
qū guǎn
  • curved tube
曲管[qū guǎn]
  1. 平面曲管Stokes流问题中的哈密顿体系方法

    A Method of Hamiltonian System for Stokes Flow in the Planar Curved Tube

  2. 对12只Wistar大鼠进行透射电镜观察,发现大剂量维生素D3主要作用於肾曲管上皮及下方的基底膜。

    12 wistar rats were studied under electron microscope . Changes in the convoluted tubules and basal laminae of kidney were caused by large doses of calcitriol .

  3. 雄性小鼠颌下腺颗粒曲管细胞的NGF主要定位于分泌颗粒的界膜区。

    In male mouse submandibular gland , NGF was located in the area of the boundary membrane of secretory granules in the granular convoluted tubule cells .

  4. 据设计邦(DesignBoom)网的报道称,这款智能自行车由三星集团携手意大利车架设计专家GiovanniPelizzoli共同打造,车身总体采用曲管设计,以缓解都市路面的颠簸。

    Design Boom reports that Samsung teamed up with Italian frame-builder Giovanni Pelizzoli to build the Smart Bike , which sports a curved frame meant to reduce the roughness of riding on urban terrain .

  5. CCl4所致大鼠肝损伤自愈过程中颌下腺颗粒曲管细胞表皮生长因子的免疫组织化学研究

    An immunohistochemical study of EGF in granular convoluted tubule cells of submandibular gland during the healing process of CCl 4 injured rat liver

  6. 目的研究颌下腺颗粒曲管细胞(GCT细胞)对脊髓神经干细胞(NSCs)增殖分化的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of GCT cells of rat submandibular gland on the proliferation and differentiation of NSCs of fetal rat spinal cord .

  7. 环境阻尼作用下Kelvin-Voigt型输流曲管的混沌运动

    The chaotic motions of a Kelvin - Voigt type curved pipe conveying fluid with environmental damping

  8. 对于输流曲管,本文从变质量体系的Hamilton原理出发,建立起粘弹性输流曲管的振动微分方程。

    Secondly , for curved pipes conveying fluid , a common method , Hamilton principle for system of changing mass , is used to derive the differential equation of motion for viscoelastic curved pipes conveying fluid .

  9. 这一工作为DQM在输流曲管非线性问题中的实施提供了依据。

    Further , this work supplies a theory base for the DQM applied in the nonlinear problems of curved pipes conveying fluid . 3 .

  10. 测定痛阈并分别以原位杂交和免疫组织化学技术探测颗粒曲管(GCT)细胞的EGFmRNA、EGF受体(EGFR)-免疫反应性(IR)及EGF-IR和垂体ACTH-IR。

    The pain threshold was measured , and EGF mRNA , EGFR ( receptor ) - IR ( immunoreactivity ) and EGF-IR in granular convoluted duct ( GCT ) cells and the pituitary ACTH-IR were detected by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry techniques respectively .

  11. 谐激励作用下输流曲管的混沌振动研究

    Chaotic vibrations of a fluid-conveying curved pipe subjected to harmonic excitation

  12. 具有非线性运动约束输液曲管振动的分岔

    Vibration bifurcations of a curved pipe conveying fluid with nonlinear constraint

  13. 动力流体传输曲管振动特性有限元分析

    FEA analysis of dynamics stability of curved pipes transporting fluid

  14. 分析输液曲管临界流速的迁移矩阵法

    A new matrix method for solving problems of curved pipes conveying fluid

  15. 分析输液曲管振动和稳定性的有限元法

    Study on Vibration and Stability of Curved Pipes Conveying Fluid by FEM

  16. 用直接法求解半圆形输液曲管的极限流速

    Direct method for limit velocity of a semi-circle curved pipe conveying fluid

  17. 小鼠下颌下腺颗粒曲管细胞的免疫细胞化学观察

    Immunocytochemical observation in granular convoluted tube of mouse submandibular glands

  18. 曲管式层流冷却系统流动机理的探讨

    Flow mechanism of curved pipe laminar ─ flow cooling system

  19. 精细积分法分析流引起粘弹输液曲管的稳定性

    High Precise Direct Integration Method for Analyzing Stability of Curved Pipes Conveying Fluid

  20. 大鼠颌下腺颗粒曲管神经肽的分布

    Localization of the neuropeptides in the granular convoluted tubule of rat submandibular gland

  21. 输流粘弹性曲管的稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of Viscoelastic Curved Pipes Conveying Fluid

  22. 病变特点为曲管扩张,内含蛋白管型。

    Renal changes were characterized by dilated tubules and protein casts in dilated tubules .

  23. 其中以肾曲管上皮内线粒体的病变最为突出,表现为线粒体内有大量电子致密颗粒&磷酸钙沉积以及线粒体肿胀等。

    Prominent changes electron-dense granules ( calcium phosphate ) and swollen mitochondria were seen .

  24. 载流曲管声-弹耦合振动高阶模态的稳定性及其能量分布

    Stability of High Order Modes and Energy Distribution of Curved Pipe 's Acoustic-elastic Vibration

  25. 正交缠绕玻璃钢圆曲管平面弯曲的理论和实验研究

    Theoretical and experimental studies on the in-plane bending of orthogonal wound GRP curved tubes

  26. 曲管压力平衡伸缩接头

    Curve tube pressure balance expansion joint

  27. 研究了具何非线性运动约束输液曲管在系统参数区域内振动的分岔现象。

    The nonlinear partial-differential equation governing in-plane vibration of a curved pipe is derived via Newtonian method .

  28. 研究了具有运动约束输流曲管的非线性动力学行为。

    The nonlinear dynamics of a curved pipe conveying fluid and subject to motion constraints are investigated .

  29. 对于输液直管可以直接用动力刚度矩阵形成直管单元,对输液曲管则混合使用了动力刚度法和传递矩阵法。

    The straight pipe elements conveying fluid are formulated using a dynamic stiffness matrix in the frequency domain .

  30. 人绒毛膜促性腺激素对小鼠颌下腺颗粒曲管影响的体视学研究

    The Stereological Study of the Effects of Human Choriogonadotropin Treatment on Granular Convoluted Tubule in Submandibular Glands of Mice