
qū xiàn
  • curve;profile;curvature;curved line;bight;bought
曲线 [qū xiàn]
  • [curve;curvature;curved line] 动点运动方向连续变化的轨迹

  • 曲线球

曲线[qū xiàn]
  1. 首先,在图表上绘出温度曲线来。

    First , plot the temperature curve on the graph .

  2. 每一家企业都将面临需求曲线的下滑。

    Each firm will face a downward-sloping demand curve

  3. 绘制一张身高与年龄对照的曲线图。

    Plot a graph of height against age .

  4. 球在空中沿曲线运动。

    The ball curved through the air .

  5. 那条路沿海湾呈曲线伸展。

    The road curved around the bay .

  6. 图表1中的曲线表现了这一模式。

    The kinked line in chart 1 represents this pattern .

  7. 她身量苗条,手腕和脚踝曲线玲珑。

    She was slender , with delicate wrists and ankles .

  8. 我们在图表上绘制出大约8个点的曲线。

    We plot about eight points on the graph .

  9. 他嘴唇的弧形曲线很迷人。

    The bow of his lips is very attractive .

  10. 楼梯呈优美的曲线上升。

    The stairs ascended in a graceful curve .

  11. 实验曲线几乎与横座标平行。

    The experimental curve runs nearly parallel to the abscissa .

  12. 响应曲线面积没有什么变化。

    The area under the response curve will be unchanged .

  13. 材料成本不位于经验曲线上。

    The cost of materials does not fall on the experience curve .

  14. 在这样的曲线中有希皮阿斯发明的割圆曲线。

    Among such curves are the quadratrix invented by hippias .

  15. 她的衣服非常合体,显出了她那优美的曲线。

    Her suit was so well tailored that it accentuated her graceful figure .

  16. 摘要分析了2种应用于测量扬声器阻抗曲线的功率放大器。

    Two types of power amplifier for measuring speaker impedance curve were analysed .

  17. 最后,根据工作曲线将吸光度转换成蒽醌浓度。

    Then the absorbance is calculated as concentration of AQ from working curve .

  18. 暗视觉的光谱光效曲线。

    Spectral luminous efficiency curve for scotopic vision .

  19. 度量一条频率分布曲线的尖削度就是度量其顶部的峰态。

    When we measure the kurtosis of a distribution , we are measuring its peakedness .

  20. 人口曲线已趋平缓。

    The population curve has slowed down .

  21. 他正在画两张曲线图。

    He is drawing two graphs .

  22. 这是一条向里弯曲的曲线。

    This is an inward curve .

  23. 像苯一甲苯那样的接近理想溶液,其蒸气压曲线与此图板极为吻合。

    A nearly ideal solution like benzene-toluene shows a vapor-pressure curve that conforms very closely to the plot .

  24. 暗呼吸及光呼吸速率与叶水势降低的关系,呈现先升高而后下降的曲线类型。

    The curve pattern showed that the ratio of dark-respiration to photorespiration increased at first and decreased later on .

  25. 还有人说把学习曲线效应和经验曲线效应看成给定的不对。

    Others claim that it is a mistake to see either learning curve effects or experience curve effects as a given .

  26. 但是现在这些产品的增长曲线已经减缓一或者在某些情况下市场份额已经缩水因为消费者没有那么想要花钱买一些新的玩意儿了。

    But now these segments are looking at slower growth curves -- or shrinking markets in some cases -- as consumers are not as eager to spend money on new gadgets .

  27. 一旦你超越了最初的学习曲线,编织和钩织就可以降低心率和血压。

    Once you get beyond the initial learning curve , knitting and crocheting can lower heart rate and blood pressure .

  28. 建筑物的曲线与山丘的起伏完全吻合,形成独特的景观。

    The curves of the buildings perfectly match the rise and fall of hills , forming a unique view .

  29. 采用两种方法对凸轮轮廓曲线进行了修正。

    Two ways were used about the error-amending of contour curve .

  30. 所引用的实验曲线也出现雷同的表现

    The cited experimental curves analogously with simulation appearances found in this study .