
  • 网络menstrual history
  1. 指出:不典型的月经史是误诊的主要原因。

    It is suggested that atypical menstrual history was the main cause of misdiagnosis .

  2. 年龄、月经史、部位、肿瘤直径及病理学因素与预后相关。

    The prognosis was connected with age , menstrual history , position , diameter of tumor and pathology .

  3. 非激素依赖组为ER和PR都为(-),共72例。根据手术时间及月经史,激素依赖组和非激素依赖组患者分为黄体期组和卵泡期组。

    Every group patients were divided into operation in luteal phase group and operation in follicular phase group .

  4. NSABPB-30试验比较不同化疗方案对乳腺癌患者月经史(MH)和生活质量(QOL)的影响。

    The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project B-30 trial included menstrual history ( MH ) and quality-of-life ( QOL ) studies to compare treatments on these outcomes .

  5. 月经史与胎儿宫内生长迟缓的流行病学研究

    Epidemiological analysis on the relationship between maternal menstruation history and intrauterine growth retardation

  6. 中医证型分布与年龄、流产次数、孕龄、职业、月经史均有一定的相关性。

    TCM syndrome type distribution and age , abortion number , gestational age , occupation , menstrual history all have certain relevance .

  7. 病人的年龄非常重要;如果可以,病人的月经史和既往病史。

    It is very important to know the age of the woman and , if known , any information on her menstruation and previous history .

  8. 本文对某化纤厂二硫化碳接触者513例,以同一地区非接触者207例为对照,进行月经史、生育史和性功能等方面的调查。

    The history of menstruation , reproduction and sexual function were investigated in513women exposed to CS_2 and in207 women ( control group ) without exposure .

  9. 结论黑龙江省女性乳头抽吸液的成功采集率较低,样品的成功采集与受试者的年龄、月经史、哺乳史等因素有关。

    Conclusions In Heilongjiang province , the rate to obtain women 's NAFs was low , which was related to age , menstrual , history of lactation etc.

  10. 调查问卷内容包括:基本信息、疾病史、吸烟和饮酒史、月经史、婚姻和生育史、避孕史、性生活史和卫生习惯史等。

    Questionnaire included basic information , medical history , smoking , drinking , menstrual , marriage and pregnancy history , sexual behavior and health habits , contraception and cancer family history .

  11. 可手术乳腺癌病人月经生育史与预后关系

    Reproductive history and prognosis in patients with operable breast cancer

  12. 非吸烟女性肺癌与月经生育史病例对照研究

    A case-control study on relationship between lung cancer in non-smoking women and menstrual and reproductive factors

  13. 月经婚育史:初潮14岁,7/30,量、色正常,无痛经,但经期常推迟1周。

    Menstrual history and obstetric history : Menarch in 14,7 / 30.the volume and colour of menstruation was normal but menstrual cycle was usually delyed for one to two weeks .

  14. 更年期妇女的年龄、家庭共居情况、夫妻感情、子女情况、月经生育史、高血压、生殖道炎症、血管舒缩、神经心理及一般症状与更年期妇女性行为改变有相关性;

    Its related factors including age , family inhabitancy situation , consort reins , family circus , menses bearing history , hypertension , the inflammation of genital tract , varices , nerve mentality and the generic symptom .

  15. 在运动量、女性亲属中月经异常史、多毛、痤疮的发生率、精神心理因素等方面的比较两组无显著性差异(P>0.05),但都有明显的家族倾向。

    There were no distinct differences on the aspects of exercise , the showing up frequency of disordered menses , and hirsutism and acne on female family members , and psychology between fat group and non-fat group ( P > 0.05 ), but two groups displayed an obvious family trend .

  16. 本研究探讨了临床医家关注的诸因素与乳腺增生病证候的关系,分析提示本病不同证型与一般人口社会学因素、月经、婚育史、既往疾病史、血清性激素有关。

    The results showed that general demographic factors , individual factors , history of past illness and blood-serum sex hormone indexes had close relationship with distribution of syndromes .

  17. 调查表的主要内容包括一般情况、月经情况、生育史、生活质量、情志因素等。

    The main contents included in the questionnaire are from general situation , the menstrual conditions , reproductive history , family planning mode , gynecological disease , quality of life , history of family and so on .