
  • 网络Tornado Alley
  1. Everbridge的客户现在可以用这套系统联系到3500万名美国人,不论他们身在都市的钢铁丛林里,还是在“龙卷风走廊”的荒原上。

    Everbridge customers currently reach some 35 million Americans , from urban jungles to the plains of tornado alley .

  2. 内布拉斯加州位于龙卷风走廊。

    Nebraska is part of the region known as Tornado Alley .

  3. 下面哪个州位于龙卷风走廊?

    Which of these states is part of Tornado Alley ?

  4. 位于龙卷风走廊上阿肯色州的维洛尼亚在每年这个时候都是相对平静。

    Vilonia , Arkansas , part of tornado alley where twisters are relatively calm at this time of year .

  5. 不过泰勒也许要换个地方无私奉献了,此次与“自然之怒”擦身而过的经历,使得她不得不重新考虑还不要继续留在“龙卷风走廊”生活了。

    However , that selfless service might have to take place elsewhere , as her brush with nature 's fury has since made Taylor rethink living in Tornado Alley .

  6. 龙卷风走廊核心地区平均一个地方每4000年才会有龙卷风经过,即使你设法收集到了台风的所有能量,从长期来说发出的平均电力还不到1瓦。

    The average location in the heart of Tornado Alley has a tornado pass over it only every 4000 years . Even if you managed to absorb all the accumulated energy of the tornado , it would still result in less than a watt of average power output in the long run .