
  • evening self-study;evening study;Study Hall
  1. 中午、下午和晚自习结束后最后一个离开教室的必须关掉电灯和电扇,并关好门窗。

    After morning periods , afternoon periods or evening self-study periods , the students who leave last must turn off the lights and electric fans , and make sure all the doors and windows are closed .

  2. 学生抽样调查显示:学生在学校中最容易发生安全问题的时间依次为体育课、课外活动、晚自习后、全校集体活动、上实验课或劳动课等。

    The sample survey of students indicates that students at school are most likely to have safety problems in PE Class , in extracurricular activities , after evening study , in collective activities of the whole school , in experiment class or labor class orderly ;

  3. 学校安排有早读和晚自习辅导。

    The school gives the early morning and night coaching arrangements .

  4. 你昨晚晚自习就应该完成家庭作业。

    You were to finish your homework in the evening class last night .

  5. 我们也会好好上晚自习的。

    We should also concentrate on nightly self-study .

  6. 中学生则需要上2或3个小时的晚自习。

    and secondary school pupils do 2 or 3 hours of self-study a night .

  7. 晚饭后,明在去教室晚自习的路上遇见了林。

    After supper , Ming meets Lin on the way to a classroom for night study .

  8. 今天级长跟我调换了晚自习值班的时间,所以今晚就我来值班。

    The praepostor exchanged my duty time of self-study at night , so tonight was my duty .

  9. 在院学生会学习部担任干事期间,我主要负责每晚学生晚自习考勤;

    Students will learn in the hospital served as officers during the night classes I am responsible for student attendance every night ;

  10. 他们大都是在晚自习上课的时候让学生自主学习,自主学习方式也比较单一。

    According to them , students are allowed to learn independently in evening class . And the way of AL is relatively simple .

  11. 晚自习则有老师针对教学中的重难点和学生的薄弱点进行个别辅导。

    At night the teachers will focus on the key and difficult points and the weaknesses of the students for the individual coaching .

  12. 那时是在自家阳台,每天晚自习后锻炼一小时,高中也是,但不是每天。

    At that time , I normally spent an hour or so in exercising at our patio every night after evening classes . I continued throughout high school but not on a daily basis .

  13. 武汉商贸职业学院第一批执行该政策的是三名男生,原因是上周六这三人因为玩游戏没有上晚自习。

    The first to have their acts cleaned up at Wuhan International Culture University was a group of three male students after they were caught skipping class for video games during scheduled nighttime classes last Saturday .