
  • 网络uso;Universal Service Obligation;Universal Service Obligation,USO
  1. 放松管制后,零售竞争一方面打破垄断、提高效率,但另一方面却可能对电力普遍服务义务的实现产生不利影响,并导致管制成本的增加。

    With the advent of deregulation , retail competition raises the efficiency of the electricity industry , but produces unfavourable impact on universal service obligation .

  2. 关于中国邮政普遍服务义务与赢利冲突的探究

    On China 's Universal Postal Service Obligations and Profitable to Explore the Conflict

  3. 发展中国家普遍服务义务的经济分析

    Universal Service Obligations in Developing Countries

  4. 邮政始终将社会效益放在首位,切实履行普遍服务义务。

    The sector has consistently given first place to social effects and sincerely fulfilled its obligation of universal service .

  5. 邮政在承担普遍服务义务、保障公民的基本通信权利以及促进国民经济和社会发展等方面都发挥着其他行业不可替代的重要作用。

    Post office plays an important role that other industries can not replace in the following aspects : undertaking the obligation of universal service , guaranteeing citizens ' basic communication rights and promoting national economy and social development .

  6. 通过分析中国邮政业的产业结构及产业政策,从保证履行邮政业的普遍服务义务和开发竞争性业务等方面,提出了适应中国邮政业发展的产业政策。

    The present article is an analysis of the industrial structure and policies of China 's postal industry , and provides some policy suggestions which can ensure China 's postal industry to provide common service and improve its competitiveness .

  7. 而出于公共性确保的需要,政府还要对特许后的公用事业予以后续规制,这主要包括价格规制、质量规制、对普遍服务义务和公众参与及知情权保障的要求等四个方面。

    For the pursuit of public interest , it needs government regulation in an " after privatization " era , which includes price regulation , quality regulation , general service duties and the guarantee of public participation and the right to be informed .

  8. 通过对公司宏观环境分析,可以了解到函件业务的发展关系到邮政企业履行国家所赋予的普遍服务的义务,因此,公司必须要为函件业务找到出路。

    By analyzing the macro-environment , it is understood that the company is under an obligation to provide universal postal service . Hence , the company has to find a way out for mail service .

  9. 目前,很多国家已经在不同程度上对国家规定的普遍服务的义务做出了承诺,但在实践中,普遍服务的实施还是产生围绕责任和利润之间、公平与效率之间的很多矛盾。

    At present , many countries have varying degrees of state of the universal service obligation to make a commitment , but in practice , the implementation of universal service has many conflicts between corporation obligations and profits , fairness and efficiency of many contradictions .