
zuì zhōnɡ jiǎn yàn
  • final inspection
  1. 工厂QC是否执行最终检验和文件?

    Does factory QC performs final inspection and documents it ?

  2. 通过最终检验,我厂生产的油井管各项指标都优于API要求,完全满足用户需要。

    Through the final inspection , the oil pipes of our plant are better than that of the various indicators of API requirement to fully meet user needs .

  3. 在传统的ERP的质量模块中对质量控制的模块的设计仅仅理解为物流过程中的进货检验、过程检验和最终检验等相关的质量检验。

    The quality module of traditional ERP system is usually considered to be incoming inspection , in-process inspection and final inspection and so on included in quality test and inspection .

  4. 介绍了木材用EPI胶黏剂的特点、粘接机理、在集成材应用中使用的参数控制以及最终检验方法。

    The characters , bonding mechanism , parameters control in glued laminated timber and final test method of EPI adhesives are introduced .

  5. 负责进货检验、过程检验及最终检验工作。

    Responsible for incoming inspection , in-process inspection and final inspection .

  6. 这就需要通过加强最终检验和试验来把关。

    This need by strengthening the final inspection and testing to ensure .

  7. 教育评价是对教育教学目标的最终检验。

    Educational evaluation is the final test of educational aims .

  8. 常规理解应为:最终检验后应呈送检验证书!

    Test certificates shall be submitted at the time of final inspection .

  9. 对任何经济制度的最终检验要看其是否有效。

    The bottom-line test of any economic system is whether it works .

  10. 成品最终检验是精米加工中质量监督的最终环节。

    And product testing is the final link for quality control in rice milling .

  11. 最终检验是否按质量保证要求或在质保部门的监督下进行?

    Is final verification performed by / or under the surveillance of quality assurance ?

  12. 在最终检验时是否有受控的客户图纸/规格供使用?

    Are controlled customer drawings / specifications readily available and used at final test ?

  13. 工厂是否有成品最终检验控制程序及记录?

    Is there a final inspection process ?

  14. 确认最终检验的质量。

    To confirm quality during final inspection .

  15. 有没有把生产过程中和最终检验的数据收集,分析并制成图表形式以便为实现每年的改进目标提供素材。

    Is in-progress and final verification performance data collected , analyzed and charted against year-over-year improvement target ?

  16. 制造业者于产品最终检验与测试后,应作适当安排以保护产品质量。

    The manufacturer shall arrange for the protection of the quality of product after final inspection and test .

  17. 最终检验单确认缺陷说明、缺陷区域以及缺陷状态。

    The final inspection sheet identifies the description of the snag , their zone and the status of each .

  18. 而闭环反馈控制则用于克服各种干扰和对控制效果最终检验。

    But close-loop feedback control was used to resolve different kinds of disturbance and check the final control effectiveness .

  19. 质量检验人员应根据原件,译件,打字稿进行最终检验。

    The Quality Inspector checks the final printing copy with the comparison of the original copy and the translation copy .

  20. 在装运前有否受控的最终检验规程来确保产品已经行检验和测试并符合要求?

    Are controlled final verification instructions used to insure inspections and test are completed and product in conformance prior to shipping ?

  21. 最终检验,以证实验证和确认活动均已完成并得到认可;记录产品的测量结果。

    Final inspection to confirm that verification and validation activities have been completed and accepted ; recording the results of product measurements .

  22. 维也纳新年音乐会将是最终检验他是否被真正接受的试金石。

    The New Year 's day concert will be the ultimate test of how far it has taken him to its heart .

  23. 最终检验的取样有没有正式的抽样计划?这种计划能否足够保证出厂产品合格?

    When sampling is used in final verification , are there formal sampling plans and are they adequate to assure shipment of acceptable product ?

  24. 负责监督OQA/OBA检验人员按照相关的外观及标准,对生产的产品实施最终检验。

    Responsible supervise OBA / OQA is in charge of executing final inspection all products as per appearance , and listening function testing standards .

  25. 进货检验、最终检验以及顾客退回的不合格品的评审,由质量部组织相关部门评审,做好记录。

    Quality Dept. is responsible for organizing relevant departments to review and record incoming inspections , final inspections and defective products returned by the customers .

  26. 检验员业务水平高,其检验结果对最终检验结果的影响大。

    The higher the inspector 's proficiency is , the more important role he ( she ) can play in providing a final , reliable inspection result .

  27. 然而,包括预处理机在内的水声靶标系统设计的成功与否,还需要通过海上试验的最终检验。

    Nevertheless , it is the sea experiment that will finally decide whether the design of the UATS as well as that of the UATS preprocessor is successful or not .

  28. 原先是管理+最终检验的工作模式,注重最后结果,而忽视管理过程,暴露出检验检疫监管的漏洞和不足。

    Originally " Management + final test " mode , focusing on the final outcome , neglecting of the management process , expose the loopholes and short in the inspection and quarantine supervision .

  29. 安全检验程序的原则是从“安全基底”启动最终检验,在通过每一项核查的基础上按步骤扩展此基底,一直到整个电梯都通过为止。

    The principle of the safe inspection process is to start the final inspection from a'safe base'and extend this base with each check passed , step by step , until the whole elevator passed .

  30. 利用计量经济学中的单位根检验法对中关村科技园区的5个经济发展指标作了平稳性检验,结果显示5种经济指标的最终检验结果都具有平稳性。

    The unit root test method in econometrics is used to examine the stationarity of five economic indexes about Zhongguancun Science Park . The result indicates that all the five economic indexes are of stationarity .