
  • 网络intellectual skill;mental Skill
  1. 在智力技能的研究中,对规则的研究又是其中的一个核心问题。

    Psychologists have studied intellectual skills since the 1960s when they began to study problem solving .

  2. 智力技能的研究一直是认知心理学和教育心理学研究的重要课题在20世纪60年代心理学家开始研究问题解决时,对智力技能的研究就开始了。

    The issue on intellectual skills is an important question being discussed in the field of cognitive psychology and educational psychology .

  3. 浅谈长拳教学中的智力技能教法

    An Introduction of Intelligent Technique Teaching Method in Long Boxing Teaching

  4. 阅读是一种从书面语中获得意义的心理过程;也是一种智力技能。

    Reading is a psychological process of acquiring information from the written language .

  5. 高校体育教育专业体育智力技能教学初探

    Research on the PE Intellectual Skill Teaching

  6. 论智力技能认知结构能力理论

    The Ability Theory of Intelligence-skills-cognitive Structure

  7. 阅读是获取知识的重要途径,也是基本的智力技能。

    Reading is an important way to acquire knowledge as well as a basic of intelligence skill .

  8. 本文阐述了心理技能的涵义、特征及其与动作技能、智力技能的联系与区别。

    This essay describes the concept and characteristics of psychological skill and its difference with movement , intelligence skills .

  9. 他们以情绪智力技能理论为基础编制出英文版的情绪智力技能问卷。

    On the basis of the framework , they developed Questionnaire of Emotional Intelligence Skills ( English version ) .

  10. 本文总结了计算机系在学生创造性智力技能培养方面的一些认识和做法,以供同行借鉴。

    The paper summerizes for reference knowledges and methods accumulated by Computer Department on how to improve student 's creative intelligence .

  11. 通过文献资料法、实验测量法对篮球运动员的防守意识进行了研究,认为篮球意识属于智力技能的范畴,是运动员对篮球信息的自动化加工过程。

    The result indicates that basketball consciousness belongs to the intelligence skills , and it is a automatic process in which the players make use of basketball information .

  12. 3情绪智力技能与心理健康有着极其显著的相关,而与传统的智力、学业成绩的关系并不紧密;

    Skills of emotional intelligence had a high correlation with mental health , but there is no much relationship between skills and traditional intelligence , academic achievement in school .

  13. 分析了高等职业教育课程的影响因素,讨论课程内容的选择原则,认为主要职业技能应满足智力技能和创造性技能;

    Analyzed the influencing factors of the Higher vocational Education and discussed the selective principle of Curriculum Content : The main vocational skill is mental skill and productive skill ;

  14. 结果表明:在资优中学生中,情绪智力技能水平较高者与情绪智力技能水平较低者相比,前者在诸多个性因素方面优于后者。

    The result shows that among gifted high school science students , compared with the students with lower EIS , those with higher EIS have advantages in many personality factors .

  15. 高等职业教育肩负着促进就业和人的全面发展的“双重目标”,必须坚持智力技能主导的能力观、直面岗位与岗位群的专业观、基于工作过程的课程观。

    We should insist on the capability view of the intellectual abilities and skills , the professional view of confronting the jobs and job groups and the view of working process-based curriculum theory .

  16. 认为科学过程技能是科学家进行科学研究活动所必备的基本技能,包括智力技能和动作技能,其中以智力技能为核心。

    Science process skills were known as the basic skills that scientists needed in their scientific research . It consists of intelligence skill and experimental hand-on skill . The core is the intelligence skill .

  17. 最后结合三个典型的案例分析了情绪智力技能发展的三种模式即平衡高型、平衡低型与不平衡型。

    The development of skills is unique to individuals , so we analyzed three development model with three typical cases . The three models were balanced and high , balanced and low , unbalanced .

  18. 关于操作技能和智力技能形成与发展的普通认知心理学,一直是高校美术专业技能训练课程教学论的基础;

    The ordinary cognitive psychology of the formation and development of the operation skill and the intelligence skill is always the foundation of the teaching theory of the fine arts skill training classes in colleges .

  19. 基于此,我们在智力技能认知结构能力理论的基础上,建构了新的物理能力基本理论观察、实验能力;

    Based on this , grounding on the ability theory of intelligence , skill and cognition structure , we construct the new basic theory of physical ability , including the ability of observation and experiment ;

  20. 文章认为,智力技能作为心智活动方式,对提高思维能力和学习效率,从而也更好的习得和灵活运用动作技能具有重要意义。

    The author thinks that intellectual faculties , as a way of mental activity , can promote students ' thinking and learning efficiency , and thus have great significance in making students understand better and use the skills more flexibly .

  21. 针对体育教育专业教学过程中忽视体育智力技能教学的现状,从认知心理学的角度,对体育智力技能的教学进行探索,旨在构建体育智力技能教学模式,促进体育专业学生智力技能的培养。

    Based on the situation that the PE intellectual skill is ignored , the author explored the PE intellectual skills from the angle of cognition psychology , with the aim of constructing the PE intellectual skills teaching model and promoting the culturing of the PE intellectual skills .

  22. 自称有知识、智力、技能等

    State that one has knowledge , understanding , a skill , etc

  23. 数据处理和分析表明,情绪智力各个技能之间存在相关正相关或者负相关的联系。

    The data analyses show that the EI sub-skills correlate with each other in either positive or negative way .

  24. 物理实验中观测能力的培养是提高学生智力与技能训练重要一环。

    Training the ability of observation in physical experiment is the most important way to improve students ' intelligence and skill .

  25. 确保新员工明白,他们因其智力和技能而被雇佣,而非公司企图从他们那儿获取其前任雇主的商业机密。

    Make sure new employees understand they are being hired for their brainpower and skill , not to obtain trade secrets from former employers .

  26. 现代人力资本理论认为,员工的智力和技能是人力资源质量的重要组成部分,培训是企业人力资源增值的重要途径,是资本投资回报的最好方式。

    Modern human capital theory refers to the intelligence and skill of employee are important parts of human resource 's of human resource and the best way of capital investment .

  27. 现代认知心理学已经揭示出学生已经掌握的低级知识、智力、技能是学习高级知识、智力、技能的先决条件。

    Modern psychology on recognition has shown that the low-level knowledge , intelligence and skills the students have mastered are the basic prerequisites of learning high-level knowledge , intelligence and skills .

  28. 随着社会主义市场经济、知识经济、信息经济的快速发展,现代企业人力资源管理正逐步走向对人的知识、智力、技能和实践创新能力的管理。

    With the rapid development of socialist economy , knowledge economy , information economy , human resources management is gradually moving towards the management of personnel 's knowledge , intelligence , skill , ability of practice and originality .

  29. 本文根据散打项目的特点、优秀运动员的模式特征及遗传学的基本理论等,提出了散打运动员的形态、机能、素质、心理、智力及技能方面的选材指标与方法。

    This paper put forwarded the scientific selection standard and method of body physique , function , fitness , mental , intellect and skill of sanda athletes based on the basic theory of elite athlete pattern characteristics and genetics .

  30. 它是在以人为本管理强调人的主体作用,围绕着调动人的积极性、主动性和创造性的活动进行管理的前提下,着重对人的知识、智力、技能和实践创新能力的管理。

    What it does in the management is to take a person as the dominant factor and arouse personal enthusiasm , initiative and creativity , especially to lay stress on the management of personal knowledge , intelligence , skill and creativity .