
The use of monthly mean indices of zonal wind at 100 hPa on Circulation Analysis and rain forecasting
A Comparison of the Characteristics of Co-seismic Lunar-solar Declination and Ecliptic-longitude Difference between Yunnan and Sichuan
An observation of total electron content ( TEC ) was made in June and July , 1985 at a low latitude area .
First Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite FY-2 in China A mesoscale convective complexes ( MCC ) over the low latitude plateau on 6 June 1999 is analyzed using GMS and HLAFS data .
The monthly pentad-mean nonlinear dynamical regional prediction model of the zonal-mean geopotential height ( wave number 0 ) based on a large amount of data is constituted by employing the reconstruction of phase-space theory and the spatio-temporal series predictive method .