
chén bào
  • morning paper;morning report
  1. 他在晨报上读到这条消息。

    He read about it in his morning paper .

  2. 他匆匆地浏览了晨报。

    He glanced over the morning paper .

  3. 18岁的大林在接受《都市晨报》采访时说:“与旅游相比,这样的社会实践让我们联系在一起,让我们了解到父母是多么的严厉。”大林是一名高中毕业生,她和12岁的弟弟小林想出了这个主意。

    " Compared to traveling , such social practice connects us and makes us learn how tough our parents are , " said Dalin , 18 , to the City Morning Post . Dalin , a senior high graduate , and her 12-year-old brother Xiaolin came up with the idea .

  4. 据《北京晨报》援引北京市园林局的信息显示,目前,北京约有200万株杨柳树雌株,每年春季都产生大量飞絮。

    Beijing has about 2 million female poplar and willow3 trees which produce catkins to spread their seeds every spring , the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape and Forestry4 ( BMBLF ) was quoted as saying on Wednesday by the Beijing Morning Post .

  5. 《悉尼先驱晨报》(TheSydneyMorningHerald)称,吉拉德将宣布下周一举行领导人投票。

    The Sydney Morning Herald said she would announce a leadership ballot for Monday .

  6. 就在肯尼迪遇刺当天,《达拉斯晨报》(DallasMorningNews)整版刊出了一则颇不吉利的黑边广告,将他描绘为“共产主义的同路人”。

    And on the day , the Dallas Morning News published an ominously black-bordered full-page ad portraying him as a communist fellow-traveller .

  7. 身为《北京晨报》(BeijingMorningNews)记者的王先生很快就发现,北京三家苹果商店的预约提前四周就已经被约满。

    Mr. Wang , a correspondent for the Beijing Morning News , soon discovered that every appointment at all three Beijing Apple stores had been booked four weeks in advance .

  8. 学校发言人告诉《达拉斯晨报》,英语老师sharp任然在等待她的刑事量刑结果。

    A Dallas Independent School District spokesman told the Dallas Morning News that Sharp was placed on leave pending the outcome of the criminal case .

  9. 一边读着当天的晨报(墨水CPI,纸用CPI生产的化学品加工)。

    Whilst reading the morning newspaper ( ink-CPI , paper & processed using chemicals from CPI ) .

  10. 在佛罗里达生活了五年后,夫妇俩在佐治亚州的萨凡纳找到了一处住处。肯德尔在《萨凡纳晨报》(TheSavannahMorningNews)找到了一份特稿编辑的工作。

    After five years in Florida , the couple found a home in Savannah , Ga. Kendall was working as a features editor at The Savannah Morning News .

  11. 该报已经聘请了100名编辑人员,使编辑人员数量净增加大约60人,并推出各种博客和数字产品,包括亚马逊Fire平板电脑上的应用,该应用提供晨报和晚报版本。

    It has hired 100 editorial staff , for a net gain of about 60 , and launched blogs and digital products , including an app on Amazon 's Fire tablet that offers morning and evening editions .

  12. 在Wisterialane又一个如往常般平凡的日子。在一杯咖啡和一份晨报中开始了。

    The day on Wisteria lane began like any other . With a cup of coffee and the morning paper .

  13. 邹先生告诉湖南《潇湘晨报》,他一直是在“吓唬小偷”,实际上也不指望自己的iPhone4能回来。

    Mr Zou told Hunan 's Xiaoxiao Morning Herald he had been " bluffing " and had not expected to recover the iPhone 4 , which is worth around £

  14. 去年,弗拉纳根在《悉尼先驱晨报》(SydneyMorningHerald)上撰文说,这本书前后写了五个版本,才终于满意。

    In an article for The Sydney Morning Herald last year , Mr. Flanagan described how he had written five different versions of the story before he was satisfied .

  15. 一位微博用户写道:头枕不是用来砸玻璃的。这位网友还给出了《北京晨报》(BeijingMorningPost)刊登的一篇文章,文章援引某汽车生产厂家的话说,金属插头只起支撑作用。

    One user wrote that headrests are not made for smashing windows , linking to an article published by the Beijing Morning Post that quoted a car manufacturer stating that headrests are designed for the sole purpose of support .

  16. 澳大利亚报纸《悉尼先驱晨报》(SydneyMorningHerald)报道称,持有澳大利亚护照的SternHu是被拘留的人员之一,堪培拉正要求让其领事人员探访他。

    The Sydney Morning Herald , an Australian newspaper , reported that an Australian passport holder , Stern Hu , was among those arrested and that Canberra was demanding consular access .

  17. 据《北京晨报》周二报道,随着iPhone、iPad在中国越来越走俏,人们开始选择纸质的苹果产品祭奠过世的亲人。

    As iPhones and iPads are getting more popular in China , some people are choosing paper-made Apple goods as offerings to their deceased relatives , the Beijing Morning Post reported Tuesday .

  18. 在接受《晨报》(LeMatin)采访时,马克·豪泽说:选用什么名字让他们关系紧张,他认为我可以帮点儿忙。

    The choice was causing tension between the couple , so he thought I could help , he told Le Matin .

  19. 据半岛晨报报道,央视广告部最近同它的VIP广告商们进行了内部会议,为即将到来的黄金时段广告招标做准备。

    According to the Peninsula Morning Post , CCTV 's Advertisement Department has recently held an inside meeting with its VIP advertisers , preparing for the upcoming Prime-time Advertising Auction .

  20. 包括《悉尼先驱晨报》(SydneyMorningHerald)希恩(PaulSheehan)在内的评论员已拉响了警报,指出澳大利亚购房者在养老金计划与中国投资潮之间腹背受敌。

    Commentators like Paul Sheehan at the Sydney Morning Herald are sounding the alarm , writing that Australian homebuyers are caught ' in a pincer movement between superannuation and Chinese investment . '

  21. 这个数字是《重庆晨报》(ChongqingMorningPost)在相关报道中援引的理财师给出的,前提是这样一个假设:上世纪80年代出生的中国人为了在退休后的20年过上舒服日子,届时每月开支为2000元。

    The number , which comes from financial planners cited in the Chongqing Morning Post , is based on the assumption that workers born in the 1980s will need 2000 yuan ( $ 315 ) per month for 20 years to retire comfortably .

  22. 据半岛晨报报道,央视广告部最近同它的VIP广告商们进行了内部会议,为即将到来的“黄金时段广告招标”做准备。

    According to the Peninsula Morning Post , CCTV 's Advertisement Department has recently held an inside meeting with its VIP advertisers , preparing for the upcoming " Prime-time Advertising Auction . "

  23. 根据《达拉斯晨报》的报道,英语老师LesleyAnnSharp被控诉为与学生发生不正当关系以及持有或制作儿童色情资料,并试图篡改和掩饰证据等罪状。

    Lesley Ann Sharp faces charges of improper relationship between educator and student , possession or promotion of child pornography , tampering with physical evidence and perjury , according to the Dallas Morning News .

  24. 据悉尼先驱晨报报道,德·容格是马来西亚登嘉楼州自行车队选手,上月他回国参加荷兰全国锦标赛,后计划乘坐MH17航班飞回吉隆坡。

    De Jonge , who is part of the Terengganu Cycling Team based in Malaysia , had booked a seat on Flight MH17 , planning to return to Kuala Lumpur after taking part in national championships in his native Holland earlier this month , the Sydney Morning Herald reported .

  25. 包括欧洲大陆式早餐和一份晨报。

    That includes a continental breakfast and a morning news parer .

  26. 他匆匆地浏览了晨报然后出去了。

    He glanced over the morning paper and went out .

  27. 亚历克斯在寓所内一边用早餐,一边读晨报上的新闻报道。

    Alex read the morning news story at his apartment over breakfast .

  28. 晚报与晨报的版面大小一样。

    The evening newspaper is the same size as the morning paper .

  29. 英国有许多种“晨报”,既有全国性的,也有地方性的。

    There are many " morning papers ", both national and provincial .

  30. 晨报预先提醒我们注意机场上的严重误点。

    The morning paper warned us of serious delays at the airport .