
qíng kōng
  • clear sky;cloudless sky;serene
晴空 [qíng kōng]
  • [clear sky] 晴朗的天空

  • 晴空万里

晴空[qíng kōng]
  1. 星星在晴空中闪烁。

    Stars glittered in a clear sky .

  2. 利用MODIS地表双向反照率产品(MOD43B1),结合地表海拔高度和地表覆盖类型资料,计算并分析了中国地区晴空反照率的时空分布,以及地表反照率与地形和地表覆盖的关系。

    Using MODIS surface albedo product ( MOD43B1 ) of 2002 , combining elevation and land cover data , surface albedo under clear sky over China area is computed and its spatial and temporal distribution is analyzed .

  3. Air(初三适用)晴空条件下光照度和辐射照度的关系

    Air conditioners relations between irradiance and illuminance under cloudless sky

  4. 什么?response:反应看一下外面B我第一反应是clearblue:净蓝晴空万里无云。

    Blair : What ? - Serena : Take a look outside , B. my first response Would be that the sky is a clear blue easy .

  5. 基于MODIS数据估算晴空陆地光合有效辐射

    Estimation of Land Photosynthetically Active Radiation in Clear Sky Using MODIS

  6. 欢快地,愉快地n.车头灯;<古>光辉,辉煌晴空鲜黄色一个聪明的见解

    eg a bright sky bright yellow a bright idea

  7. 利用MODIS卫星资料反演中国地区晴空地表短波反照率及其特征分析

    Retrieval of the Surface Albedo under Clear Sky over China and Its Characteristics Analysis by Using MODIS Satellite Date

  8. 分析比较了GPS探测结果与同时同地点MODIS遥感资料反演的大气总水汽量,对晴空条件下MODIS遥感结果的精度进行了评价。

    The values of atmospheric water vapor retrieved by GPS are compared with those retrieved by MODIS to validate the result based on the MODIS data .

  9. 本文基于GIS技术,利用DEM获取地形因子,在GIS中建立了晴空太阳直接辐射模型。

    This paper presents a model for estimating daily direct solar radiation . The model is based on technology and theory of GIS , using DEM to caculate slope , aspect and shading .

  10. 介绍了利用GMS-5卫星云图资料获得晴空、半透明云或碎云和高、中、低云的方法。

    This paper presents the method for the generation of clouds based on GMS5 images .

  11. 运用统计方法,建立了不同时空尺度的数字月晴空指数估算模式DCIM。

    Clearness index models for different temporal and spatial scales are statistically established .

  12. 最后,讨论了AIRS探测器序列定位误差对其观测值、晴空订正辐射强度和云特性反演的影响。

    Finally , we discuss the AIRS measurement artifact due to detector array misregistration , which affects the subsequent cloud-clearing and cloud properties retrieval .

  13. 精致而娇弱的樱花沿公园的河畔小径绽放,欣赏这稍纵即逝之美的同时,从那里还能看到东京晴空塔(TokyoSkytree)的全貌,这是目前世界最高的塔,高2080英尺(约634米)。

    The delicate blossoms " fleeting beauty blooms along the park 's riverside all é e , which also offers unobstructed views of the futuristic 2080-foot-tall Tokyo Skytree , currently the world 's tallest tower .

  14. 根据收集到的100例飞行中晴空颠簸的实际资料,利用环境技术应用(ETA)模式对该简化方程进行了检验。

    In addition , this simplified equation was tested using the environmental technical application ( ETA ) mode and the data of 100 cases of clear air turbulence ( CAT ) in flight .

  15. 本文提出了一种利用NOAA-14极轨卫星甚高分辨率辐射计(AVHRR)可见光和近红外两个通道的反射率资料遥感晴空条件下、均匀下垫面上整层大气气溶胶光学厚度的双通道方法。

    A two-channel algorithm is developed to retrieve aerosol optical thickness using data of AVHRR on board NOAA-14 for cloudless atmosphere over uniform underlying surface .

  16. 对纽约来说是自由女神像(StatueofLiberty),巴黎是埃菲尔铁塔(EiffelTower),里约热内卢有救世主耶稣雕像(ChristtheRedeemer),日本首都东京现在则依靠其新建的高耸入云的晴空塔(Skytree)来吸引游客。

    For New York it 's the Statue of Liberty , for Paris it 's the Eiffel Tower , Rio de Janeiro has the statue of Christ the Redeemer and Tokyo is now banking on its soaring new Skytree to bring in visitors .

  17. 青藏高原晴空反照率与地面反照率关系的研究为利用AVHRR资料反演青藏高原地面反照率的数值分布图提供了理论依据和具体方法。

    In order to determine the surface albedo distribution over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau region from NOAA-9 AVHRR data , the research for the relationship between clear-sky planetary and surface albedo will present the theory rests and the concrete method .

  18. 实验室测试和晴空飞行测试表明,在一定的条件下,仪器灵敏度指标达到0.2K;

    The tests both in laboratory and on the airplane suggest that under certain conditions the tested sensibility can be less than or equal to 0.2K .

  19. GMS5反演中国几类典型下垫面晴空地表温度的日变化及季节变化

    Diurnal and seasonal variation of clear-sky land surface temperature of several representative land surface types in China retrieved by GMS 5

  20. 借鉴MODIS云检测算法的地表生态分型和可信度思想,结合可见光和红外两方面的检测项目,介绍了为云相态分析提供输入的晴空像元检测方法。

    Using the idea of confidence level and different geography ecotypes classification in the MODIS cloud mask algorithm , two groups of test ( visible and infrared ) were combined , the method of clear sky detection was introduced to afford the input for the cloud phase analysis .

  21. 依据建立的3mm波段晴空亮温理论模型,对晴空3mm天空亮温进行了理论和实验研究,提出了根据地面气候条件来求取天空亮温的简单实用方法。

    Mm band , the theoretical and experimental research on 3 ? mm sky brightness temperature was carried out . According to the ground climatic conditions , a simple and practical method for obtaining sky brightness temperature was put forward .

  22. 500、700hPa脊前偏北气流引导近地面冷高压东南移并持续控制河南是造成晴空辐射冷却的主要天气系统;

    The main weather system of clear air radiation is that the north current in the front of ridge at 500 / 700hPa guides the surface cold air to move in southeast direction and controls Henan continuously ;

  23. 影响台风有两类,一类是台风在台湾岛附近登陆或以北海域活动的,其水汽、能量主要以850hPa层输送尤为明显,这类台风云系与暴雨区之间的晴空区明显。

    There are two kinds of typhoons influencing the rainstorm in Shanxi Province . One makes landfall on or moves around the island of Taiwan which transports large amount of vapor and energy at 850 hPa , and the cloud image between the two regions is featured by cloudless sky .

  24. 他站在她的身旁,凝视着晴空。

    He stood beside her peering up at the clear sky .

  25. 晴空状态下飞机尾流的雷达反射模型

    A Radar Reflectivity Model of Aircraft Wake Vortices in Clear Air

  26. 从晴空卫星观测得到的北极变暖趋势。

    Warming trends in the Arctic from clear sky satellite observations .

  27. 她突然之间被晴空乱流吓死了。

    Suddenly she was scared to death of clear air turbulence .

  28. 每年这个时候晴空万里是很常见的。

    Srnny skies are the rule at this time of year .

  29. 答案就像晴空一样清晰!

    Well , the answer is clear as a sunny day !

  30. 近海海面上晴空回波的雷达观测

    Observation of clear air echo by radar over the coastal surface