
  • 网络FLOC
  1. 投加PAC前,好氧活性污泥比较分散疏松,每个絮体形体较小。

    Before dosing PAC , aerobic activated sludge scattered loose , and floc shape was smaller .

  2. 采用PAC与助凝剂聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)组合投加,可以增大絮体的凝聚能力,提高其密实性。

    PAC combined with polyacrylamide ( PAM ) dosing could increase the ability of floc cohesion and improve its compactness .

  3. Fe(Ⅲ)对活性污泥絮体结构和生物絮凝作用的影响

    Effects of Fe (ⅲ) on floc surface properties and bioflocculation of activated sludge

  4. 本文以哈利斯(Harris)的絮凝理论为基础,计及絮体的破碎,首先提出了絮凝池的残余浊度变化速度方程。

    This paper based on the Harris flocculation theory .

  5. 石灰在污泥调治中的主要作用是在pH>12的条件下提供大量的Ca(OH)2絮体物,从而使污泥颗粒发生凝聚作用;

    On the contrary , lime provides a lot of Ca ( OH ) 2 which can agglomerate sludge particles on pH > 12 condition .

  6. 助留体系对PCC悬浮液形成絮体分形特征的影响

    Effect of Retention Systems on Fractal Properties of Flocs of PCC Suspension

  7. 絮体自由沉速的变化规律不能用传统的Stokes定律解释;

    The variation rule of free subsiding velocity of flock can not be explained by traditional Stokes law ;

  8. 而聚合氯化铝(PAC)絮凝剂同时伴随有电中和与吸附-架桥作用,絮凝效果受絮体形态变化影响较大。

    PAC coagulant act with bridge-work accompanying charge neutralization , and the effect is affected by morphology more .

  9. 其原因可能是此时形成的含有铁盐的活性污泥絮体为微絮物,比较碎小,在初期容易形成膜孔的吸附及堵塞阻力Rf。

    The reason may be that activated sludge containing ferric floc is too small and adsorbed to the membrane pore to make a blocking resistance Rf .

  10. 污泥絮体性质的研究包括絮体粒径的变化、污泥EPS含量的变化以及EPS中蛋白质和多糖含量的变化。

    Sludge flocs characteristics included particle sizes , the content of EPS , the content of proteins and polysaccharides in EPS .

  11. 实验表明,SBR反应器内的活性污泥性能良好,污泥絮体大,SVI值较低,污泥沉降性能好。

    The experiments also showed the sludge in the SBR were good and had a low SVI .

  12. 分子质量较大的CPAM形成的絮体分维相对较低。

    CPAM with higher molecular weight formed the flocs with lower fractal dimension .

  13. 低浓度SDS对絮凝初絮体的形成起阻碍作用,而较高浓度的SDS对絮凝过程起促进作用。

    Low concentration of SDS impeded the formation of floc at the beginning of flocculation , while high concentration of SDS promoted the flocculation process .

  14. 一部分EPS与生物絮体互相作用,结合成颗粒污泥,减少了混合液中的EPS含量并延缓了EPS在膜上的累积。

    Some EPS combine with sludge floc and form granular sludge , which leads to a decrease of EPS in the mixed liquor and membrane .

  15. 研究了二硫代氨基甲酸盐的除油机理,并通过分析絮体的生成条件以及絮体的带电性,探讨了污水的pH值对二硫代氨基甲酸盐除油性能的影响。

    The mechanism of removing oil from wastewater by dithiocarbamate was studied and the effect of pH value of wastewater on the oil removing was discussed based on the floculation occurred in the course of oil removing .

  16. 与此同时,通过电解水产生的微小H2与O2气泡将Al(OH)(3-x)Fx絮体浮到水面,从而到达高效除氟的目的。

    Meanwhile , tiny H_2 and O_2 bubbles generated in electrolysis help to float the Al ( OH ) _ ( 3-x ) F_x floc , leading to effective fluoride removal from wastewater .

  17. 然而,与PAM相比,壳聚糖的相对分子质量和电荷密度均较小,因此在絮凝时形成的絮体较小、结构较松散。

    However , compared with PAM , molecular weight and charge density of chitosan are lower , so flocs formed in flocculation are smaller and less incompact .

  18. PEO的引入能明显提高PAC的絮凝能力,加快絮体沉降速度。

    The results also show that the introduction of PEO markedly improves the flocculating ability of PAC and increases the settling speed of flocs .

  19. 在烧杯搅拌实验的基础上,通过絮体的ζ电位测定、X射线粉晶衍射、红外光谱、X射线光电子能谱等实验手段考察了铝盐混凝除氟的作用机理。

    On the basis of the results of jar tests , the coagulation defluoridation mechanisms of aluminum salts were investigated by means of ζ potential measurement of floc and IR , XRD , XPS analysis of floc structure .

  20. 并设计了大量实验,分别对硫酸铝和聚合氯化铝(PAC)絮凝剂,在变化水力条件和投药量的基础上分析了絮凝过程中的流动电流值和絮体分形维数变化规律。

    Through a lot of experiments , we obtained the streaming current and fractal dimension of aluminum sulfate and PAC on different hydraulic condition or different dosage .

  21. PFC生成的絮体随着投加量的增加,絮体的分形维数逐渐降低;PAC生成的絮体在较低和较高投加量下,絮体较为松散。

    The fractal dimension of the flocs was decreased at higher dosages of PFC. The floes formed by PAC were loosely compacted at the low and high dosage .

  22. 聚合氯化铝作为实验研究的混凝剂,高岭土代表水中的无机悬浮固体颗粒物,利用显微图像法分析不同碱化度和不同pH值条件下絮体的分形结构。

    Polyaluminum chloride was used as coagulant and kaolin represented the inorganic suspension solid particulate matter of water . Image analysis was used in the study on fractal structure of alum floc and removal characteristics at different alkalization degree and different pH.

  23. 聚合氯化铁(PFC)-腐殖酸(HA)絮体的分形特征研究聚合氯化铝铁的焙烧法制备及其性能研究

    Study on the Physicochemical and Fractal Properties Flocs Formed by the Coagulation of Poly-ferric Chloride ( PFC ) and Humic Acid ( HA ); Characteristics of Polymeric Aluminum-Ferric Chloride Prepared by Baking Process

  24. 同时,采用多种技术和手段研究了JMS中的絮体样品的微观形貌和物理特性,并计算了絮体样品的表面分形维数DS。

    While , the microstructure and physical characteristics of the flocs formed in the JMS were studied by utilizing several technologies and apparatus , and the surface fractal dimensions DS of the flocs were given .

  25. 投加0.02ppm的非离子型PAM后,UF标准比产水通量基本达到稳定,并且常规反洗能够冲洗出大量的碎的絮体。

    Genera backwashing can flush tiny floc . Adding non-ionic PAM by 0.02 ppm , standard ratio of water flux can stable basically and large amount of broken floe is flushed by general backwashing .

  26. 反应时间对絮体的形成和沉降效果有一定影响,加药后的反应时间宜控制在30min以内。

    The reaction time would affect floc formation and sedimentation efficiency , and the reaction time should be limited in 30 minutes .

  27. 在改性天然高分子絮凝剂(CMS)和聚合氯化铝(PAC)复合处理有机废水絮体沉降速度的实验中,用显微镜和电镜观察到絮凝物是有自相似特征的不规则形状,具有分形特征。

    The sedimentation rate and fractional dimension of the floc was studied during the process of the organic waste water treatment with modified natural polymer ( CMS ) and polymeric aluminum chloride ( PAC ) .

  28. 高曝气强度会缓解污染物质在膜上的黏附并延缓膜污染,也会导致污泥絮体的破碎及EPS的产生和累积,恶化膜污染。

    High aeration intensity will ease pollutants in the membrane adhesion and delay the membrane fouling , and can lead to fragmentation of sludge flocs and production and accumulation of EPS , thus the deterioration of membrane fouling .

  29. TCP不同投加方式减量系统中的微生物种群结构发生了变化,原生动物和后生动物等的指示性微生物在种类和数量上都有一定程度的降低,污泥絮体也变得较疏松。

    Microbial reduction of population structure changed in the TCP sludge reduction system with different dosage mode , such as protozoa and metazoa instructions in the type and number of microorganisms on a certain level of reduction , sludge flocs were also becoming looser .

  30. 实验发现,不同含沙量架桥絮体分形结构致密度最高时所需的最佳Gt值相近。

    It is found in experiment that the optimum Gt value is nearly the same when the compactness of the fractal structures of the bridging-flocculated aggregates reaches the highest point of the different raw silt content .