
zuì hòu mìnɡ lìnɡ
  • final order
  1. 巴比康冷静沉着地发布最后的命令。

    Barbicane , cool and collected , was giving his final directions .

  2. 罗马已经给你和你的人下了最后的命令。

    Rome has issued a final order for you and your men .

  3. 最后,命令语言系统获得了成功实现。

    At last , the system is realized successfully .

  4. 我不能执行你最后的命令。

    I wouldn 't have allowed your last operation .

  5. 我去里面交代最后的命令。

    I will give the last orders inside .

  6. 最后这个命令向管理集中的每个设备部署域。

    The last command deploys the domain to every device in the managed set .

  7. 最后那个命令刚下达完,所有的帆就都收了下来,船在凭借惯性向前滑行,几乎觉不到是在向前移动了。

    At this last command all the sails were lowered , and the vessel moved almost imperceptibly onwards .

  8. 他在巨型战舰大和号的舰桥上,向他的官兵们发出了一道措词率直的最后紧急命令。

    Posting himself on the flag bridge of the giant Yamato , he sent a blunt final dispatch to his crew .

  9. 这个工具允许您自动创建这个响应文件,但首先您要检查最后的命令并对您的选择感到满意。

    This tool enables you to create this response file automatically , after you have seen the command at the end and are satisfied with your selections .

  10. 小金人在1929年5月16日的颁奖晚会上首次亮相,第一座小金人授予艾米尔·杰宁斯,他凭借在《最后的命令》和《众生之路》中的表演获选奥斯卡最佳男演员。

    It was presented for the first time at the initial awards banquet on May 16 , 1929 to Emil Jannings , named Best Actor for his performances in " The Last Command " and " The Way of All Flesh . " 3 .

  11. handle重复以handle中的字符开始的最后一条命令。

    Handle repeats the last command that begins with the string of characters in handle .

  12. 最后,mount命令会显示已挂载的文件系统。

    Finally , the mount command shows the mounted file system .

  13. 最后一个命令显示了bucket内的所有文件。

    The final command shows all the files inside that bucket .

  14. 最后一个命令可以按照ID删除一条特定记录,也可以通过查询删除多条记录。

    The last command can delete a specific record by ID or many records through a query .

  15. (“bangbang”)完整地重复最后一条命令。

    (" bang bang ") repeats the last command in its entirety .

  16. 重新运行以‘ec’开头的最后一个命令;在本例中将返回第一个命令

    Rerun the last command starting with'ec ' ; this reruns the first command in this example

  17. ca将重复以字符ca开始的最后一条命令,如catREADME。

    Ca would repeat the last command that began with the characters ca , such as cat README .

  18. 使用的最后一个命令reset对于绘制正弦曲线不是必要的。

    The last command used , reset , is strictly not necessary for plotting the sine curve .

  19. 最后的kill命令确定xclock进程(PID9285)确实已终止。

    The final kill command confirms that the xclock process ( PID9285 ) was , indeed , terminated .

  20. 最后一个命令告诉Samba从CUPS守护进程(而非系统printcap文件)获取打印机列表。

    The last command tells Samba to fetch its list of printers from the CUPS daemon instead of the system printcap file .

  21. 当作为X的“session”运行的程序终止时,X也随之终止。在这里,这个“session”就是xinitrc作为其最后一个命令执行的twm程序。

    X terminates when the program it was running as its " session " terminates ; in this case , that 's the twm program that the xinitrc exec 'd as its last command .

  22. 最后一条命令指示convmv以迭代方式将iso-8859-8(Latin/Hebrew)中的所有文件转换为UnicodeUTF-8。

    The final command instructs convmv to recursively convert all files in iso-8859-8 ( Latin / Hebrew ) to Unicode UTF-8 .

  23. 跟以前一样,最后一条命令将生成repodata目录,帮助livecd-creator定位配置包。

    As before , this last command will produce the repodata directory to help livecd-creator locate the configuration packages .

  24. 执行完最后一条命令要花费些时间,它将创建一个repodata目录。

    This last command will take some time to complete and will create a repodata directory .

  25. 我只需再发出我最后一道命令。

    All that remains is for me to give my final command .

  26. 是最后一条命令的所有参数,命令名除外。

    Is all the arguments of the last command , except the command name .

  27. 农业部长对后一个要求的不行为被裁定为是“最后的”命令。

    His inaction on the latter request was held to be a " final " order .

  28. 这是我们最后一个命令。

    That was our last commandment .

  29. 这样削弱了为展开形式中除最后一个命令以外的其他任何命令指定附加参数的能力。

    This breaks the ability to specify additional arguments to any command but the last in the expansion .

  30. 第二个命令插入一行,最后一个命令显示表的内容。

    The middle command inserts a row , and the final command shows the contents of the table .