
  • 网络Flocculability;PYF
  1. 结果表明,C1、C3、C4菌株的性能优良,具有发酵活性高,泡沫细腻,絮凝性强等优点,适于香槟酒(起泡酒)二次发酵。

    The results show : C_1 , C_3 , C , have excellent properties such as high fermentation activity , tiny foam , excellent flocculation and tolerance to alcohol and sulfur dioxide . It is very satisfactory to use them in second fermentation of champagne .

  2. 聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)是一种新型的高效土壤结构改良剂,属高分子聚合物,具有很强的絮凝性,近年来一直是人们研究的热点。

    Polyacrylamide ( PAM ), a kind of macromolecule compound and a new type of effective soil structure improved addictive , has high ability of flocculation . The researchers have paid much attention to the study of PAM in resent years .

  3. 同时,探讨了阳离子聚丙烯酰胺的絮凝性与其相对分子质量的关系,认为相对分子质量在400万左右的PAM合成的CPAM阳离子程度高,处理废水的能力强。

    This paper also dealt with the relationships between the flocculation of PAM and its relative mass of molecule , holding that the latter has a higher CPAM cation at 4 million PAM synthesis , thus having a higher capacity of sewage disposal .

  4. 聚硅酸铝的絮凝性及稳定性研究

    Study on the Flocculating Performance and Stability of Polysilicate Aluminum

  5. 絮凝性强的优良面包酵母菌株的选育

    Breeding of Excellent Baker 's Yeast Strain with Good Flocculation

  6. 利用微生物絮凝性生物法处理废水

    Study of Micro-organism Flocculability on Biologically Treating Effluent

  7. 黑钛液净化用絮凝剂制备及絮凝性研究

    Preparation of a Flocculants for Titanium Black Liquor

  8. 微生物的絮凝性在生物法处理废水过程中具有很重要的作用。

    The flocculation of micro organism shares a sustainable effect for biological treatment on effluent .

  9. 絮凝性是酵母的一个重要特性,因其在实际生产中的重要意义而备受关注。

    The flocculation of brewing yeast gets great attention because of its significant in practice production .

  10. 并用此阳离子聚合物进行粘土防膨及絮凝性评价,实验表明,不同阳离子度,不同分子量的该阳离子聚合物皆具有良好使用性能。

    The experiments show that copolymers of different cationic degree and molecular weight have good applied properties .

  11. 不溶于大多数有机溶剂,具有良好絮凝性,降低液体之间的磨擦阻力。

    Insoluble in most organic solvents , have good flocculation sex , reducing friction resistance between liquid .

  12. 结果表明,该体系的分散稳定性愈好,抗絮凝性愈强,其流变性愈接近于牛顿行为;

    It shows that the more stable the dispersion , the stronger its deflocculated , the closer to Newtonian its flow behaviour .

  13. 结果表明,自选酵母菌具有降糖快、产酸能力强、产酒精能力快、絮凝性好等优点。

    The results suggested that self-selected yeast had the advantages including rapid sugar-reducing , strong acid-producing and ethanol-producing , and good flocculence etc.

  14. 综述了微生物絮凝剂的研究发展和应用现状,对絮凝性微生物的培养及絮凝剂的特性进行总结,并展望了其发展趋势。

    It discussed development and research and application condition of microbial flocculation , and it introduced the cultivation of floc microbe and its development trend .

  15. 结果显示当盐度小于3.0%时,污泥的形态和絮凝性变化不明显。

    The result showed that as the salinity is at most 3.0 % , the changes of the flocculence and subsidence of sludge performance has no obvious changes .

  16. 介绍一种利用细胞表面疏水性原理快速而简单测定酵母细胞絮凝性的方法(HICF法)。

    This article introduced a quick and simple way for determining the flocculence of yeast cell ( CHICF ) using the principle of the hydrophobicity on the surface of cell .

  17. 当盐度从5.0%突降较多时,污泥彻底发黑变质,絮凝性和沉降性基本丧失,上清液极为浑浊。

    When the salinity suddenly reduced too much from 5.0 % , the sludge becomes deterioration thoroughly , the flocculence and the settleability hardly lost , the supernate is extremely opacitas .

  18. 纳米SiO2强化絮凝处理水溶性有机污染物的应用研究

    Study on SiO_2 Enhanced Coagulation of Water Dissolved Organic Pollutants

  19. 化学生物絮凝工艺对溶解性有机物的去除特性

    Removal of Dissolved Organic Matter by Chemical-Biological Flocculation Process

  20. 讨论了影响微生物絮凝剂絮凝活性的主要因素和絮凝机理的多样性;

    The main effecting factors of flocculating activity and the diversity of the mechanisms for flocculation are discussed .