
  • 网络universal access;universal higher education
  1. 从大众高等教育到普及高等教育

    From Mass Higher Education to Universal Access : The American Advantage

  2. 开放教育资源在我国不仅能够提高高等教育质量,并对普及高等教育,均衡教育发展的地区间不平衡,推动教育公平有重要意义。

    OER in China can not only improve the quality of higher education , but also can to universal access to higher education , make a balanced development between areas and promote fair of education .

  3. 这两者的互补性对我国普及高等教育,推动经济发展和社会进步都会大有益处。

    The complementary action between them are great helpful for popularizing higher education , promoting economy development and social progress .

  4. 二战后,世界高等教育呈现出从精英高等教育向大众和普及高等教育转变的大众化发展趋势。

    After World War II , higher education in the world presented a tendency of turning from developing top higher education to developing popular higher education .

  5. 因此,加大教育发展的力度,加快从精英教育到大众教育的转换,普及高等教育,是充分发挥教育的社会调剂功能的唯一路径。

    So enhancing the development of education , changing elite education to mass education and popularizing higher education can bring into play to the social adjusting function of education .

  6. 大力普及高等教育,实现国民教育的跨越式发展,构建学习型社会和终身教育体系是解决这一问题的重要途径之一。

    And one of the important ways to achieve this is to popularize higher education , accomplish the great advance of national education and construct the study-featured society and the system of lifelong study .

  7. 这些大学,&有些人称之为没有围墙的大学,是普及高等教育工作的前沿阵地,尤其对于那些要依靠全职工作来养家糊口的低收入学生来说,更是这样。

    These colleges without walls , as they are sometimes called , are at the forefront of the effort to broaden access to higher education , especially for low-income students juggling their studies with full-time jobs and families .

  8. 这些大学,——有些人称之为“没有围墙的大学”,是普及高等教育工作的前沿阵地,尤其对于那些要依靠全职工作来养家糊口的低收入学生来说,更是这样。

    These " colleges without walls , " as they are sometimes called , are at the forefront of the effort to broaden access to higher education , especially for low-income students juggling their studies with full-time jobs and families .

  9. 随着高等教育的普及,高等教育面临的问题也越来越多。

    As the popularization of higher education , more and more problems higher education faced .

  10. 回顾改革开放的三十多年,我们教育事业取得了非凡的成就,实现了两大历史性的跨越,具体表现为:义务教育实现普及和高等教育迈入大众化。

    Looked back three decades of reform and opening up , we can conclude that education has two historic leap : Compulsory education to achieve the popularity and higher education into the popularization .

  11. 经济发展彻底改变了上述古老的社会结构:初等教育变得越来越普及,高等教育越来越普通;经济开始依赖于个人的创造性;知识传播开来;交流变得更加活跃。

    Economic development has transformed these ancient structures : primary education has become ever more universal and higher education ever more common ; the economy has become dependent on individual creativity ; knowledge has spread ; and communications have become more dynamic .

  12. 随着以网络技术为代表的信息技术在高等教育领域的应用与普及,高等教育无论是教育主体:教师、学生和教育管理组织,还是客体:知识资源、教育手段等都面临着重大的改革。

    With the application and popularization of information technology , the subjects such as teachers , students and management organizations in higher education need to carry out some important reforms , and the objects such as the resources and education methods need to be reformed as well .

  13. 当前,我国高校的思想政治教育面临着国际形势的深刻变化、国内市场经济的快速发展、计算机网络的迅速普及、高等教育的发展与改革等多方面的挑战。

    At present , China 's ideological and political education in colleges and universities is facing the following challenges : the profound changes of international situation , the rapid development of domestic market economy , the rapid spread of computer networks , the development and reform of higher education .

  14. 在新的历史时期,电大应按照发展开放教育、强化职业教育、拓展技能培训的思路,大力推进职业教育普及和高等教育大众化,为农村社会和谐发展作出新的贡献。

    In new historical time , TVUs should give full play to advance vocational education and higher education popularity , accord to the thinking of ″ developing opening educating , strengthening vocational education , expanding skills training ″, to make the new contribution for the countryside society harmonious development .

  15. 高中阶段教育的普及与高等职业教育的发展

    Popularization of High School Education and Development of Higher Vocational Education

  16. 从大众到普及过程中高等教育质量话语权的变化

    The Change from the Tripartite to Quadrilateral Right to Have a Decisive Say in the Quality of Higher Education

  17. 10多年后的今天,芬兰发达的经济、科技以及接近普及化的高等教育都证明多科技术学院的实验取得了很大成功。

    At present , the advanced economy , technology and nearly universalized higher education of Finland have shown the great success of the experiment of polytechnic institutes .

  18. 为了满足全球化的需要,我国自从1999年以来扩大了各高校的招生以普及国民的高等教育。

    With the determination to popularize the higher education among the common people , China has been broadening the recruitment in the institutions of higher education since 1999 to meet the need of globalization .

  19. 普及化阶段的高等教育系统特征

    Characteristics of the Higher Education System in Its Popularized Phase

  20. 普及教育,发展高等教育,促进教育公正。

    The popularization of education and the development of higher education and the fairness of education .

  21. 现阶段,从教育和人力资源开发自身的情况看,中国已经基本普及了九年义务教育,高中教育正在走向普及,高等教育即将跨过大众化的门槛。

    Nine-year compulsory education has been made universal almost all over China at present . To the present education and the exploration of human resources . The education of senior middle school is becomes universal in China . And so will be higher education .