
  • 网络Last Gift;last present;Final Gift
  1. 我所能给她的最后的礼物。

    The last gift that I can give to her .

  2. 伊迪丝知道,她可以送卡尔一件最后的礼物,就是给他安心。

    Then Edith knew that her last gift to Karl could be peace of mind .

  3. 吾等之生命将是吾等对公国最后的礼物。

    Our life shall be the last we give for the dukdom .

  4. 这是她留给我最后的礼物

    Her final gift to me .

  5. 绝望之下,马路绑架了明明并杀死了犀牛,将犀牛的心当作最后的礼物送给明明。

    In desperation , Ma kidnaps Mingming , kills his rhinoceros and gives her its heart as a final gift .

  6. 科学看来准备送给人类一件最后的礼物,这就是能把人类生活从这个星球抹去的力量。

    Science seems ready to confer upon us , as its final gift , the power to erase human life from this planet .

  7. 一个短暂的春天,知更鸟和嘲鸫的啁啾余音缭绕;一个花果繁盛的夏天;一个金黄色的秋天——时光倏忽即逝,在一个如饥似渴、欣喜异常的幼儿脚下,季节留下了自己最后的礼物。

    One brief spring , musical with the song of robin and mocking-bird , one summer rich in fruit and roses , one autumn of gold and crimson sped by and left their gifts at the feet of an eager , delighted child .

  8. 你在养尊处优中无法学到这些重要的生活精华。也许这正是一个病入膏肓的人能留给后人的最后的珍贵礼物。

    You often can 't learn these important attributes in the lap of luxury , and perhaps , such an experience is the greatest and final gift the terminally ill can give those left behind .

  9. 猜猜他们把最后送来的结婚礼物放在哪里?

    And guess where they keep the last-minute wedding gifts ?

  10. 我匆忙赶往当地一家百货商店,抢购一些最后时刻的圣诞礼物。

    I hurried into the local department store to grab some last minute Christmas gifts .