
  • 网络Heated;warm water
  1. 南沙暖水变化及其与ENSO和西太副高的耦合关系

    On the coupling oscillation between the Nansha warm water , the Western Pacific subtropical high and ENSO

  2. 利用气候平均的COADS资料和NCEP大气资料分析了南海暖水的季节变化及其与海面净热通量的关系,以及由此引起的南海地区大气环流的变化。

    This paper analyzes the annual variability of the SCS warm water and its relation with the net heat flux as well as atmospheric circulation associated with the warm water , using COADS and NCEP datasets .

  3. 鉴定浮游植物种类54属184种(含变种和变型),其中暖水种为140种(占76.5%).硅藻类和甲藻类等浮游植物的平均总细胞密度为198.71×102个/m3;

    A total of 184 phytoplankton species which belong respectively to 54 genera is identified . Most of those species recorded belonged to warm water forms ( accounted for 76 . 5 % ) .

  4. 本文利用一个简单的海气耦合模式研究了赤道太平洋异常暖水期(ELNino)的大尺度海气相互作用效应。

    In this paper a simple air-sea coupled model is used to investigate the effect of large scale air-sea interaction during epochs of anomalous warm sea surface temperature over the equatorial Pacific ( El Nino ) .

  5. 在夏季北冰洋的无冰海域,经常可以观测到次表层暖水现象,即在水深20~50m的范围内发生海水温度的极大值。

    The subsurface warm water has been observed frequently in the summer ice-free sea area of the Arctic Ocean , that is , a temperature maximum occurred in water depths of 20 to 50 m.

  6. 海水营养盐及其对浮游植物的影响oceanica的含量与海水营养盐存在一定的关系,但两者之间并不存在明显的正相关性;暖水分子U。

    Nutrients and Its Effects on Phytoplankton in Seawater oceanica does not show positive correlation with high nutrient concentration .

  7. 这些问题包括沿赤道形成的强厄尔尼诺气候,和在北美沿岸海域持续存在的异常暖水区域,后者被人戏称为“温水区”(theBlob)。

    A partial list includes the strong El Ni system that has formed along the Equator , and another unusually persistent zone of warm water that has been sitting off the North American coast , wryly called " the Blob . "

  8. 本区鱼类以暖水性种占绝对优势;

    Absolute majority of the species were the warm water species .

  9. 南海暖水的季节变化特征及数值模拟

    Seasonal characteristics of the South China Sea warm pool and numerical modeling

  10. 南海暖水的季节和年际变化

    Annual and Inter annual Variability of the South China Sea Warm Water

  11. 共鉴定多毛类91种,以暖水性广盐种占优势;

    91 species , mainly warm water euryhaline species , were identified .

  12. 北冰洋次表层暖水形成机制的数值研究

    Simulation for the Thermodynamics of Subsurface Warm Water in the Arctic Ocean

  13. 南沙暖水形成的动力和热动力过程的初步数值研究

    Preliminary Numerical Study on the Dynamic and Thermodynamic Process of Nansha Warm Water

  14. 台湾浅滩初夏的暖水块和周围的冷水圈

    Warm water over Taiwan Shoal and surrounding cold water ring in early summer

  15. 人类的宗教生活就是按照暖水系统的原理在工作。

    Man 's religious life works on the principle of a hot-water system .

  16. 牙形刺的分布主要与平静的暖水大洋有关。

    The Precordilleran conodonts are mainly related to a calm and warm-water ocean .

  17. 南海暖水形态特征

    Shape features of warm water in South China Sea

  18. 在暖水海洋中洗澡并干燥身体。

    Wash in warm water and tumble dry .

  19. 暖水性鱼类必须生活在一定水温的水体中才能安全越冬。

    Tropical fishes live in the water with a safe temperature during the winter .

  20. 暖水海洋鱼,包含石首鱼、石鲈和海鳟。

    Warm-water marine fishes including the drums and grunts and croakers and sea trout .

  21. 而且他们发现,沿裂谷中心线也有暖水点。

    They , too , found warm-water spots along the center of the rift valley .

  22. 热带西太平洋表层暖水和次表层冷水的年际变异

    Interannual variations in the surface warm and subsurface cold waters in the West Tropical Pacific Ocean

  23. 南海暖水季节和年际变化的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of the Seasonal and Interannual Variations of the South China Sea Warm Water

  24. 1998年冬季台湾海峡的暖水入侵及其生态响应

    Intrusion of Warm Water into the Taiwan Strait during Winter Monsoon of 1998 and its Ecological Response

  25. 风经由暖水进入陆地,这会对气候产生某些影响。

    Winds passing over the warm water and onto land have a moderating effect on the climate .

  26. 用暖水,原棉和地特尔或盐热敷,能在夜间睡觉前应用。

    Fomentation with warm water , cotton wool and Dettol or salt should be applied at night before sleep .

  27. 当我们走路时,我们看着清洁窗户的人用暖水清洗华盛顿的窗户。

    While we were walking , we were watching window washers wash Washington 's windows with warm washing water .

  28. 大海鲈一种大西洋暖水大鲈鱼,(大海鲈),居于美国东南海岸附近。

    A large grouper ( Epinephelus nigritus ) of warm Atlantic waters off the southeast coast of the United States .

  29. 出现种类多数以近岸广布种和近岸低盐种为主,少数是近岸性暖水种和外洋性热带种。

    The dominant species are neritic eurytopic and low salinity species , a few individuals belong to tropical oceanic species .

  30. 无冷温性种。东海(鱼叚)虎鱼类有37种,其中暖水性种有22种(59.5%);

    The East China Sea area has 37 species , of which 22 are the warm-water species ( 59.5 % );