了几种有关造纸漂白废水中有机物污染物的检测方法,如TOCl分析法、AOX分析法、气相色谱法和电位滴定法等。

    It was that some measure method of organic contamination in bleaching effluent .

  2. 持久性有机物污染物(POP)是人造的化学品,来源于杀虫剂和制造行业等,进入食物链后可能会增加患糖尿病、癌症和痴呆等疾病的危险。

    POPs are man-made chemicals which enter the food chain from sources including pesticides and manufacturing . They have been linked to an increased risk of diabetes , cancer and dementia .

  3. 应用多介质环境模型评价典型有机物污染物的环境行为

    Evaluating the Environmental Bahavior of Typical Organic Pollutants Applying Multimedia Environmental Model

  4. 持久性有机物污染物二恶英环境污染问题的研究

    The Study of the Environmental Pollution of Dioxin and Its Lasting Organic Pollutant Effects

  5. 目前,应用光催化氧化法研究处理有机物污染物的种类已达300余种。

    At present , there are more than 300 kinds of pollutant organics , which can be degraded by photocatalysis method .

  6. 持久性有机物污染物的污染问题已经成为一个全球性问题,在自然界,沉积物是持久性有机污染物的源和汇。

    The pollution of Persistent Organic Pollution ( POP ) has become a global problem , in natural region , sediment is the source and sink of POP .

  7. 我国的饮用水源普遍受到了污染,常规处理工艺对低浊度水处理效果不佳,也难以有效去除原水中有机物污染物。

    Our drinking water sources have been widely polluted and the traditional water purification technique can not function effectively in the removal of organic substance in raw water .

  8. 沸石是一种环境友好型吸附材料,对沸石加以改性可以提高其对水中有机物污染物的吸附能力。

    Zeolite is one of the environmental-friendly materials , and its modification can improve zeolite adsorption of organic pollutants in polluted water . This paper studied the different modification conditions on the zeolite absorption capacity of p-nitrophenol .

  9. 生物膜具有较高的表面反应活性和丰富的吸附面积,对水环境中的重金属、有机物等污染物具有明显的吸附、富集作用。

    Due to the high surface reactivity and large surface areas , the most important role of surface coatings in the aquatic environments is the adsorption or enrichment of pollutants in the water .

  10. 〔结果〕使用多酶清洗液后隐血试验结果要比未使用前效果好,对有机物污染或污染物已变干的医疗器械用多酶清洗液浸泡大于2分钟可达到清洗效果。

    RESULTS The using the Multi-enzyme Detergent was more effective than unused . It is help for the contaminated medical instruments clean by Multi-enzyme Detergent for 2 min.

  11. 结果表明,在该废水中检测出14种有机物,主要污染物为有机酸类,占有机物总量的35.19%。其次为酯类和酮类,分别占有机物总量的30.03%和19.68%。

    14 organic matters were identified , including the major compounds organic acids , esters and ketones with concentration of 35.19 % , 30.03 % and 19.68 % respectively .

  12. 挥发性有机物作为大气污染物的重要组成部分对生态环境和人类健康具有严重的危害,对动植物有直接毒性,而且其在太阳光作用下产生光化学烟雾,造成严重的二次污染。

    As important components of air pollutant , volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) are harmful for the environment and human . Most of VOCs are toxic for animals and plants , and some of them may generate photochemical smog in the sunlight , which can cause severe secondary pollution .

  13. 比如,挥发性有机物是化学性污染物,在我们的学校,家里以及办公室都能发现它们。

    For example , volatile organic compounds are chemical pollutants that are found in our schools , homes and workplaces .

  14. 结果表明,电动力学作用可以有效提高活性炭纤维对水中有机物、细菌等污染物的去除效率,降低出水中有机物和细菌的浓度并提高活性炭纤维吸附容量的利用率。

    The result demonstrated that the electrokinetics method could effectively improve the removal efficiency of organics and bacteria by ACF and reduce their contents in effluent .

  15. 结果表明:河道水质在净化后,通过引水或充氧使河道保持一定的溶解氧,可有效抑制沉积物中有机物、氨氮等污染物的释放。

    The result showed that , after the river water was purified , release of organic , ammonia etc can be inhabited by drawing fresh water or aeration to improve DO concentration in river .

  16. 目的了解使用不同年限小汽车车厢内空气有机物污染状况及污染物浓度变化情况,为制定相应的防制对策提供依据。

    Objective this study was designed to find out the status of air pollution in the car compartments used for different periods of time by organic compounds to provide data for the formulation of corresponding countermeasures for the prevention and control of the pollution .

  17. 通过发酵工艺生产乳酸产生的乳酸精馏残液是一种介于液态和固态之间的含有高浓度可生物降解有机物的一种污染物,其成分主要为碳水化合物及其降解产物。

    Lactic distillation residue is a kind of pollutant which has a state between liquid and solid and is yielded in the process of lactic production , and it has high COD concentration and it is bio - degradable , its main ingredient is carbohydrate and its degrading product .

  18. 本文基于上述方法对伊士曼有机废水治理工艺进行了研究。该废水含有多种有机物,污染物结构复杂,毒性大,废水的化学需氧量近60000mg/L,为高浓度有机废水。

    Eastman organic waste water process is studied with above-mentioned method .