- 网络Intelligent Design

It changes no curriculum and does not expressly lobby for creationism or intelligent design .
May Intelligent Design Replace Evolution ? Moreover , it does not make one intelligent-design theory more reasonable than another .
Moreover , it does not make one intelligent-design theory more reasonable than another .
Intelligent design advocates have said sudden shifts in the fossil record are evidence of a higher power creating new animal forms .
At issue is whether this innocuous-sounding measure is actually a back door that would allow teachers to introduce creationism and intelligent design into science classrooms .
Many such bills , including Tennessee 's , share a common parent : a " Model Academic Freedom Statute on Evolution " written and posted by the Discovery Institute , a conservative think-tank that has long advocated intelligent design .
Many state and federal court cases have not only prohibited the teaching of creationism and intelligent design in public-school classrooms , but have also restrained teachers from introducing arguments against evolution in contravention of a school district 's curriculum .