
  • 网络Final Task;Final Mission
  1. 理论的最终任务是指导现实。

    The ultimate task is to guide theoretical reality .

  2. 道德教育的最终任务,在于塑造人格,形成德性。

    The final task of moral education is to shape the personality and the formation of character .

  3. 外语教学的最终任务和目的是培养学习者的交际能力。

    The ultimate mission and aim of foreign language teaching is to cultivate communicative competence of learners .

  4. 模拟结果表明,该算法产生的最终任务分配方案使得网络整体的通信能耗近似最小。

    The result shows that the final task assignment scheme makes the whole communications cost to be minimum .

  5. 这家位于弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿郡的公司计划在不久的将来完成登上月球的最终任务。

    The Arlington , Virginia , company plans to lead missions that will eventually land on the moon .

  6. 最后,在文章结尾处总结了本文对信息技术与对外汉语课程整合的研究内容以及最终任务的完成情况,并对今后这方面研究工作的继续深入提出了展望。

    At the end of the paper , I did some summary and outlook about the research of information technology and TCSL curriculum integration .

  7. 他说,该小组的最终任务是通过调查弄清那些阻碍残疾人改善生活水平项目的“瓶颈”所在。

    Mont says that eventually the team wants to create surveys to find out where the bottlenecks are in programs that prevent them from improving disabled people 's lives .

  8. 社会主义精神文明建设的最终任务是提高人的素质,教育改革的方向和根本目标是素质教育。

    The final task for the socialist construction of spiritual civilization is to improve the human quality . The direction and basic objective of the educational reform are quality education .

  9. 当被问到想用什么颜色的屏幕来完成最终任务时,那些先前被提醒过自己所做善举的人们较不太会选择幸运的绿色背景。

    When asked to choose the screen color for the final task , those who had been primed to remember their virtuous acts were less likely to choose the ' lucky ' green background .

  10. 这其中,群体机器人协作方法的研究则是群体机器人研究领域的最重要的研究内容,它是群体机器人完成任务的基础,决定了最终任务完成的成功与否和好坏程度。

    The study of swarm robots coordination is an important research area in the research of swarm robots , which is the base of swarm robots completing a task and decides the result of the task completion .

  11. 我国农业产业化的最终任务是要实现农业的现代化,但这首先要求实现农业的商业化和专业化,进而实现工业化。

    The ultimate task of agricultural industrialization in our country is to fulfil the agricultural modernization , but this requires that agriculture be first and foremost commercialized and specialized , and then proceed to accomplish its industrialization .

  12. 而艺术家的最终任务不应是满足玩好一个个游戏,更应该一直保持自我批判的态度,在不断地实践中逐渐创造出新的独特视角的游戏规则。

    The final task of the artist is not to meet the play good one game , but should always remain self-critical attitude to create a new unique perspective of the rules of the game in the practice gradually .

  13. 在UNIX®系统中,每个系统和最终用户任务都包含在某个进程中。

    On UNIX ® systems , each system and end-user task is contained within a process .

  14. 多Agent协作技术作为多Agent系统的主要研究方向,它主要研究一群独立自主的Agent并协调他们的智能行为,通过多Agent协作最终完成任务求解。

    Multi Agent Collaborative technology as the main research directions of Multi Agent System , its main task is to manage a group of independent and autonomous intelligent Agent and to coordinate their behavior , and ultimately to solve complex problems .

  15. 但它最终的任务,是把自己献上给你。

    yet its last service is to offer itself to thee .

  16. 花朵以芬芳熏香了空气;但它最终的任务,是把自己献上给你。

    The flower sweetens the air with its perfume ; yet its last service is to offer itself to thee .

  17. 最终的任务是将机械部分,电子部分和嵌入式软件部分搭配在一起运作。

    In the end , however , the ultimate task is to get systems of mechanical items , electrical components and embedded software to work together .

  18. 土地流转市场的建立是我国进行农村经济体制改革,彻底走向市场经济的最终历史任务。

    The establishment of land circulation market is the ultimate historical assignment for our country to carry out the structural reform of rural economy and head for market economy thoroughly .

  19. 经过实验、调试,最终实现了任务要求。

    After commissioning , installation , and ultimately the mission requirements .

  20. 最终我们的任务就是帮助组委会在南京呈现一场世界级的盛会。

    In the end our task is to help the Committee deliver a world-class event in Nanjing .

  21. 为了在最终期限完成任务,我们用这样方法来编写代码是目光短浅的做法,我们最终将受到惩罚。

    This approach to coding to a deadline is short-sighted and will come back to haunt us later .

  22. 仿真实验结果表明,该决策系统能够根据小卫星的监测数据,以任务流程的自主调度为基础,最终实现对任务模块的动态自主调度。

    According to parameters of small satellite the decision system can realize the autonomous scheduling of task module .

  23. 通过对这些索引值的衡量,最终确保子任务组组间耦合度的极小化。

    By virtue of this pair index values , the model could minimize the coupling degree of the sub-task group finally .

  24. 聪明的老板则明白假如那些最终被指派任务的人从一开始就参与了决策,这个决策的进展往往会更加成功。

    Smart bosses know that decisions are more successful when those tasked with the implementation of them are involved from the start .

  25. 自主学习不仅能够使学生在取得进步的同时获得自信,而且在遇到学习困难时,能够克服障碍,最终完成学习任务。

    Learner autonomy can make students get confidence when they make progress and help them overcome difficulties and accomplish tasks when they face difficulties .

  26. 检验结果表明,营销传播组合要素和品牌绩效之间有影响关系,营销传播组合要素通过品牌关系绩效的中介作用而最终影响品牌任务绩效。

    The results show that there is influencing relationship between marketing communication mix factors and brand performance , marketing communication mix factors impact on brand task performance through the brand relationship performance , which played an intermediary role .

  27. 威尔逊还采用招标方式选择合作伙伴帮助这个组织处理资金管理业务,最终把这项任务从ETS身上剥离了出来。

    Wilson also put the organization 's money management to bid and moved that task away from the testing contractor .

  28. 指引她来到这个公司最终这里就是她的任务

    which brought her to this organization , and ultimately her life 's mission .

  29. 多亏了华尔街改革,最终一个唯一任务是保护美国消费者的独立的消费者金融保护局诞生了。

    Thanks to Wall Street Reform , there 's finally an independent Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with one mission : to protect American consumers .

  30. 演化设计系统负责提取产品实例基因,建立产品基因树,管理演化算法和演化设计操作,最终实现产品设计任务。

    Evolutionary design system is responsible for extracting product genes and establishing product gene tree , managing evolutionary algorithms and evolutionary operation , and realizing product design mission in the end .